Showing posts with label Intelligence Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intelligence Report. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Mark Solotroff, of Fortieth Day, Tries to Escape His Racist Past

Mark Solotroff, a musician in the electronic/noise genre and operator of Bloodlust! records, was
AWB Record label
recently called out in Chicago for his "art project" AWB recordings and the pseudonym under which he released what was described as “white power racist noise”. As stated before, we are anti-fascist and not art critics. Crypto fascist "artists" have been attempting to make inroads in various music scenes for quite some time and their impact has only been increasing as of late. Despite these recordings taking place in the late 1980's/early 90's, they continue to have impact based on the new found popularity of their provocations. White supremacist america has answered these provocations boldly. Fascism? YES!
      By aiming to be provacative, Mark Solotroff succeeded in provoking a response by fascists and anti-fascists alike. One of admiration and respect and the latter of disgust and anger. When conceiving art projects on horrid subjects we would hope the aim is to stare into the abyss, then recoil in disgust. That is not the case with AWB/Terre Blanche. The extremist imagery and content of these recordings caught the eye of Antifa and fascists alike. Whether it's nazi skinheads Sieg Heiling on album covers, song titles like "Sickle Cell", an obvious reference to a disease that largely affects people of African origin, or "They Kill Their Own, And Blame Us", a reference to the Atlanta Child Murders, a series of murders between 1979-81 in which the victims were Black, and attributed to a man who was never tried and convicted in many of the cases. Its also been asserted by many that the actual perpetrators of the murders were members of the local KKK but it was covered up. It becomes immediately apparent Mark Solotroff’s work in this time period took a very specific course, to target Black america specifically.
"New Slavery" Depicts death of Harold Washington and slave imagery

Despite being of limited copies the music and myth of AWB/Terre Blanche spread. In 1989, In response to a notification he’d received from Electronic Cottage, a popular publication of the genre, that there were protestors upset with their advertisement of AWB/Terre Blanche, Mark escalated by deliberately taking out a full page ad in the next issue, boldly claiming that “AWB rcording artists are racists...” to provoke anti-fascists even further. Also in 1989, Mark gave an interview with a magazine called Chemical Castration, in which Terre Blanche is described as being unique in the electronic music genre because of the raw expression of racial hatred pervading their music. In this interview Mark attempts to separate himself from groups like the KKK by saying where they attempt to victimize others, he is the one who has been victimized. He repeatedly claims that white people are an oppressed class and that this music is their way of taking a stand against this. All of this he did under his pseudonym, before it became widely known in the early 90s who had been behind AWB/Terre Blanche. An article was published in 1991 by Ben Gilbert, an editor for Chemical Castration magazine, detailing a series of correspondences and events that led folks like himself and PBK to discover that Solotroff was behind the project.

 In 1991, musicians in the industry from the U.S. to Europe, like Philip B Klingler and Frans de Waard, concerned about the normalization of these hateful themes in their network, worked with other artists on an anti racist compilation called "Anti-White Bastards" in response to Mark Solotroff's label. Artists from all over contributed to this effort likening people like Solotroff to known white supremacists in the industry like Death in June or Boyd Rice.
 Following is an excerpt from an interview with Philip B Klingler with Personal Best: Issue #6 on 1/2016 Norway:

      "I certainly don't object to extreme content as a narrative within noise music, so I'm not trying to say that controversial subject matter shouldn't be addressed, it really should be. But anything done stupidly, immorally, or only for shock value, has a lot less value when the shock has worn off, and the shock aspect wears off pretty damned fast. If your defense is that you were only trying to shock people and make them think, well in my opinion you should've provided a better point of view of what your angle was, otherwise it's too obtuse. There are better, more intelligent ways to do that, ways that don't leave it open for interpretation as to what the artist's point of view is in relation to the content. On the other hand, if you align your work closely to these backwards ideologies, then in the long run you've ruined your legacy, especially if you don't believe in what you are saying, but are just trying to make a controversial statement, to shock the audience. It's fakery. But there isalways going to be a subculture in the fan base that enjoys this extremist content. So.. for those of us who have been honestly trying to use the medium as a means of evolving the language of music, those groups, those labels, made it harder for us over the years to be taken seriously in a genre where racist or licentious ideas were the norm."

The following is a quote from one of our correspondences with popular noise artist, PBK,  active since the mid-80's, who has released over a hundred albums and collaborated with such well known experimentalists as Jarboe (of Swans), Jim O'Rourke, Wolf Eyes and many others. He has been very outspoken about racist/fascist/nazi and hateful imagery in music:

       “In noise music the artist is creating an abstract expression which, if listened to on it's own, without a title guiding it's narrative, it is probable that every person would come up with a different set of correlations. Once the artist titles the piece they set the metaphor in a direction for the listener. When they create a work that has a racist title and then say 'well, i was simply being a provocateur', that's too easy, they are escaping responsibility. I have made a number of protest works in noise: 'Domineer', 'Asesino', 'Warfare State', 'Politics Of Aggression' and others. None of these works requires a defense or explanation from me as to my point of view yet they are all provocative. Truth in art is essential, hoaxes are a con man's game. It's a misconception that art needs to be elusive, ambiguous, not easily interpreted. I think the work can be challenging, disturbing, it can explore many sociocultural aspects, it can be mind-blowing, inspirational, or give a pure feeling of dread. So many things can be encapsulated in abstract art ----- and still stay on the right side of history.”

