Why CEO Jennen Ngiau-Keng trekked to Everest Base Camp solo and unprepared

Jennen Ngiau-Keng likes nothing better than to find out what makes other places and their people remarkable.
Jennen Ngiau-Keng likes nothing better than to find out what makes other places and their people remarkable. Peter Bottrell

Musician and CEO of Taller Shoes Jennen Ngiau-Keng trekked solo to Everest Base Camp, relying on age-old techniques to survive. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy?

Economy. I'm 170 centimetres, so I don't need the extra leg room that comes with flying business or first class. I'm a relaxed traveller, so economy suits me perfectly.

Favourite travel destination?

Jennen Ngiau-Keng:  Footware can make or break the ease and enjoyment of a holiday or work trip.
Jennen Ngiau-Keng: Footware can make or break the ease and enjoyment of a holiday or work trip. Supplied

Kuala Lumpur. Apart from the fact that I love escaping to the warmth, I have family there and, due to my orchestral commitments, close friends.

Favourite airport?

I'm a fan of Hobart. Along with the feeling of escape, the arrival experience when you step off the plane can set the tone for your trip. I have always found the staff are friendly and accommodating, which helps me feel relaxed, whether I'm flying for work or pleasure.

If I ran my own airline I would...

Ensure more staff training for a more personalised service. You shouldn't have to be flying business or first class to feel you're being taken care of.

Where would you go with an unlimited travel budget?

Stellenbosch, South Africa. Known for its extraordinary climate, it also has a rich historical heritage, loads of wineries, a strong musical community and great fishing options. When I holiday, I like to escape the usual grind of life, but I also love knowing there is a myriad of activities at hand. I've heard it's one of the most beautiful towns on the planet.

Worst place you've been lost?

Ethiopia. I had my passport and money stolen and ended up in a lock-up in Addis Ababa. Definitely not a memory I treasure, although I live life without regrets, so I like to think of it as a story to tell.

Best trip ever?

Climbing to Everest Base Camp solo and unprepared. I had to stuff straw and hay in my clothes to keep myself warm, and local farmers on the mountain taught me how to scout for food, including berries and greenery.

Most memorable overseas dining?

Far and away my best memory is of dining on a boat when I was in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. We caught a metre-long tuna, which we ate raw with fresh lemon.

In the suitcase?

As you can guess, I'm a fan of a quality pair of shoes, so apart from all the usual "must have" travel items, I carry a good selection of footwear. It can make or break the ease and enjoyment of a holiday or work trip.

First thing you do in a new city?

No matter where I travel, I like to make time for some breathing space. I make sure I figure out the local transport system so that I can escape to the countryside.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I'm pretty outgoing and like to understand how people in different places live. I try to meet local people and possibly have a chat over a drink or share a meal.

Who would you most like to travel with and why?

My wife, Tahnee, as she is much more adventurous than I am and keeps me on my toes.

Cure for jet lag?

Thankfully, I'm one of the lucky ones and don't suffer from jet lag. I do find that sleeping when you can, instead of trying to fit into another time zone, helps me enjoy my holiday or work productively.

Other travel tips?

Travel off the beaten track when young and full of vitality, and leave the comfortable travelling for later in life. Take a risk, do the trip you've always thought about but never planned. Book an African safari, trek through India or learn to play polo in South America. For those of us lucky enough to travel frequently, it's easy to take the freedom for granted.

Anywhere you'd recommend or like to go for a special occasion?

North of Dharamsala, India, for meditation and retreats.

Best overseas purchase?

A Bolivian gardening machete. Few would know them as gardening implements but in Bolivia, they are used for cutting pathways through shrubbery, digging, pruning and even for chopping firewood.

Best travelling tale?

I got lost in the Amazon jungle because I was following butterflies and then stumbled across a hidden spring. It was one of those moments that really reminded me of the importance of spontaneity, as it often leads to memorable moments.

Best thing about travelling?

It brings out our spontaneity. And with this, we learn more about other cultures and environments. It encourages us to live life to the fullest and make the most of what the world has to offer.

Top travel gripe?

Ignorance of different cultures. I travel to experience something unique, something out of the ordinary and yet I am shocked at how many people seem to be almost uninterested in actually learning about new places and what makes them remarkable.


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