We seek your urgent intervention to protect the right to freedom of speech, expression, political communication and of religion for six Australian citizens who face up to seven years in jail for a peaceful protest in which they were praying and playing musical instruments.

In September 2016, several hundred Australians of diverse ages, professions and creeds gathered in Alice Springs to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Pine Gap Agreement.

As part of the peaceful protests near the facility, five Christians prayed and played a musical lament, regarding the role of Pine Gap in war-fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria. They were arrested.

The peaceful and symbolic ceremonies conducted by Margaret Pestorius, Tim Webb, Franz Dowling, Andrew Paine, Jim Dowling, as well as Paul Christie (arrested in a separate incident), were intended to bear witness to the death and suffering of civilians as a result of United States military operations, including drone assassinations, facilitated by surveillance conducted at Pine Gap.

Since their peaceful protests, more evidence has emerged detailing the role of Pine Gap in the activities that concerned the Peace Pilgrims. It implicates Australia in extrajudicial drone assassinations in countries with which we are not at war, in nuclear weapons targeting and in illegal mass surveillance.

Three months after the protest, you authorised the prosecution of these concerned citizens for ‘unlawful entry’ under the Defence Special Undertakings Act 1952 (Cth).

That legislation was drafted at the height of the Cold War to secure areas for British nuclear testing, and it permits prosecutions to be held in secret, and for records of hearings to be destroyed, imposing penalties of up to $42,000 and 7 years in jail.

This prosecution occurs as Australia prepares to serve on the UN Human Rights Council and when UN Rapporteurs have criticised policies, laws and actions of your government that undermine freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the right to protest. These are fundamental civil rights, and they are profoundly important when governments are engaged in the sort of conduct which Pine Gap facilitates.

Five of the defendants are devout Christians. Their faith impelled them to give voice to the teachings of peace and love for humanity and creation found in the Bible.

In this case, where Australian citizens were doing no more than praying and peacefully expressing dissent, prosecuting them is not only grossly inappropriate but a shocking waste of court resources.

We, the undersigned, urge you to exercise your discretion to direct this punitive, disproportionate and expensive prosecution be discontinued before the matter comes to court in Alice Springs on 13 November 2017.