When confronted by a group of antifa recently, Mark attempted to use the limited nature of the
recordings as an excuse that many hadn't heard or would even know of them. Our goal in confronting Mark was to hold him accountable for this past and encourage him to denounce the reality of these provocations by denouncing AWB/terre blanche and Fascism as a legitimate political ideology. From our conversation at the Hideout in Chicago, Mark agreed to put out a statement doing just that. He eventually did release a very wordy statement full of excuses and deflections, seeming to completely miss the point.

   In reading the expected statement from Mark regarding the racist roots in his music career, its become amply clear that he does not and will not take ownership of his misguided and hateful views at the time. He continues to dismiss his work as a joke or silly art project. He continues to allude to his own Jewish heritage and the people of Latinx descent in his life, as well as his apparently queer identifying friends, in an effort to insulate him from the white supremacist ideologies he glorified through his “art”. Not once in his statement does he address the community that he continuously attacked and incited violence against, the Black community. The very record label itself is an homage to a neo-nazi separatist group in apartheid South Africa.

               Particularly offensive is his assertion that as an artist he reserves the right to explore the topics that pique his interest. Mark, you didn’t explore them, you glorified and capitalized on the violence, hatred and oppression of the Black community. For that, the community reserves the right to retaliate against the oppressive forces and imagery that you elevated and contributed to. This is not suppression of your artistic expression or free speech, it is literally self defense. Mark Solotroff was given the opportunity here to atone for his past and ask the communities he openly attacked for forgiveness because that is what restorative justice looks like. However, he has proven that he is just another crypto-fascist hiding behind the guise of art and free speech.

               Antifa does not use the state to prevent anyone’s free speech. We reject the concept of constitutional free speech, as the constitution was never meant to protect human rights. It is a human right to exist in a society free of fear that people will attack you for your physical or social differences. That being said, the constitutional right to free speech supposedly restricts the state from censoring ideas, but that same constitutional right as well as basic human rights do not stop the public from opposing hateful ideas in defense of life. The fact that people dislike what bigots have to say and want to make that known is not prohibited by the concept of free speech. If bigots actively go out of their way to tell people that 90% of the world’s population should be enslaved or that the best thing they can do is kill someone because of their skin color, religion, ethnic background, immigration status, sexual orientation, disability, etc., they can’t use “free speech” to silence opposition. Anti-racists and antifascists have an obligation to deny a platform to bigots so that they can’t spread their message and recruit. Concert venues, meeting halls, radio programs, and the like make choices about who to host on a regular basis. These choices have a very real impact on bigoted ideas taking root in one’s community. Responding to bigoted speech is important. We believe in being proactive when it comes to fascist violence, which means confronting fascist views in music scenes before they have a chance to put their ideas into action, and taking fascist threats seriously.

Mark Solotroff
Most current addresses:
3528 W Fulton Blvd. Chicago, IL 60624
165 N Canal St. APT 1131 Chicago, IL 60606

Solotroff has an upcoming show at Cafe Mustache in Chicago on March 18th with other shows following at Subterranean on April 2nd and The Empty Bottle on May 8th, both also in Chicago. Feel free to stop by and give your opinions on his shady past.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Neo Nazi Keith Kowal Exposed and Vehicle Redecorated

In recent weeks, local Antifa groups were put on alert that a man named Keith Kowal(pictured here) thought it was safe to drive a white Jeep Wrangler (pictured here) adorned with an anti-Antifa bumper sticker, a bumper sticker posing the question, “got pride?”( in obvious reference to white pride), as well as a giant skrewdriver emblem in the rear window of the ragtop throughout the Chicagoland area. Some Antifa folks in the area of the western suburbs, where the vehicle was traced back to, decided it best to relieve this piece of shit of that notion.

From an email:
The new Antifa arrows across each side are a great new addition to the vehicles otherwise bland paintjob. He probably won’t be needing that skrewdriver emblem in the back of the soft top any more so it’s probably good that it was taken off his hands.  Our comrades also couldn’t leave without a firm reminder to the local Nazi that “we are watching” and that if you ask for exposure and attention, then a giant “Nazis out” across the side panel would probably be another welcome addition.

It’s important to extend these small reminders to your local fascists that their ideology is not welcome and they are not safe in our communities, whether they’re driving around town or in their own homes. Speaking of homes, here’s some info about the owner of this vehicle.

Keith Kowal
813 Chicago Ave
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Age: 51
(630) 541-6013
Plates: V51 3238

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Meet Lyft Driver and White Supremacist Will Roach

Will Roach
1530 Coventry Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60195-3230
It has been brought to our attention that Lyft, the mobile application based peer-to-peer ride sharing company, employs a white nationalist by the name of Will Roach. Will is from Schaumburg and is apparently known to strike up some controversial conversations in regards to race. Wills facebook displays his interest in the National Socialist Vanguard and is filled with hate speech such as; "I miss the old days when we could have hung them all right then and there. Carved nigger into the sticks we mark their graves with. Here lies nigger died a nigger for being a nigger."Below are screenshots further documenting his racism as well as some publicly available information on him. We encourage folks to contact Lyft and let them know they employ white supremacist trash.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

Will Roach
1530 Coventry Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60195-3230
Cell: 224-587-6998

Monday, March 14, 2016

Bill J Malan of Malan Law Office is a White Supremacist

It has come to our attention that Bill J Malan of Malan Law Office is a white supremacist. Bill ran for Illinois Attorney General in 2010 and has been an attorney at Malan Law for 8 1/2 years. According to their website, Bill "represents individuals and small businesses in general civil matters, including employment, contract and tort claims." It also says that he was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 2002. What the website doesn't state however, is the fact that Bill is a believer in, and a promoter of, the idea that white people are genetically superior to other races. A belief that is core to white supremacist ideology. Bill often emails associates of his with "facts" supposedly proving this theory. Documents such as "SAT scores by race and income" and "2000 Rushton race evolution summary table". Below are email screenshots of Bill recommending the white nationalist website and regurgitating white nationalist rhetoric such as; "Europeans are an endangered subspecies, and it would be tragic for the planet to lose the people that created such great things".

