Victorian Division

Welcome to the Victorian Division of the National Tertiary Education Union

The NTEU is a progressive organisation devoted to the enhancement and protection of the tertiary education sector and all its staff. 

Division News

    1. How To Get Involved In NTEU Refugee Rights Activities

      Like me, many NTEU members are deeply concerned about the continuing abuse of asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and...

    2. NTEU calls to evacuate the Men on Manus

       NTEU National Executive recently carried the following motion:  "The Manus catastrophe is critically important...

    3. 133 out of 150 electorates voted YES to marriage equality

      The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) welcomes the positive marriage equality survey results released this morning and...

    4. Release of Report - "How secure do you feel?"

      The NTEU have today released the report 'How secure do you feel?' that examines the impact insecure work has upon...

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Other News

  1. How To Get Involved In NTEU Refugee Rights Activities

    Posted 6 December 2017 by Colin Long (Vic Division)

  2. Update on Matters Affecting Professional Staff in University of Melbourne Bargaining

    Posted 29 November 2017 by Lisbeth Latham (University of Melbourne)

  3. NTEU calls to evacuate the Men on Manus

    Posted 28 November 2017 by Jeannie Rea (NTEU National Office)

  4. QUTE: Marriage equality survey announcement video

    Posted 17 November 2017 by Jeannie Rea (NTEU National Office)

  5. 133 out of 150 electorates voted YES to marriage equality

    Posted 15 November 2017 by Jeannie Rea (NTEU National Office)

  6. Activists and Delegates End of Year BBQ 2017

    Posted 14 November 2017 by Toby Cotton (Vic Division)

  7. Media Alert: 2017 NTEU Lecture by The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG

    Posted 14 November 2017 by Andrew MacDonald (NTEU National Office)