  • Jennifer Robinson, human rights lawyer, Doughty Street Chambers
  • Ben Oquist, Executive Director, The Australia Institute
  • Antony Loewenstein, independent journalist and author
  • Alex Kelly, documentary filmmaker
  • Melinda Taylor, international criminal lawyer
  • Rebecca Peters AO
  • Julian Burnside AO QC
  • Scott Ludlam​, writer, graphic designer, activist​
  • Asher Wolf, journalist, Cryptoparty founder
  • Dr Giordano Nanni, ​founder ​Juice Media
  • Kellie Tranter, lawyer and human rights activist
  • Benedict Coyne, President, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
  • Anthony Kelly, Executive Officer, Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre Inc.
  • Dr Helen Caldicott, President, Beyond Nuclear
  • Professor Brian Martin, University of Wollongong
  • John Pilger, journalist and filmmaker ​
  • Mark Zirnsak, Director, Justice & International Mission, Uniting Church​
  • Elizabeth O’Shea, lawyer
  • Professor Tilman Ruff AM
  • Father Peter Maher OAM
  • Archie Law, Chair, Sydney Peace Foundation
  • Tim Lo Surdo, founding director, Democracy in Colour
  • Richard Tanter, Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
  • Emeritus Professor Joseph A. Camilleri OAM
  • Paddy Manning, journalist
  • Dr Sue Wareham OAM
  • Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees AM, University of Sydney
  • Annette Brownlie, Chairperson IPAN
  • Romina Beistseen, Secretary CICD
  • Helen Razer, writer and broadcaster
  • Professor Robert Moody, Melbourne University
  • Shirley Winton, Spirit of Eureka (Victoria)
  • Jeff Sparrow, writer, editor and broadcaster
  • Dr Margaret Beavis, ​Immediate Past President, ​Medical Association for Prevention of War
  • Andrew Farran, international lawyer
  • Dr. Alison Broinowski, writer and former Australian diplomat
  • Father John Pettit OCSO
  • Chas Licciardello, writer, comedian, broadcaster
  • John Menadue AO, businessperson and former Australian diplomat
  • Cam Walker, National Liaison Officer, Friends of the Earth
  • Rob Stary, criminal defence lawyer, Adjunct Professor of Law Victoria University
  • Bernard Keane, Politics Editor, Crikey
  • Brett Dean, Composer, Viola player
  • Professor Peter Norden AO, Fellow, Australian & New Zealand Society of Criminology
  • Dr Tim Sherratt, University of Canberra
  • Chris Drummond, Theatre Director
  • Paul Barratt, Former Secretary, Dep’t of Defence, President, Australians for War Powers Reform
  • Donna Mulhearn, writer and activist
  • Harold Wilkinson, Quaker Peace and Legislation Committee
  • Anne Sgro OAM, President of Union of Australian Women Victoria
  • Professor Mary Heath, Flinders University
  • Dr. Peter Burdon, Associate Professor, Adelaide Law School, University of Adelaide
  • Dr Sal Humphreys, Media Studies, University of Adelaide
  • Tim Singleton Norton, Chair, Digital Rights Watch
  • Greg Barns , Barrister, Former National President Australian Lawyers Alliance
  • Richard Broinowski, President, AIIA NSW
  • Associate Professor Debra King, Sociology, Flinders University
  • Denis Doherty, national co-ordinator, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
  • Dr Hannah Middleton, peace and justice activist
  • Mary Kostakidis, journalist
  • Frank Moorehouse AM, writer
  • Roger Clarke, UNSW, ANU, Australian Privacy Foundation
  • Amanda Tattersall, Host, ChangeMakers
  • Tim Hollo, Executive Director, the Green Institute
  • Senator Richard Di Natale, Leader of the Australian Greens and Senator for Victoria
  • Adam Bandt MP, Acting Co-Deputy Leader, Australian Greens and Federal Member for Melbourne
  • Senator Janet Rice, Senator for Victoria
  • Senator Lee Rhiannon, Senator for NSW
  • Senator Rachel Siewert, Acting Co-deputy Leader Australian Greens, Senator for Western Australia
  • Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Senator for Tasmania
  • Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator for South Australia
  • David Pledger, artist, curator
  • Jo Vallentine, People for Nuclear Disarmament, W.A.
  • Rob Pyne MP, Independent Member for Cairns
Latest Signatures
394 Patrick Mooney Australian Citizen
393 Sharon Yoxall
392 Mark D'Astoli
391 Andy Jackson
390 Andrew Le Roy
389 Felicity Weaver
388 Trish Cahill
387 Carine Visschers
386 Jeannine Clegg
385 Adam Charlton
384 Nathan Archer Sinisalo Pty Ltd
383 Helen Trueman
382 Chris Trueman
381 Mark Tregonning
380 antoinette dennington
379 Jude & Graham ludlam
378 Nigel Bell Nigel's Caricatures
377 patrick o'rourke weusco
376 Johaana Morley
375 Laura Russell
374 Josh Lindsay
373 Steve Brown
372 Megan Doherty
371 Jeroen Quint
370 Angela Lee
369 Adam Ginger
368 Tom Marwick
367 Jessica Rogers Teacher, South Australia
366 Bruno Tassone
365 Margaret Brown
364 michael sergent
363 Lynne Perry Carer
