Saturday , December 30 2017
Home / Culture and Society / Spirituality


The Orchid Show: Thailand – New York Botanical Garden’s 15th Orchid Exhibit

The variety of orchids is stellar; one appreciates so many intricate shapes and flamboyant hues of the hybrids landscaped with ferns, bromeliads, palms, ficus, bamboo, mat dai and more. It is a festival for the eyes.

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New York Botanical Garden Poet Laureate Billy Collins and Poet Eamon Grennan Read and Chat Poetry

For twenty-five years the Poetry Society of America has been an active presence and voice in New York City. They have sponsored “Poetry in Motion” posting poems and having poets read their poems on NYC subways. They have also worked in concert with the New York Botanical Garden creating placards …

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Halloween Symbols – The Black Cat

Along with the witch in flight and grinning and jack-o-lantern, the black cat in full arched-back fright mode is among THE iconic symbols of Halloween. Even to this day, who doesn’t feel a little charge when a black cat streaks across one’s path, especially on Halloween? Cats have been variously worshiped or reviled throughout human history, but they have almost always been seen as magical and otherworldly.

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