Syria, ‘Experts,’ and George Monbiot

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter has published two exclusives whose import is far greater than may be immediately apparent. They concern Israel’s bombing in 2007 of a supposed nuclear plant secretly built, according to a self-serving US and Israeli narrative, by Syrian leader Bashar Assad. Although the attack on the “nuclear reactor” occurred a decade ago, … Continue reading “Syria, ‘Experts,’ and George Monbiot”

Israel Lobby Is Slowly Being Dragged Into the Light

The scandal surrounding Priti Patel, who was forced to resign as Britain’s international aid minister last week after secret meetings with Israeli officials during a “family holiday”, offers a small, opaque window on the UK’s powerful Israel lobby. Patel’s off-the-books meetings with 12 Israelis, including prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, were organized by a British lobbyist … Continue reading “Israel Lobby Is Slowly Being Dragged Into the Light”

Why Israel Supports Kurdish Independence

Palestinians and Israelis watched last week’s referendum of Iraq’s Kurds with special interest. Israeli officials and many ordinary Palestinians were delighted – for very different reasons – to see an overwhelming vote to split away from Iraq. Given the backlash from Baghdad and anger from Iran and Turkey, which have restive Kurdish minorities, the creation … Continue reading “Why Israel Supports Kurdish Independence”

Clinton’s Defeat and the ‘Fake News’ Conspiracy

There is an astounding double standard being applied to the US presidential election result. A few weeks ago the corporate media were appalled that Donald Trump demurred on whether he would accept the vote if it went against him. It was proof of his anti-democratic, authoritarian instincts. But now he has won, the same media … Continue reading “Clinton’s Defeat and the ‘Fake News’ Conspiracy”

Adam Curtis: Another Manager of Perceptions

Adam Curtis’ new, near three-hour documentary HyperNormalisation, showing on BBC iplayer, is being garlanded with predictable praise from liberal commentators. As ever, Curtis joins the dots in interesting, and sometimes compelling, ways. But HyperNormalisation also continues a trend by Curtis of using his insights to present a deeply conservative, disempowering and ultimately false impression of … Continue reading “Adam Curtis: Another Manager of Perceptions”

In the US, Money Talks When It Comes to Israel

The grubby underside of US electoral politics is on show once again as the Democratic and Republican candidates prepare to fight it out for the presidency. And it doesn’t get seamier than the battle to prove how loyal each candidate is to Israel. New depths are likely to be plumbed this week at the Republican … Continue reading “In the US, Money Talks When It Comes to Israel”

US Plays Decisive Role in Israel’s Attack on Gaza

Two reporters for major US TV channels were summarily "removed" last week from covering Israel’s attack on Gaza, moments before Israel launched a ground invasion. NBC pulled out Ayman Mohyeldin, who has been widely praised for the even-handedness of his reporting from Gaza, just as he landed a harrowing scoop. He had kicked a football … Continue reading “US Plays Decisive Role in Israel’s Attack on Gaza”

The Four Guilty Parties Behind Israel’s Attack

A short interview broadcast by CNN late last week featuring two participants — a Palestinian in Gaza and an Israeli within range of the rocket attacks — did not follow the usual script. For once, a media outlet dropped its role as gatekeeper, there to mediate and therefore impair our understanding of what is taking … Continue reading “The Four Guilty Parties Behind Israel’s Attack”

Netanyahu Tries to Hide the Occupation

As protests raged again across the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, offered his assessment of the Arab Spring last week. It was, he said, an "Islamic, anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-Israeli, undemocratic wave," adding that Israel’s Arab neighbors were "moving not forwards, but backwards." It takes some chutzpah – or, at least, epic self-delusion – … Continue reading “Netanyahu Tries to Hide the Occupation”