William James Malan
800 Oakley Blvd #D,
Chicago, IL 60612 
(312) 738-9759

Malan Law Office
2300 W. Polk Street, Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60612

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Meet Matt Forney

Just the other day we received some information on local racist and Mens Rights Activist; Matt Forney. Check out this asshole and keep an eye out for him.

Taken from

Matthew Forney is a vehemently sexist Mens Rights Activists(MRA) livng in Chicago. Aside from his extremely traditionalist views on gender roles expressed in many of his publications, Matt is also a racist. He is currently attempting to gather information against radicals organizing against police brutality. He moved here from New York and seems to make a living via the internet. Here are some things we know about him.

Matthew W Forney
therealmattforney [at] gmail
Age: 27
DOB: 06/1988
Cell: 503 891 4512
pictured here:

Last known address:

501 Boyden St
Syracuse NY,13206
312 472 6518
(Still owned by family)

May be residing in Rogers Park
Is a contributor to and

Shawn Forney
Patricia Forney
Carolyn P Forney
Catherine E Forney


Screenshot documenting racism:

Vehemently sexist articles:

60 sexist incoherent things Matt Forney belives:

"My current writing focuses on location independent living, self-publishing and making money online, traditional sex roles and current events"

Matt has been publicly accused of sexual assault

Friends with other local Illinois MRA Lucas Temple

Lucas Temple
81 Wilmington Ave
Fox Lake, IL
pictured here:


Friday, January 15, 2016

Meet Berwyn, IL Nazi Michael "Iron Balls" McArthur

Michael "Iron Balls" McArthur is a 59 year old Neo-Nazi living in Berwyn, IL. He is originally from Copalis Beach, WA. We know he is a Neo-Nazi because of his racist youtube rants. In one of them, he calls himself a National Socialist while standing in from a swastika flag, which we assume is located in his apartment. He calls himself "Iron Balls" because he lets girls kick him their hardest in his balls, and has been on the Steve Gadlin's Star Makers "performing" this wonderful routine. He also does Tarot Card readings and was at one point doing them at Cigars and Stripes on Ogden Ave. in Berwyn. We are unsure as to why, but he is no longer able to do his Tarot card readings there. Because of this, we are also unsure of how Michael is making his money, although we do know that he is trying to start his own haunted cemetery tour.

According to an article on the internet Michael McArthur once forced a 17 year old into some unwanted sexual situations (see here). According to her, he has continued to harass her via email.

For these reasons, we were happy to hear that he allegedly got his face soaked in piss by some antifascists.

From an email:
"On July 29th, 2015, Michael "Iron balls" McArthur, a self proclaimed National Socialist from Berwyn, IL was greeted with a face full of raunchy antifa piss in front of his apartment. (3137 Oak Park Ave apt# 107) He has been let go from his Tarot Card reading at Cigars and Stripes and spends his time at the YMCA off Oak Park or the Berwyn Public Library. Fuck nazis!"

Berwyn Hotel Apartments
3137 Oak Park ave 
Apt. 107
Berwyn, IL
DOB: 10/14/1955
youtube videos here

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Who is Kevin M Wilk?

Kevin Wilk first came to our attention a few days back when he threatened to show up with 300 white supremacists to counter protest a demonstration outside of Rahm Emanuels house. This was done via facebook from " Kevin Aryan"; one of his two profiles. Being antifascists with years of experience in Illinois we knew this threat to be laughable. Not only was he unable to rally 300 neo-nazis but he himself did not show. Kevin M Wilk is 40 years old white supremacist with alleged ties to the Aryan Brotherhood. It is possible he may have done time in Pontiac, but this is purely speculation. He is married to and has children with Anne Olejniczak- Balker.  He is pictured on the right wearing a White Pride construction T shirt. White Pride Construction was a neo nazi construction company based in Baton Rouge, Lousiana ran by the now deceased Robert Moore. Even though Kevin Wilk has thus far been nothing more than an internet warrior no show, keep an eye out for this scumbag.

Kevin M Wilk
8947 s Roberts rd apt 3s
Hickory Hills, IL
708 208 6984
Born 1976
Other associated addresses:
440 Sundance Dr
Bartlett, IL 60103-5056

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Crystal Lake IL: Neo Nazi Axel Salemi Accused of Squeezing Kitten to Death

40 Briarwood Cir 
Crystal Lake, IL
According to the Chicagoist, Axel Salemi of Crystal Lake, IL is Currently in the McHenry County Correctional Facility for allegedly killing a kitten with his bare hands. What they don't mention however is that Axel is a proud neo-nazi. His Facebook profile features confederate flags, deaths head skulls, and is where you can find him saying racist quotes such as; "we fly the swastika! we fly it strong and true! we ain't never gonna take it down for the communist or jews!". At the time of his arrest he was a server at a Buffalo Wild Wings. He appears to still be employed at the McHenry location (3343 Shoppers Dr. The Shops at Fox River McHenry, IL 60051-5405).

