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The Brexit Brain-Buster, by Richard Ogier

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The ramifications of Brexit go well beyond the EU.

Latest comment: "...(though the disgrace of Manus Island and Nauru has lately dragged our name through the mud: “the...

Moira Finucane’s Gallery ‘Tour’, by Neil Maizels

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Can art criticism be a dance, or a Vaudeville romp around Australia’s largest art gallery? Can the free (and hilariously droll) musings of a sparkly, adventurous super-woman produce an entertainingly valid criticism of art criticism? The answers are all Yes.

Trump: Nuclear Future?, by Richard Tanter

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Strategically and morally there are only two acceptable positions on nuclear weapons: a commitment to deep arms control and disarmament, or work for the prohibition of nuclear weapons as a prerequisite for their abolition. Trump will oppose both, and in doing so he will increase global support for each.