Despite Public’s War Weariness, US Defense Budget May Rise

Despite the public’s persistent war weariness, the U.S. defense budget – the world’s biggest by far – may be set to rise again, according to a new study released here this week by the Center for International Policy (CIP). The 41-page study, “Something in the Air: ‘Isolationism,’ Defense Spending, and the US Public Mood,” concludes … Continue reading “Despite Public’s War Weariness, US Defense Budget May Rise”

The Uses of Ukraine

The observation that the Chinese characters for the word “crisis” combine the characters for “danger” and “opportunity” has become a staple of Washington foreign policy discourse for years. So it’s no surprise that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine – and Russia’s de facto absorption of Crimea – provides lots of “opportunities” for various interests to … Continue reading “The Uses of Ukraine”

US Hawks Take Flight Over Ukraine

A familiar clutch of hawks have taken wing over the rapidly developing crisis in Ukraine, as neo-conservatives and other interventionists claim that President Barack Obama’s preference for diplomacy over military action invited Russian aggression. At stake in the current crisis, according to these right-wing critics, are not only Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also … Continue reading “US Hawks Take Flight Over Ukraine”

AIPAC’s Annus Horribilis?

The year of 2014 is starting well for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the premier organization of this country’s Israel lobby. Not only has it been clearly and increasingly decisively defeated – at least for now and the immediate future – in its bid to persuade a filibuster-proof, let alone a veto-proof, super-majority … Continue reading “AIPAC’s Annus Horribilis?”

Top Israel Lobby Group Loses Battle on Iran, But War Not Over

Eight years ago, Stephen Rosen, then a top official at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and well-known around Washington for his aggressiveness, hawkish views, and political smarts, was asked by Jeffrey Goldberg of the New Yorker magazine whether some recent negative publicity had harmed the lobby group’s legendary clout in Washington. “A half … Continue reading “Top Israel Lobby Group Loses Battle on Iran, But War Not Over”

Israel Lobby Thwarted in Iran Sanctions Bid for Now

In what looks to be a clear victory – at least for now – for President Barack Obama, a major effort by the Israel lobby and its most powerful constituent, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), to pass a new sanctions bill against Iran has stalled in the U.S. Senate. While the legislation, the … Continue reading “Israel Lobby Thwarted in Iran Sanctions Bid for Now”

Iran Sanctions Bill a Big Test of Israel Lobby Power

This week’s introduction by a bipartisan group of 26 senators of a new sanctions bill against Iran could result in the biggest test of the political clout of the Israel lobby here in decades. The White House, which says the bill could well derail ongoing negotiations between Iran and the U.S. and five other powers … Continue reading “Iran Sanctions Bill a Big Test of Israel Lobby Power”

Obama Gets More Time for Iran Nuclear Deal

The administration of President Barack Obama appears to have succeeded in preventing Congress from enacting new sanctions against Iran before the next round of nuclear-related talks between the U.S. and other great powers and Tehran scheduled for Geneva Nov. 20. As a result, optimism that at least an interim deal may soon be achieved between … Continue reading “Obama Gets More Time for Iran Nuclear Deal”

US-Iran Poised for Breakthrough on Hostage Crisis Anniversary

On the 34th anniversary of the seizure by Iranian militants of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, a growing number of experts here believe Washington and the Islamic Republic may be moving toward détente, if not rapprochement. While hardline demonstrators in Tehran Monday marked the anniversary with ritual chants outside the long-abandoned embassy of “Death to … Continue reading “US-Iran Poised for Breakthrough on Hostage Crisis Anniversary”

Iran Hawks Down but Not Out After Geneva Talks

Iran hawks here are pushing hard for Congress, where they enjoy the greatest influence, to approve a new set of extra-territorial sanctions – albeit with some tactical adjustments to take account of the newly hopeful mood coming out of Geneva – before the next round of talks between Tehran and the so-called P5+1 (the U.S., … Continue reading “Iran Hawks Down but Not Out After Geneva Talks”