
Jessica Irvine

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer for Fairfax Media.

Same-sex marriage supporters celebrate the Yes vote at Taylor Square on November 15. It was a victory for all ...

A year of courage and raw storytelling draws to a close - and we'll be the better for it

The year 2017 will surely remembered as the year the gloss wore off and the gloves came off, a year when the posturing of politicians was utterly trumped by the everyday courage and bravery of ordinary Australians. As it draws to a close, 2017 has morphed into a year of honest storytelling. Of ripping off Band-Aids. Of exposing the ugly truths of public and private life to the cleansing glare of sunlight.

We're learning to control our use of technology.

Message from a techno-optimist: the kids will be OK

To navigate and thrive in this new world requires us to learn to use technology as the tool it was always meant to be – to connect with others, to make a difference and to enjoy ourselves - not as an end of itself.