362 Guy Barnsley Concerned Citizen
361 Elizabeth Allsopp Teacher
360 Robert & Ann Cantwell
359 Sally Donald
358 Lucy Owen
357 Kathryn Herma Co Operative Housing
356 Yvonne Saw
355 nik smulian
354 Eira Clapton Greenwood
353 Lisa McBride
352 Ben Woods
351 Sandra Tichborne
350 Susan Pippet
349 Diane Smith Social worker
348 Alison Hood Social Worker/Counsellor
347 Maya Avramovic
346 Michelle Lewis
345 Rae Price
344 peter blakeley
343 Chris Lemoh
342 Anna Setaro
341 Shelly Graham
340 Beth Warner
339 Melissa Lowe
338 Evelyn P Fitzroy
337 Alana SMITH-CHARNLEY Teacher of young citizens of The World
336 Charlie Swales War is a Racket -SBD
335 Janette Condon
334 Douglas Hynd culture
333 Jim Hadjigeorgiou
332 Dr Mario Schmack sustainability consultant and musician
330 Cheryl Lundin
329 Ryan McCrory Student
328 Sandra Kelly
327 Kristen Davey
326 Taya Nielsen
325 Susan Thiselton
324 Jason Goroncy Whitley College, University of Divinity
323 Nicholas Higgins
322 Evan Wells Rothchilds
321 Chris Woods
320 Lorraine Jeffrey
319 Jessica Harrison
318 Hayley Buchanan The Octopi Garden Sanctuary
317 Geoff Holland World Peace Now ॐ
316 Christopher Wright The University of Sydney
315 sylvia conway
314 Andrejs Zamurs Retired
312 Bernadette Saunders Private
311 kate Arnold
310 Eric Oliver
309 Lynda Forbes Newcastle
308 Valerie Weier
307 Ally Jensen RN, Wiradjuri
306 Dr. David Scrimgeour AM Spinifex Health Service, Tjuntjuntjara
305 Bonny Cooper
304 Stephen Fodrocy Student
303 molly moate
302 Michael Wholohan human being
301 Kate Browne Lawyer
300 Kate Howes Support Worker
299 Pete Blay
298 Debbie Sheridan
297 Neville Quigley
296 Rae Quigley
295 Susan Breeze School administrators
294 Daryl Gibson Manning Point
293 Nicole Scott Educator
292 Veronica Agass
291 Margaret Alexander amilliontinyfibres
290 Myra Gold Activist Feminist
289 John Denholm
288 Kamala Emanuel Socialist Alliance
287 Katherine Nicholson Private
286 Lawrence Wray
285 Michael Porteus
284 Alyssa Bird
283 Myree Harris OAM RSJ Coalition for Appropriate Supported Accommodation (CASA)
282 Michelle Fahy
281 Becky Bond Baton Rouge Underground
280 frank malone
279 Erin Reece
278 Michelle Abrahmz Regents Park
277 Glenn Warwick private citizen
276 Jason Coggo
275 Janja Peschel Manager
274 Elizabeth Morter
273 Jo Horsburgh
272 Antoinette Riley Self
271 Marnee Zamora Midwife
270 Sherry Burkitt
269 Clare MacDonald Sunday Sanctuary
268 Bob Aikenhead La Trobe University
267 Danny Neumann Psychologist
266 N Dawson
265 Kirsten Nielsen
264 Max Fowler-Roy
263 Karen Desouza
262 Neil Westin
261 Emma Potter
260 Arhtur Suwele Australia
259 Raven Lepage Halls Gap
258 Judith Peppard N/A
257 Amanda Hannah
256 Jacqui Hilton
255 Kim Lucas Kamerunga
254 Q_isagainst PineGap Truth Seeker
253 Jilli Manning
252 Michele Cochrane Balmoral
251 David Laczko
250 Cameron Gaffney
249 Leonie Saunders
248 Sandy Hay City of Lake Maquarie
247 Angela Holland Christian
246 Holly Porter
245 Fiona Norquay
244 sandra cairns
243 Sandy Siddle
242 Susan Leach
241 David Hollis Anti Fascist Organiser
240 Sean Burke
239 Hugh Murdoch TIMBER
238 Anne Christophers
237 Stephen Fugate Vietnam Veterans Against the War
236 Margie Salmon Retired
235 Hollie Bailey
234 Anne Price Quaker
233 Tria Manley
232 Kerry Baker
231 Anu Algama
230 Barbara Kerl School Teacher
229 MAUREEN LUCAS Member of the Australian Psychological Society
228 Keith Woolsey
227 Jill Koppel
226 Ken Little Humanist
225 Jim Dodrill Australian Citizen
224 June Young Self
223 Kim Dawson TOOWOOMBA
222 Greg Mackay
221 Rose Lane
220 Megan Jones
219 Gerard Burford Artist
218 David Rivett Self employed musician for peace
217 ross flutter springhillcommunity.org
216 John Pratt Retired after 25 years service in the RAN, RAAF & Australian Army
215 Veronica Backhouse
214 Roxanne Kennedy-Perriman
213 Boyce Argus
212 Vikki King
211 Rita Metzenrath
210 Ian Kaye
209 Christine Stanton
208 Jan Murray
207 Richard Lea
206 Rita Warleigh International Volunteers for Peace
205 Berenice Shelley
204 Helen Taylor Australian Citizen
203 Jean John
202 Father Frank ANDERSEN MSC Catholic Church
201 Phoebe Johnston
200 Monique Johnston
199 penelope hildyard
198 Richard Lane Merino
197 Peter Whyte
196 Alan Clayton Quaker
195 Nick Browning Retired
194 Lynda Forbes Hunter Peace Group
193 Juliet Walker
192 miriam torzillo
191 Bernadette Morham HiddenForRest Massages
190 Anne Monichon
189 Anita Cali Be the change
188 Penny Heley Quaker
187 Catherine Wadley Right to freedom of speech and expression
186 Mark Hyde Socialist Alliance
185 Susan Prince An individual with conscience
184 Geoffrey McLean Quaker
183 Nils von Kalm
182 Bruce Henry
181 Robert Rands
180 Jennifer Richards
179 Brad Drew
178 rebecca walker
177 Kathy Damm
176 susan wright
175 Diana Solomon
174 Lee-Gwen Booth Redfern
173 Kim Collett