Taken from

An 18-year-old Crystal Lake man is facing felony charges after police say he killed a kitten with his bare hands.
Police say Axel Salemi killed a 7-week-old kitten with his bare hands, squeezing it to death while he was "in an agitated state of mind," The Daily Herald reports. The alleged killing occurred at Salemi's home, which serves as a rescue shelter for kittens. Police were called to the scene Friday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. on the 100 block of Briarwood Circle. Salemi was arrested at his workplace, Crystal Lake Patch reported. 
Salemi now faces two felony charges: aggravated animal cruelty and criminal damage to a domesticated animal, according to the Tribune. He appeared in court Saturday where his bond was set at $20,000. He's currently in the McHenry County Correctional Facility. 
Court records dug up by the Tribune show he was charged with domestic battery and consumption of alcoholic liquor by a minor in March. A complaint alleged that Salemi punched a woman in the nose and mouth and grabbed her neck. He ended up pleading guilty to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct. He was placed on court supervision, which was supposed to end next June

Axel Salemi
40 Briarwood Cir 
Crystal Lake, IL 60014-3922

Friday, October 16, 2015

Introducing Neo Nazi and Former US Customs Criminal Investigator; Jack Latham

Jack Latham is a 62 year old neo nazi living in Saint Jacobs, IL. Jack was a former special agent in the United States Army and between 1987-1995 he was a US customs criminal investigator. Jack first came to our attention via, the worlds largest white nationalist networking forum, where he uses the handle "soldierjack".  He joined Stormfront in October of 2014 and has since posted 11 times. Most of his posts (scroll down to see) consist of him spouting blatant anti-semitism.

How can we be sure that "soldierjack" of Stormfront is Jack Latham? Aside from the name similarities, Soldierjack's email address found via Stormfront ties directly to Jack Lathams facebook where similar anti-semitic rhetoric can be found.  Soldierjack says on Stormfront that he is from Madison County and Jack Latham lives in Saint Jacob, which is a part of Madison County. It is impossible to deny that Jack Latham is the neo nazi known to Stormfront as Soldierjack.

What's wrong with Stormfront? Is it really that bad?  Yes, it is! Stormfront was founded and is currently run by Don Black, the former Alabama Klan leader. It is the home and breeding ground for racists who have murdered almost 100 people in the last five years.

Jack Latham 
9755 4 Corners Lane
Saint Jacob, IL
SF: soldierjack

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Meet White Supremacist DJ Pier Zambrano AKA "Subtropical"

Update 2016: (Has supposedly moved to Seattle)
Pier Zambrano, commonly known as Pier Novikov AKA "Subtropical", is a 43 year old white nationalist DJ living in Chicago. He first popped up on our radar several months back when he was seen making countless anti-semitic and anti-black Facebook posts. Pier clearly seems interested in the preservation of european heritage and has constantly blamed Jews and non-whites for what he sees as the downfall of society. His obsession with survivalism and the idea of returning to a more primitive or tribal lifestyle, along with his aggressive desire for racial separatism, are very representative of a variation of radical right wing ideology called "national anarchism". Pier has iron cross tattoos on his arms as well as slightly altered versions of the deaths heads skull (hand) and the white pride world wide symbol (head). Aside from his sketchy tattoos and overtly racist internet postings, Pier has connections to other white supremacists in Illinois such as National Anarchist Conor Wrigley (2778 Deerpath Park Dr Decatur, IL) and former Portland Volksfront associate "Trigger" Tom Christensen (3007 N Allen). He is also an associate of the virtually extinct Chi-town 77's (read here for info) .

Pier DJ's all around the city. He does an "industrial nation" night at the Charleston 1-2 Wednesdays a month and has/does DJ at Rodan, Analog, and elsewhere. Pier drives a black jeep. He is married to Lora Chasteen, and is also employed by her at Medusas Makeup (4001 N. Ravenswood Ave. Suite 304). He is rumored to carry a gun illegally on his person. Below are two screenshots highlighting some of Piers politics followed by some text detailing his personal info.

Taken and found from paste bin here, here, here, and here

Pier Zambrano
AKA Pier Novikov/Subtropical
4123 N Mozart St # 1
Chicago, IL 60618-2708
Drives a black jeep
License plate # F65 5219
Born  April 28th 1971
Works at Medusas makeup
4001 N. Ravenswood Ave.
Suite 304
Chicago, IL 60613

Monday, May 25, 2015

Introducing Neo Nazi Christopher Brands

Update 5/28/15: According to Bill Walsh Ford, Christopher Brands has been let go. We are looking further into this to be 100% sure. Thanks to everyone who helped us with this campaign.
Christopher Brands, also known as "big show", is a 33 year old neo-nazi living in Spring Valley, Illinois (1041 W Dakota St). Chris is a manager at Bill Walsh Ford Lincoln Kia located at 2900 Columbus dr. in Ottawa IL. We first came across Chris on, the wolds largest white nationalist forum, where he goes by the username "pureblood14". Since he joined stormfront back in February of this year he has already posted over 100 times. Below are just a few screenshots documenting some of the content found in his his posts. Note that his posts are signed with a quote from Adolf Hitler.

