Book Your Own Fuckin' Life


We're Back! I have completely revamped the site. Sorry for it being broken for so long. If you want to help build this site and you aren't a complete flake, please get in touch. Here are the changes in the latest version:

* The site is running on PHP now
* the site is better laid out for search engines to find listings
* everything is much more self-service. What needed moderator approval in the past doesn't any more
* Listings and shows have their own pages that you can use when linking to this site.
I'm sure there are still plenty of things that could be improved. I'd love to add a resources and show trades section, for example. If you have ideas and are a php programmer, get in touch - ernst[at]

Don't forget to leave feedback. If you leave comments, people can know what's up.

There is no more print version of Book Your Own Life, and there won't be one. So don't ask.