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24 December 2017

How Some Musicians Are Reshaping the Image of Latin America's Music Scene (Part I)

"Before being music producers, we're 100% music fans."

Wayang Wahyu: Preaching the Bible Through Indonesian Javanese Puppets

Indra Suroinggeno has been conducting workshops among young Javanese to preserve and promote Wayang Wahyu, a narration of Bible stories through the use of puppet characters.

Two Salvadoran Theater Productions Explore Themes of Violence and Forced Disappearances

Theater actors and directors devote efforts to understand, denounce and remember a forgotten ramification of violence in El Salvador -- forced disappearances.

The Chinese Communist Party Forbids Members From Celebrating Christmas, Calling It a Festival of Humiliation

This year, the anti-Christmas campaign has been marked by the circulation of an article that recites the history of Western military invasions in China, arguing that Christmas represents Chinese humiliation.

23 December 2017

Thailand's Military Junta Wants to Promote Nationalism With a Soap Opera Called ‘Love Missions’

"It’s delusional to think this is enough to alleviate the people’s sorrow and disappointment with the military in the real world."

All About ‘Osechi Ryōri’, Japan's Traditional New Year's Food

If you're ever invited to spend New Years in a Japanese home, you can impress your hosts with your knowledge of the meanings of the various traditional New Year's dishes.

An Indigenous Community in Paraguay Faces One of the Biggest Hydroelectric Dams in the World

'For the Ava Guarani, it's impossible to comply with an agreement that is already broken.'

22 December 2017

In Sri Lanka, Families of the Disappeared Treasure the Everyday Items Left Behind

"When we were displaced, this blazer and four sarees were all I had in a bag. This is all I have of his possessions."

20 December 2017

Tropical Storm Unleashes Deadly Destruction on Philippines Four Years After Super Typhoon Haiyan

"We would never have thought the storm would cause evacuation-efforts spanning three regions or paralyzed the economy of close to three provinces in Eastern Visayas."

Amidst the Advent Season, Church Blast Leaves Nine Dead and Several Injured in Quetta, Pakistan

On December 17, 2017, the Bethel Memorial Methodist Church, in Quetta, Pakistan was attacked, leaving nine dead and more than 50 injured.

With Legislative Changes, Some Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists Fear ‘Article 23 Is Coming to Town’

Article 23 refers to a controversial part of Hong Kong's mini-constitution that compels it to pass national security legislation against treason, secession, sedition or subversion against the mainland Chinese government.

19 December 2017

Pakistan's Digital Rights Foundation Launches Online Safety Network for Journalists

Global Voices Advocacy

Last week, Digital Rights Foundation, a not-for-profit working on digital rights in Pakistan, launched the “Network for Journalists for Digital Rights.” The network seeks to help journalists keep safe while working online...

Jamaicans Mourn the Passing of a Media Icon Who Celebrated Achievement in the Face of Adversity

"Ian’s contribution to media is admirable and represents the power of good journalism. He distinguished himself as a fair, fearless and balanced commentator. I consider his passing a great loss."

For Those Seeking Refuge in Trinidad and Tobago, State Support Is Lacking

The issue of migration is high on the global radar, but when it comes to the Caribbean region, stories of refugees and asylum-seekers have had less attention.

In Lebanon, Civil Society Groups Are Launching a New Waste Management Coalition

"The government should listen to what this coalition and the Lebanese people are saying"

Wildlife Sanctuary Announcement Is the Icing on the Christmas Cake for Jamaica's Environmental Campaigners

An environmentally sensitive area initially pegged to be a megaport development will now be transformed into a wildlife sanctuary intended to protect the critically endangered Jamaican Iguana.

Zanzibar’s Football Heroes Win Hearts Despite Loss to Kenya in CECAFA Cup

Zanzibar Heroes shocked everyone when they made it to the CACEFA Senior Challenge Cup finals against Kenya's Harambee Stars. They lost, but Zanzibar is still cheering for its heroes.

The Story Behind China’s Online Literature Boom

China is experiencing a boom in online e-book sales which is changing the landscape of publishing and literature in the country.

Robbie Williams’ Bottom Ignites Online Firestorm in Uzbekistan

“This is my band...this is my arse. Tonight your arse is mine.”

‘Love Wins for Today’ as Indonesian Court Rejects Petition to Criminalize Gay Sex

"Thank you the five Supreme Court justices who thwarted another effort to persecute Indonesia's LGBT people. Our fight for equality is not over, but for today #lovewins."

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