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Thursday, September 23, 2004

US military to cook protesters with microwaves

The US military plans to deploy microwave "pain guns" to disperse protesters, at first in Iraq but surely elsewhere if they are successful.

The devices are more or less the guts of a microwave oven- power supply & magnetron- which generate high intensity radio waves at around 2.4GHz. The US Army version of the microwave oven has a very leaky door seal- they have antennas which can focus the beam over some distance instead of containing the energy within a box to cook hot dogs.

The "pain guns" are designed to inflict Radio Frequency energy (RF) burns, which are extremely paiunful because they penetrate the skin and muscle tissue.

William Arkin, a senior military advisor to Human Rights Watch, says that the US military's transmitter operates at 95 GHz with a 100 kW (!!!) source. “I have a copy of the contract” for the weapon system, he told Microwave News. Arkin, who is based in South Pomfret, VT, estimates that its range is approximately 200 meters, based on “back-of-the-envelope calculations.”

I have very little doubt that these microwave ray-guns will be quite effective. Have you seen what's left of a hot dog after 90 seconds in a 2.4GHz, 1000 watt oven? A 95GHz operating frequency would enhance tissue penetration. Exposure to directed radiation from a 100,000 watt source would very likely carry >90% lethality for the first 50m of the proposed 200m range. This device would be far from hand-held; a 100kW generator would have to be mounted on a vehicle, but a Hummer would do fine.

Oh.. the Army claims that their microwave guns do no permanent damage to the human body; step out of the beam and the skin stops cooking. What they haven't mentioned publicly yet is a microwave beam's effects on thermally sensitive tissues like corneas and reproductive organs. Your eyes cook VERY rapidly when exposed to high intensity RF for even brief periods.

The message is clear- protest against us and we'll burn you alive or blind you for life, or worse:

From "Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons" by Dr. Reinhard Munzert:

"The effects of the MW beam on the victims include extreme weariness, headache, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, painful testis, damaged nervous system and internal organs, burned skin and eye damage. Later effects include blindness, heart attack, stroke and cancer. In the last months by some victims, cancerous tumors have been diagnosed.

In addition to that, victims (through intrigue and defamation) are seen as psychotic and dangerous; thus, they are completely helpless. At the same time, the new weapons (for certain contractors) are tested under ordinary circumstances and constantly improved."

This is NOT the America I came from in 1996. I honestly don't want anything to do with people who would cook their political opponents while still standing in their shoes.

Directed Energy Weapons should be classed with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Use of DEWs should be a war crime!


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