Christopher D BrandsAKA "Big Show"
1041 W Dakota St
Spring Valley, IL 61362
Age 33 (2015)
SF: pureblood14
6'8" / German

Screenshot 1: "The negroes can't mentally handle themselves, so it's up to their master to make sure they don't crap on the floor.

Screenshot 2: "how about calling for the end of the era of blacks being useless animals"

Screenshot 3: "perhaps we need to put the shock collars back on these animals and teach them a lesson"

Screenshot 4: "the negroes are subhuman. They have no souls."

These are just a few of the many disgusting things said by Chris on stormfront. We want our readers to realize that when you buy a car at Bill Walsh Ford Lincoln Kia in Ottawa, this is the man you are supporting.

You may be asking, "can we be sure that "pureblood14" is actually Chris Brands?"

Yes, we can! In a stormfront private message(view here) between pureblood14 and 14hatedandproud, pureblood14 says his email address is bigshow4440@gmail. As stated before, "Big Show" is Christopher's nickname. Not to mention the fact that this email address is literally attached to the name "Christopher Brands". In the stormfront screenshot found here, pureblood14 says he is 6'8", 291 pounds, 33 years of age, German, and blonde. All of those traits match Christopher perfectly. Finally, pureblood14 says he lives in Bureau County (see here), which includes Spring Valley, the area in which Christopher D Brands lives.  There is no question about it, Christopher Brands is the white supremacist known on stormfront as "pureblood14".

Please do NOT support Bill Walsh Ford Lincoln Kia in Ottawa, IL until Christopher Brands is let go!

Let them know how you feel on their facebook page

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Aryan Nations and Other White Supremacists Rally for Gary Yarbrough in St.Louis. Illinois Nazis in Attendance

Susan Yarbrough (left),
Brandon Lashbrook (right)
On Saturday, April 25th, the Aryan Nations and other white supremacists gathered on the steps of the old courthouse in St.Louis, MO to call for the release of Gary Yarbrough. Yarbrough was a member of the Order who was sentenced to 60 years in prison in 1986 for racketeering and weapons charges. Not only was Gary's wife Susan in attendance but there were also some white supremacists out of Illinois. There were some newer names such as  Kris Evans (Lincoln, IL) and Mari Cassidy (East Peoria), as well as some some familiar faces like Jeffrey Stuart AKA "Thomas Stuart" , Art Jones, and our favorite national anarchist karate master, Brandon Lashbrook, of the failed 2014 White Man March. 

Taken from CBSlocal:

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – It was whites rallying against whites on the topic of racism and race relations. 
The Aryan Nation World Headquarters reserved a spot on the steps of the old courthouse in St. Louis on Saturday, to call for the release of Idaho man Gary Yarbrough from prison after thirty years. St. Louis was one of several rally locations picked in the U.S. and two other countries
“Gary Yarbrough matters. The white race matters,” the leader of the group shouted back to those on the sidewalk shouting “Black Lives Matter.” Several of the speaker’s followers yelled mentions of the Michael Brown incident in Ferguson.
Anti-Racist Collective member Emily Bland knew about the planned rally and got a group of about 75 to stage a counter-demonstration, “Racist hate speech is really just the tip of the iceberg. It goes a lot deeper. As white people, it is our duty to stand up for what’s right and to educate other white folks on how racism affects people of color, and to affirm that black lives matter.”
Originally planning to stand silent in the face of the demonstrators on the courthouse steps, Bland grabbed her megaphone and said to them, “Racism steals your humanity just as much as it steals the humanity of black and brown folks.”
Bland’s group had occupied the courthouse steps for about an hour prior to the Aryan Nation group’s arrival. 
As a steady rain fell, metal barricades kept the two groups apart and dozens of police were on standby in the area.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Introducing White Nationalist Mark Wachtler and the Opposition News Network

Mark Wachtler, also known as Mark Watson, is a 45 year old white nationalist living in Chicago. Mark is the founder and editor of the "Opposition New Network", which serves as the headquarters for his three publications; Opposition News, Illinois Herald, and

Initially, the Whiteout Press site does not appear to be a white nationalist website. Whiteout Press tries to maintain an image of neutrality in order to appeal to a larger audience but after reading close it becomes quite clear where their politics lie. In 2014, Whiteout Press reposted the call out for the "white man march", writing their own preface which stated;
"Readers may disagree with the notion that white people are being discriminated against here in America and around the world. But they can’t rightfully disagree with the fact that the United States really does have race-based laws and programs that specifically discriminate against white people."

They did the same for an article called "white pride in the classroom", which was written by the white nationalist group known as the American Freedom Party (AFP). On Dec 28 of 2013, whiteout press posted their own article titled "Knockout Game Hate Crime Charge Resembles US Apartheid" which reads;
"Whiteout Press readers of all races will plug their ears and run away in disgust at the notion that white people are victims of racism. After all, all white people are rich, racist and evil, right? Heck, blacks and Hispanics are biologically incapable of being racist – it’s physically impossible. And believe it or not, all of the above is actually the law of the land." 

As if these examples weren't exemplary enough, whiteout press posted the article "is the media controlled by Jews?" in which they say;
"That used to be considered a crazy question only asked by bigots, anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists. However, one celebrity after another has fallen victim for simply admitting that the long-held notion is actually true." 

They then reposted information from "National Vanguard Books", a magazine directly linked to the well known neo-nazi group the National Alliance. 

