The Hotwire #16: December 6, 2017


Repression from #J20 to #G20—New Year’s noise demos—antifascist student actions

Hotwire 16

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Listen to the Episode — 38 min


Our final episode for the season! But we’ll be back in February. This week, antifascist students were active with a #StopSpencer week of action at the University of Michigan and shutting down Lucian Wintrich at the University of Connecticut. Racist remarks keep coming up during police testimony at the [#J20 trials](–3-police-take-stand/). We have updates on the massive, sweeping raids against anti-capitalists in Germany over the successful protests against the G20 in Germany in July. New York City Anarchist Black Cross call for international New Year’s Eve noise demonstrations outside prisons, jails, and detention centers. Finally, we get mushy and grateful for the past year of resistance. Let us know how our show can better serve anarchist activity in your town by emailing us at

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