172 Marion Harper Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church
171 Rhoda Dorrell Religious Society of Friends 'Quakers'
170 Dawn Joyce Quaker Grannies for Peace
169 Bernard Tonkin centralvicdivest.org
168 gordon may quakers
167 Margid Bryn-Burns Just Peace
166 Helen Bayes Quakergrannies4peace
165 Alex Kesik I.T
164 Lara Pullin Peace House Indigenous Solidarity
163 Kea Cranko USYD
162 Kerry Laws Uranium Free NSW
161 Peter J Griffin Pax Christi.
160 Andrew Greig Coordinator Nonlethal Security for Peace Campaign
159 Tamalii Laloulu
158 Michelle Berkon
157 Valerie Joy Alternatives to violence Qld
156 Frank Burton insidetours
155 Norma Forrest
154 Giz Watson FLOREAT
153 Jake Lynch Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney
152 Adrian Glamorgan researcher, journalist
151 Reg Tydell
150 Alex Bainbridge Socialist Alliance
149 Yasmin Rittau Concerned Australian
148 Annie Costin WILF
147 Pip Hinman Sydney Stop the War Coalition
146 Abi King-Jones
145 Silver Moon
144 Margaret Bearlin Wilpf
143 Mark Taylor Australian Services Union
142 Simon Wells Teacher, Queensland
141 Sam Quinlan
140 Sharon Callaghan Wollongong
139 Wendy Orams
138 Duncan Lannan
137 Bernadette McPhee
136 Klaus Frohlich
135 Simon Wood
134 Maureen Arnott
133 Ben Kreunen
132 Jeni Thornley Anandi Films
131 Aimee Tang
130 Carole Powell human rights monitor , concerned Australian citizen
129 Adam Grullemans
128 Alex Bell
127 Rosemary McKay Semaphore
126 Gillian Rosser
125 mark shuliga marqee media
124 Jurate Grigonis
123 Peter Grullemans Sydney West Peace Group
122 Lenore Harrigan Concerned Australian
121 Chery Gladman
120 Gerard Sutterby
119 Wendy Egan
118 Isabel Dupuy Concerned citizen.
117 Russ Hermann Spontaneous Productions
116 Maree Delofski
115 Graham Preston Protect Life
114 Kez Majkut
113 Shiffi Blustein
112 Andrew (Andy) Alcock SA Unions Retired Unionists Association
111 Nick Deane Marrickville Peace Group
110 Irene Gale AM. DipT. ALCM
109 Gil Scrine Antidote Films Pry Ltd
108 Beverley Polzin Peace and Social Justice Network, Religous Society of Friends (Quaker) Victoria Regional Meeting
107 Anthony Burke Professor, UNSW
106 John Miller WRL
105 Ben Baker
104 caroline norma
103 Simon Moyle
102 Treena Lenthall Frontline Films
101 Leonnie Blumson
100 Rosemary Mattingley
99 pete Mitchell pinko greeno dole bludging poofta hippie barstad
98 Laura Elkin
97 Velvet Eldred Humanity agsinst wsr
96 Bethany Davey
95 Chris White retired
94 Lore Deneve Highschool teacher
93 Lisa Ronneberg
92 joelle Cullen ASAP Entertainment
91 clarissa de castro
90 Susan Girard
89 Andrew Bath
88 Ruaela Rusch
87 Kieron Michaels
86 Deborah Hendry
85 Gaye Demanuele
84 Eileen Hart
83 Catherine Hart
82 Deborah Sharp Concerned voter
81 Jessica Morrison Concerned Australian
80 Dale Nason
79 Barbara Biddle
78 Rosemary Glaisher
77 Mary Paunovic
76 Susan Ambler
75 Trevor Bail
74 Ros elliott
73 dale hess
72 Gerhard Weihermann Beyond Bentley
71 Felicity Ruby
69 Pen Donovan
68 Romina Beitseen
67 Martin Reusch
66 Chris Weeks Front Line Arts Collective
65 Kane Rainsford
64 Michelle Grayden IDWP
63 Patricia Gates
62 Kathleen Moody Avalon Amnesty group/Avalon Baptist Church
61 bob hart
60 Julienne Webb Quaker
59 Jonathan Pilbrow Alice Springs Peace Action Think Tank
58 Steffi Leedham
57 patricia zinn WILPF Women's International League of Peace and Freedom)
56 Hanna Navara Frontlineunity
55 Claudio Pompili
54 Clinton Hohneck The revolution
53 Dallas de Brabander Singer/songwriter activist
52 Sarah Isaacs Secretary FoE FNQ
51 Dimity Hawkins
50 Jeffrey Cantor
49 Daniel Brown Rite of Strings
48 Deborah Beagley
47 Terry Spackman
46 Jennifer Cropley
45 Rebecca Horridge Peacebus
44 Zelda Grimshaw Mothers of Intervention
43 Father Claude Mostowik msc Pax Christi Australia
42 Jeannie Rea
41 Dr Jason MacLeod The University of Sydney
40 Laurie MacSween
39 karen allen leycester
38 Faith Coleman
37 Ilo Guerrero
36 Graeme Dunstan Peacebus.com
35 Daya Pepper
34 Zachary Van Haaften
33 Scarlett Squire
32 Peri Coleman Quaker
31 Justin Tutty BaseWatch
30 Adam Dempsey
29 Kathleen McLeod
28 Bruno Menage
27 Jordan Brown Freelance Journalist
26 Sarah Harvey
25 Ron Witt
24 Tony Robertson
23 Vivienne Porzsolt Jews against the Occupation
22 Paul Heywood
21 Helen Wornham Salvation Army
20 Winnifred Louis
19 Christa Oberwalder
18 Jessie Smith Stary Norton Halphen
17 margot huthnance buddhist
16 Erin Reece
15 Fiona Kerr Teacher
14 Janine Cowie
13 Jasmine Payget
12 Jessminka Sharp Dept of Education
11 Harry Kerr Pax Christi Victoria
10 Debra King Rise Up Singing
9 Jo Inkpin
8 Anne Lanyon Member Catholic Nonviolence Australia Group
7 diana taurian
6 Alison Croggon Writer
5 Lynne Saville RN, Member MAPW, Greens Councillor Willoughby
4 Seamus Campbell
3 Fran O’Toole social worker
2 Cate Adams Wage Peace
1 Glenn Todd Director, Dvize Creative