Whiteout Press isn't the only one of these three publications with white supremacist leanings. Opposition News posted an article in favor of the AFP stating;
"One is a passionately pro-white organization (AFP) while the other is as hate-filled as the hate groups they write about (SPLC) and profit from. And like the issue of religion, most Americans believe race doesn’t belong in politics and elections. But since every other race-based special interest group has carved out its own racially exclusive land claim along the US political landscape, it’s blatantly hypocritical to condemn a political party for being the first in modern times to publicly stand up for the rights of whites."

White supremacy is nothing new for Mark, in his autobiography titled Romantic Violence in R World", he admitted to once being part of a white supremacist street gang in Chicago in the 1980's. If anyone has any more information on Mark Wachtler, or anyone else involved with these news outlets, contact us at

Mark Watson/Mark Wachtler
5658 W Montrose Ave
Chicago, IL 60634
Born in 1970
Whiteout Press offices:
5600 W Montrose Ave, 
Chicago, IL 60634

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Theory and Information Against National Anarchsim

National Anarchist
Conor Wrigley and his.. crew
There has been a tendency within far-right, fascist movements over a number of years, starting largely in Europe, coming to the U.S. in recent years and unfortunately making more of an appearance here in Illinois in recent months.This tendency is "National Anarchism."

The National Anarchist Movement has been largely influenced by Troy Southgate, who was formerly an active member in a number of far-right parties in Europe, including the British National Front, English Nationalist Movement, International Third Position and National Revolutionary Faction.

The ideology of National Anarchism includes elements of traditional anarchist theory and quotes from Bakunin, Proudhon, and even Hakim Bey appear in their writings. They promote small scale communities without a centralized State.  However, they have combined anti-Statism with racial separatism where different cultures, “tribes,” or races are not to coexist.

National Anarchists go out of their way to talk about how they're not fascist, yet have striking similarities to fascist, far right, white supremacist movements:

-Belief that multi-racial societies are "destroying Europe" (Southgate p.130)

-Utilization of anti-semitic narratives such as references to the "Zionist media" (Southgate "Tradition and revolution"p. 125), referring to Jews as "vampiric parasites intent on carving up the world's resources in an attempt to create a single, global market" (NAM Manifesto)

-Opposing interracial relationships (what they call the "dominant ideology of inbreeding")

-Organizing on White Power websites like

Clearly, these positions are incompatible with a radical anarchist movement opposed to racism and white supremacy (regardless of whether they admit to their fascist leanings).

Some might ask why anti-racist anarchists should be concerned with this fringe movement.  One answer is because they actively pursue a strategy of "entryism" where they enter existing movements and utilize them for their own ends.

In their own words, entryism is "the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of either gaining control of them for our own ends, misdirecting or disrupting them for our own purposes or converting sections of their memberships to our cause."  (Southgate "Tradition and revolution" p. 220)

Here in the U.S., National Anarchists have attended and participated in anarchist events, such as demonstrations and book fairs.  With an anti-State position, critique of Capitalism and the fact that they embrace other causes anarchists are invested in (animal rights, environmentalism, opposition to Israeli militarism, etc.) it is likely that they would have an appeal to some anarchists, particularly those who are young or new to radical politics.

In a way, these attempts at engaging with Leftists, anti-authoritarians and anti-racist anarchist scenes make them even more of a threat than groups that make their racist, white supremacist position more apparent.  Their attempts to recruit from existing anarchist communities makes it essential that they be confronted and exposed wherever they appear.

In the last several years here in the U.S., there have been attempts by national anarchists to organize in New York (National Anarchist Tribal Alliance-NY), San Francisco (Bay Area National Anarchists) and recently some National Anarchists have appeared here in Illinois.

For example, National Anarchist Brandon Lashbrook played a prominent role in the utterly failed Illinois "White Man March".

Here are a two other National Anarchists from Illinois:

Jesse Abraham Deutsch 
possible address: 2130 W 21st St
Chicago, IL 60608

Conor Wrigley (pictured at top)
2778 Deerpath Park Dr
Decatur, IL 62521-5607
Works at Menards Sales · Forsyth, Illinois
Born May 31, 1991
217-428-7922 (land line-parents house)
‪(217) 855-4750‬

Listen to Crimethinc Podcast on anti-fascism, including analysis of National Anarchism:

Troy Southgate "Tradition and Revolution- Collected Writings of Troy Southgate", “National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism”

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Illinois Most Wanted Nazis Dox'd by ro0ted and n01d and Anonymous. Op Antifa Has Been Engaged

About 2 days ago we were sent a DOX posted on pastebin including several addresses on Illinois nazis. Most of these addresses are scattered around this website or in our databases, however, there are a few new or updated ones as well. Thanks y'all!

Here are the new or updated ones:

Robert Martin Lopatka 
3 N 640 Lakeview Ct
West Chicago, IL 60185

Jesse Abraham Deutsch  
2130 W 21st St
Chicago, IL 60608

Paul T Alfich
11012 Kilpatrick Ave, Apt 4NE,
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Philip Anderson  
Allegedly moved to 3104 W Willow Knolls Dr, Apt 101
Peoria, IL 61614
from 804 E Marrieta ave Peoria Heights, IL (may still reside there)

We also received this statement from them. Taken from pastebin:

#OpAntifa has been engaged. 
#ro0ted & #n01d will assist Antifa organizations with information needed to take down Nazis. We will not only supply information but will target their websites as well. We will expose nazis all over the United States to Canada. Watch em run. 
Shout out to TinleyPark5 & South Side Chi ARA & Other Antifa Organizations all over the world. 
We have joined this fight with you. With support of #Anonymous brothers and sisters.
Watch all the Fascists fall like dominoes. 
#n0 1dentity Phoenix

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Centralia, IL White Man March Attacked by Antifa After Lead Organizer Leaves Only Attendee Stranded

An update 3/16/14: 2 hours after the march was supposed to start, and Robert Mayberry was left alone to be attacked, Lashbrook and his girlfriend finally show up and put on the most awkward and hilarious "march" ever. The video, which included Brandons girlfriend grunting and saying "no one wants to do anything... whats the point?", was posted below but was then taken down by Brandon. Smart move, buddy! lol
The White Man March was an internet attempt at a coordinated world wide street march (or banner
drop, flier drop etc.) in celebration of white pride. Not much different from the world wide white pride march or any others before it.

