Tag Archives: Iraq

An ultra-conservative group has published a report insulting Britain’s anti-terrorist fighters

The neoconservative Henry Jackson Society (HJS), which has close links with the far right of the Conservative Party as well as the political right in the US, has just published a report [pdf] which argues that people currently fighting against Daesh (Isis/Isil) are … Continue reading

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US condemns Turkey for its bombing of Coalition partners fighting ISIS

After NATO member Turkey bombed anti-terrorist ground forces in Syria and Iraq on 25 April, the US Department of State released a statement of condemnation. This was a public dressing down. But so far, it appears to have had little impact. To read more … Continue reading

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Theresa May’s friend just did ISIS a huge favour by bombing their opponents

In the early hours of 25 April 2017, Turkish jet fighters reportedly bombed the headquarters of the front-line troops fighting Daesh (Isis/Isil). This came only weeks after the latest arms deal secured by British Prime Minister Theresa May with Turkey’s … Continue reading

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US/UK allies attack anti-Daesh forces in Iraq, revealing a pattern of betrayal [VIDEOS]

  Remember the massacre of Yazidis in Iraq in 2014? Well, they’re under attack again. Yazidi self-defence militias and their affiliates, who have organised to defend themselves from Daesh (Isis/Isil), have been resisting the new assault since 3 March. But this time, … Continue reading

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Yazidis and Syrian Kurds and their allies under attack by Turkey and its proxies

The last 36 hours have seen major developments in the Middle East in defiance of directives issued by British and US-led Coalition forces. Turkish militias are attacking anti-Daesh (Isis/Isil) units near the Syrian city of Manbij. And at the same … Continue reading

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Forget ‘fake news’, prepare for fake peace as Trump’s Mid-East endgame looms

  Power games in the Middle East are seldom about fighting terrorism or securing human rights. They’re about oil, and who controls its supply. But an endgame in the Syrian conflict may now be in sight. And that endgame is likely … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning will finally be set free, but she should never have been locked up in the first place

Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning’s aunt once said of her that she needed a miracle to get her out of prison. Now that ‘miracle’ has happened. US President Barack Obama has commuted Manning’s 35 year military prison sentence. The US military … Continue reading

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