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Montreal: Explosion of Solidarity After Restaurant Fires Worker Days Before Christmas

The following story from the Montreal branch of the IWW details the outpouring of support a worker received after she was fired by a...

Final Straw: Resisting Fascists in Charlotte, NC December 28th

Listen and Download Here This week, the show features two interviews. The first is with an antifascist in Charlotte, NC, about the “March Against Communism” event that MIGHT be...

Still Rising #3 Mixtape

This playlist is dedicated to all of the J20 defendants, the Standing Rock defendants, all those that have lost their lives to police brutality...

Kite Line: Naomi Paik on Rightlessness

Listen and Download Here This week we speak with Naomi Paik about her 2016 book, Rightlessness. Her work addresses the most pressing contemporary issues, drawing together...

Tempe Anarchists Remove Identity Evropa Banner, Put Flames to White Nationalism

Yesterday the Alt-Right neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa placed up several banners on freeways across the US. The following anonymous submission details how long the...

Philadelphia, PA: ATMs Sabotaged in Solidarity with Scout Schultz and Alexis...

Stock photo from ABC The following anonymous communique was submitted to the anarchist counter-information website, Philly Anti-Capitalist, which we repost below. The communique reads: In celebration of Black December some...

Texas: Mentally Ill prisoner Commits Suicide in Solitary at Eastham Ad-Seg...

“Human beings have a tendency to look for the truth in the places where it is easiest to search rather than the places where...

Below & Beyond Trump: Power & Counter-Power in 2017

Prepared by members of the BRRN Analysis and Strategy Committee and approved by the membership. Download a PDF version of this document here. INTRODUCTION This analysis was developed by...

Sydney: Solidarity with all J20 Defendants

Following message of solidarity was sent from antifascists in Sydney, Australia:  Solidarity from antifascists in Sydney with all comrades facing repression for the J20 inauguration...

War on Amazon: Workers Respond As Online Giant Expands

The latest word is that Amazon is planning to open, in the United States, 2000 completely automated convenience stores with no cash registers, hence...

Take Action with New Plug-In: YouTube is a Platform for Fascism

While the white supremacist far-Right has scrambled to regroup after many of their social media accounts, websites, and chat servers have been shut down...

Anarchist Healthcare Workers Respond to Trump’s CDC Censorship

Listen and Download Here Today William talked with two anarchist healthcare workers in Asheville, NC about the Trump administration’s censorship of language regarding the Center for...

This Is Parkdale, Vol. 2, Issue 2: “Gentrification” is the Tip...

Download PDF Here “GENTRIFICATION” IS THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG It seems like everyone nowadays is talking about ‘gentrification’ in the neigh­bourhood, especially now that two...

Montreal: Redecorating the Cegep

Following video comes from the collective in so-called Canada.  The description reads: After the school decided to erase graffiti, local writers and students took action....

Toronto: Tenants Organize Against Rent Increase at 1251 King West

Our neighbours at 1251 King are beginning to organize against an above guideline rent increase at their building. Their landlord, Nuspor Investments, is trying...

First #J20Trial Ends: Round Up as Jury Acquits on All Charges

By early afternoon NO CHARGES and #J20Trial was trending on Twitter, as a jury in the first round of J20 defendants came back with...

Justice for All J20 Defendants: Why the State is Guilty

mass-arresting so many people and blanket-charging them with felonies is practically unprecedented, and for months the defendants faced charges that do not even legally exist. Today,...

To Hell with White Identity Politics, We Want Class War

“We will know better for people. We will be a good elite." - Richard Spencer Across the spectrum of the Right, the various factions have celebrated the...

Gearing Up for January 20, 2018: Week of Outreach & Solidarity

This list will be updated as new events are announced! Want to add yours to the list? Email us at info  itsgoingdown  org.  On January 20, 2018,...

Despite Budget of 6 Billion, Seattle Declares War on the Homeless

The following report and analysis comes from the General Defense Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). It discusses that despite the...

Philadelphia, PA: Anathema Volume #3 Issue 10

Here’s the latest agitational issue of Philadelphia’s anarchist periodical, Anathema: Volume 3 Issue 10 (PDF for printing 11 x 17) Volume 3 Issue 10 (PDF for reading 8.5...
mass-arresting so many people and blanket-charging them with felonies is practically unprecedented, and for months the defendants faced charges that do not even legally exist. Today, after nearly a year of suspense, the first six J20 defendants to go to trial were declared innocent of all charges. They are only six of over...
Photo from RVA MAG, Madelyne Ashworth According to the End of the Line podcast, which chronicles anti-pipeline fights across the US, there is growing opposition to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) and Mountain Valley Pipelines (MVP) among rural residents in Virginia, where both watersheds and over 300 homes are threatened with pollution and...
The following story from the Montreal branch of the IWW details the outpouring of support a worker received after she was fired by a vegan restaurant only days before Christmas over a text message. News of the firing went viral and in the wake of the news, support and...
Yesterday the Alt-Right neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa placed up several banners on freeways across the US. The following anonymous submission details how long the one in Tempe, Arizona lasted. Identity Evropa was one of the key groups which organized and participated in the deady Unite the Right rally in...
Prepared by members of the BRRN Analysis and Strategy Committee and approved by the membership. Download a PDF version of this document here. INTRODUCTION This analysis was developed by ongoing discussions among members of the Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) Anarchist Federation’s Analysis and Strategy Committee and sent as a discussion document to...
The latest word is that Amazon is planning to open, in the United States, 2000 completely automated convenience stores with no cash registers, hence no cashiers, and under total monitoring with facial recognition of the customers and real-time analysis of their gestures. On entering you make your smartphone beep...