Kyle Hunt (30),  who hails from Mashpee, MA (possible address 15 Harbor Ridge Rd  Mashpee, MA 02649-3850), is one of the leading organizers of the White Man March, scheduled for March 15, 2014. He is also the host of “Blitzkrieg Broadcast” on the Renegade Broadcasting network. 

The Illinois faction of this march was to be held in Centralia, IL by a 31 year old National Anarchist named Brandon Lashbrook. 

We received an email hours ago stating the the "White Man March" was a total fail.  Below is the action statement we received earlier as well as intelligence on who organized and attended this failed march.

This may have been one of the more poorly organized marches we've seen. 

Taken from pastebin:

Brandon Lashbrook
The white man march in Centralia, scheduled for 4pm, did not happen. Not unless you consider 1 white nationalist running down the proposed marching route screaming for help a "white man march". 
Brandon Lashbrook, who organized the event called for a 4pm meet up at the park across fro Schnuks at 1000 w Broadway. Brandon proposed 4pm because he had to attend a very important "karate tournament" in the morning. At about ten after 4pm, Robert Mayberry was the only white nationalist to show. Brandon, who initially tried to call off the march 30 minutes before it began (lol), then claimed he'd be an hour and a half late. That's right, an hour and a half late to his own 4pm march. 
When Robert Mayberry showed up he was greeted by pepper spray and punches to the face and immediately ran away screaming. Not a single other white nationalist showed up to the grand white man march, as usual. After receiving a thorough beating, the increased amount of brain damage to the white power mind seems to have caused a fantasy to take hold; at 6pm Lashbrook claimed he and Mayberry would be starting the march. At this point, even if that was true, it'd be ridiculous to claim the "white man march" was a success. 

Who organized, attended, or ditched the March?

Robby Mayberry (pictured here)
Harrisburg, IL 

Brandon Lashbrook (lead organizer and National Anarchist pictured here)
159 Clinmar apt. 1
Centralia, IL
(618) 532-2810 
(618) 267 5535 
DOB: 11/16/82 
Religion: Asatru卐 Germanic Paganism  

Hollie Scott (pictured here
possible address: 900 Burgess Ave.
Johnston City, IL 62951 
DOB: 10/04/82)

Lashbrooks girlfriend and babys mother 

Drew S Graul (pictured here)
Age: 30-34 
3217 Central St Du Quoin, IL 62832


Lisa Daisy (pictured here)
possible address: 15419 Diekman Ct 
Dolton, IL

Monday, December 30, 2013

Private Info on Traditionalist Youth Network Released

Thomas Buhls of TYN
Earlier today we received an email circulating the internet that includes information on the Traditionalst Youth Network (TYN). We had originally intended to do our own post detailing TYN's politics and the players involved, but it looks like now we won't have to.

Taken from pastebin:
The Traditionalist Youth Movement (TYN) is a white supremacist and self identified fascist organization based out of Indiana. The groups mission is to provide resources and support to independent groups of high school and college students  about the "traditional" school of thought. They have attended several white nationalist events this year. The Leif Erickson day parade, an NSM rally, and the American Freedom Party conference, to name a few. Private details on their core membership and others can be found below.

Thomas C Buhls
Age: 30 - 06/06/1983
3382 West Spruce Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Drivers license: 0130725411 IN
other associated addresses:
396 Country View Court, Apt. 13
Martinsville, IN  46151

Matthew W Heimbach
Age:22 - 04/08/1991
19616 Selby Ave
Poolesville, MD 20837 (allegedly moved in with Buhls in Indiana)
cell: 301 525 1474

David M Parrott "Matthew Parrott"
Age:31 -  07/01/1982
950 South Ridgecrest Lane
Paoli, IN 47454
cell: 317 324 8282
previous address:
1145 Golfview Dr
Apt FCarmel, IN 46032 
Recently divorced Connie Adams Parrott after 2 years
Lives at his moms house and is unemployed

On October 9th, TYN protested against Tim Wise at Indiana University in Terre Haute, IN. Here is private information on three white nationalist attendees/supporters:

James Berry
213 West Wheeler Ave
Terre Haute, IN 47802
Drivers license: 903690571 AR

Brian L Bryant
617 Teresa St
Harrison, AR 72601
home: 870 416 4687

Daniel Wilson
Lowell, AR

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Exposing Indiana Neo Nazis Trevor D Thompson and Troy "Bird" Cooper

Trevor Thompson is a 33 year old neo nazi living in Indiana. He was once an active member of the  World Church of the Creator and the Nazi Low Riders.