Sign on Here

Brandis Letter


We seek your urgent intervention to protect the right to freedom of speech, expression, political communication and of religion for six Australian citizens who face up to seven years in jail for a peaceful protest in which they were praying and playing musical instruments.

In September 2016, several hundred Australians of diverse ages, professions and creeds gathered in Alice Springs to mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Pine Gap Agreement.

As part of the peaceful protests near the facility, five Christians prayed and played a musical lament, regarding the role of Pine Gap in war-fighting in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria. They were arrested.

The peaceful and symbolic ceremonies conducted by Margaret Pestorius, Tim Webb, Franz Dowling, Andrew Paine, Jim Dowling, as well as Paul Christie (arrested in a separate incident), were intended to bear witness to the death and suffering of civilians as a result of United States military operations, including drone assassinations, facilitated by surveillance conducted at Pine Gap.

Since their peaceful protests, more evidence has emerged detailing the role of Pine Gap in the activities that concerned the Peace Pilgrims. It implicates Australia in extrajudicial drone assassinations in countries with which we are not at war, in nuclear weapons targeting and in illegal mass surveillance.

Three months after the protest, you authorised the prosecution of these concerned citizens for ‘unlawful entry’ under the Defence Special Undertakings Act 1952 (Cth).

That legislation was drafted at the height of the Cold War to secure areas for British nuclear testing, and it permits prosecutions to be held in secret, and for records of hearings to be destroyed, imposing penalties of up to $42,000 and 7 years in jail.

This prosecution occurs as Australia prepares to serve on the UN Human Rights Council and when UN Rapporteurs have criticised policies, laws and actions of your government that undermine freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the right to protest. These are fundamental civil rights, and they are profoundly important when governments are engaged in the sort of conduct which Pine Gap facilitates.

Five of the defendants are devout Christians. Their faith impelled them to give voice to the teachings of peace and love for humanity and creation found in the Bible.

In this case, where Australian citizens were doing no more than praying and peacefully expressing dissent, prosecuting them is not only grossly inappropriate but a shocking waste of court resources.

We, the undersigned, urge you to exercise your discretion to direct this punitive, disproportionate and expensive prosecution be discontinued before the matter comes to court in Alice Springs on 13 November 2017.

[your signature]

394 signatures

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