On May 24th, 2002 in an Indiana courtroom in Marion county, Trevor David Thompson, then 21, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the racially motivated attempted murder of a 14-year old black girl who Thompson shot as she walked with friends outside a convenience store.

Trevor served about 11 years of actual time at the Wabash Valley Level 3 Facility, and was released on November 8th of 2013.

Upon his release Trevor was probating for the Vinlanders Social Club (VSC). Since then, Trevor and the VSC  had a falling out and he is currently a member of the Hammerskins "Crew 38". When Trevor left the Vinlanders, he apparently convinced several of their old members to go with him. Trevor and "Creeps Social Club" (originally a VSC sister crew) leader, Kimberly McGeary (805 E Market St. Crawfordsville, IN  47933), have vowed to "take the Vinlanders down". The Vinlanders are down to less than 20 members and are actively attempting to rebuild their ranks. They have been spotted drinking in bars in Anderson, Indy, and Lafayette.
Trevor is currenly employed at Gold Dragon Ink located in Camby, Indiana at 7116 S. Kentucky Ave (877) 717-3332. He can be found on FB under "tattoos by Trey Hooligan". The owner of Gold Dragon Ink is a 33 year old Indianapolis based white supremacist named Troy "Bird" Cooper. Like Trevor, he was also charged with a crime involving a child. On June 28th 2000, Troy was charged with neglect of a dependent and was released July 18th, 2011.

These two scumbags, aside from being white supremacists, are also child abusers, and in Trevors case, a child murderer. Given the fact that they are still continuing their involvement in the neo nazi movement, we do not believe they should be able to make money off the public without a fight. At the very least, without people knowing about it.

Trevor David Thompson /// "Trey Hooligan"
(317) 821-0234
DOB: 09/07/1980
possible address:
611 N Capitol
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Troy E Cooper /// Troy "Bird" Cooper
last known address:
2011 Rosewood Dr
Anderson, IN 46011-3922
DOB: 11/03/1980

Friday, November 8, 2013

Private Information On Jeff Schoep Released Days Prior to NSM Rally In KC

Two days before the National Socialist Movement's (NSM) rally in Kansas City, anonymous
antifascists have publicized information on their commander Jeff Schoep. The info includes his home address, associated phone numbers and more. Shout out to the anon antifas who released this info, and much luck to those challenging the NSM in Kansas City.

 Taken from
As a direct result of the National Socialist Movements' upcoming rally in Kansas city this Saturday, November 9th, anonymous antifascists have chosen to release this private information on their commander; Jeff Schoep. This is only one of many individuals we have in our ever expanding intelligence files. To all you nazis, you can not hide!

Jeff S Schoep/ Jeffrey S Schoep
22803 Rausch Ave
Eastpointe, MI 48021-1882 (Macomb county)
DOB: 11/12/1973

313 671 2583
320 583 2381
320 583 2380
586 362 8475
320 234 9428
320 693 0113
320 290 7011
320 593 0113

2006 Ford
Model: mustang
VIN: 1ZVFT80N965102711
Body style: Coupe 2 door 4P
Most recent tag: MI BXD2463

Monday, October 14, 2013

Meet Mark Davis AKA Mad Mark

Mark A Davis II is a 37 year old neo nazi skinhead living in Creve Coeur, Illinois. Mark was part of a failed attempt at a white unity crew in Illinois called "Illinois United" that was to feature several individuals and groups from a wide range of white supremacist ideologies. It featured the INSF (Phil Anderson and molester Steve Turpel), James Logsdon and his 2-3 man junkie creator army, Art Jones, Eli James, and a few others. This group fizzled out fairly quick likely due to INSF's disbanding, though this is not confirmed.

Mark has been on, the white nationalist internet forum, since September 9th, 2001 and uses the handle "madmark88". Before living in Illinois, Mark lived in Wisconsin where he was found guilty of multiple felonies including one hate crime in Waukesha in 2003. For this he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months. It is alleged that Mark has active warrants in Wisconsin as well.

We were reminded of Mark once again after his recent posts on stormfront promoting White Nationalist meet and greet barbecue events in Central, IL . The most recent one was for the third weekend in September of this year. It is unclear if it was held at Marks house  (585 Roosevelt St Apt 2, Creve Coeur IL), but judging by the last two central Illinois BBQ meetups it was likely held at James Logsdons residence (1233 holiday rd Bloomington, illinois 61704 ). This is the first attempt at open white supremacist networking since the "May Meet" in Tinley park last year. The WN scene in Chicago has been in a scared and pathetic state since about 2011 and it's comments like these that not only confirm it, but lead us to assume that this BBQ event was not very well attended.

In response to "we will be having a cookout and a keg on the 3rd weekend in sept. in central Illinois anyone interested in attending send me a pm for more details. all pro-white people are welcome. 14/88! " by madmark88:

Mark was last known to be working at Keystone Steel (12/15/2012) and drives a 2005 Chevy Impala.

 Mark A Davis II‬
585 Roosevelt ST APT 2,‬
‪Creve Coeur,IL 61610-4186 (Tazewell County)‬
‪DOB: 02/1976‬
‪Landline: (309) 643-2296‬
‪Cell: (217) 341-5537‬
‪SF: madmark88‬
‪Drives a 2005 Chevy Impala‬
‪VIN: 2G1WF52E059282323‬
‪Plates: IL L985368 Valid from: (09/27/2011 to 12/31/2012)‬
‪Most recent employer: Keystone Steel‬
‪Previous employers: Richardson Manufacturing and Aerotek ‬