
This blog is now out of beta and has moved

March 5, 2007

The new, permanent address is www.pocketfilms.com/blog – so update your bookmarks, blogrolls, etc. – we’ve tried to make it prettier and easier to use, and have what should be a fully-functioning RSS feed up and running to boot. Hope you like it – and any questions/suggestions, let us know in the comments over there.

Thanks all!


News: Robert De Niro

February 23, 2007

De Niro’s concentration on comedy in recent years has been depressing for fans of his earlier work, so this week’s The Good Shepherd – which he directed as well as cameos in – has been something of a relief even if it isn’t as good as it should have been. Thankfully, with loads of films in the pipeline, quite a few are set to involve straight acting for a change.

Next up is an adaptation of the Neil Gaiman fantasy novel Stardust, with a supremely impressive cast that includes the likes of Peter O’Toole, Ian McKellen, Rupert Everett, Ricky Gervais, Sienna Miller, Michelle Pfeiffer and Clare Danes. Then there’s New Orleans, a thriller about police corruption, with De Niro investigating with the help of his new partner, played by rapper 50 Cent, before hooking up with the rather more talented George Clooney for the crime drama 36.

Then it’s back to comedy for Hollywood expose What Just Happened?, based on the book by Heat and Fight Club producer Art Linson (who also wrote the screenplay), with De Niro playing a film producer having a tough time getting funding, with co-stars including the likes of Bruce Willis, Sean Penn and John Turturro. After that it’s more drama, starring alongside his erstwhile Taxi Driver co-star Jodie Foster for her latest directorial effort, Sugarland, about two lawyers fighting to end the exploitation of migrant sugar labourers.

Then more drama – and a return to familiar territory – for The Winter of Frankie Machine, with De Niro playing a retired mob hit man, lured back into his former profession for one last hit. Finally, he’s set to star as the husband of Meryl Streep female President of the United States in the political comedy First Man, which sounds promising – as does the computer game version of Heat, assuming De Niro, Al Pacino and Val Kilmer all sign on to do voice duties, as they’re currently only in negotiations.


News: Angelina Jolie

February 23, 2007

Everyone’s favourite fantasy figure Angelina Jolie may be wasted in this week’s The Good Shepherd, and may have been seen in the tabloids more often than on screen in the last couple of years, but that’s hopefully set to change.

She’s next up doing full-on “proper” acting in A Mighty Heart, following the efforts of the wife of murdered Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl to find out precisely how her husband ended up being beheaded on camera by Islamist fanatics back in 2002. then she’s on voice duties as the voice of the mother of the monster Grendel in the much-anticipated adaptation of the Dark Age poem Beowulf, starring Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins and a host of other top-notch actors, with more voice duties following in the animated comedy Kung-Fu Panda, alongside Jack Black, Jackie Chan, Dustin Hoffman and Lucy Liu, before switching back to drama for the Ayn Rand adaptation Atlas Shrugged, possibly alongside her real-world lover and father of her ultra-famous baby, Brad Pitt.


News: Matt Damon

February 23, 2007

Damon’s been doing stupidly well of late, with only the disappointing The Brothers Grim and Ocean’s Twelve acting as blips on his career during his last few outings. Though this week’s The Good Shepherd may not be as great as could have been hoped, he nonetheless puts in a tip-top performance which suggests that it’s only a matter of time before he lands an acting Oscar to go with the one he got for writing Good Will Hunting with best buddy Ben Affleck back in 1998.

He’s already finished filming Margaret, revolving around Anna Paquin’s young girl who witnesses a bus crash, though it is not yet set for release, and has also wrapped Steven Soderbergh’s Ocean’s Thirteen – promising that it’ll be much better than the last sequel to the fun Ocean’s Eleven when it’s released in June. Then, in August, we can expect to see him in another sequel, this time in his really rather superb Jason Bourne franchise, with The Bourne Ultimatum promising to answer all sorts of questions about his amnesiac assassin.

He’s also lined up to star aongside Tim Roth in Francis Ford Coppola’s inter-war period piece Youth Without Youth, and alongside his The Departed co-star Mark Wahlberg in 1980s-set boxing drama The Fighter, as well as providing the voiceover for the documentary Running the Sahara, following three men who want to be the first to run coast to coast across the Sahara desert.


News: Jim Carrey

February 23, 2007

Comedian Carrey’s gone for another deep and meaningful serious performance with this week’s The Number 23, following his tip-top straight turn in the modern classic Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a couple of years back. He’s currently – and oddly, considering his fame – only got one project on the go, providing voice duties for the titular elephant Horton in the animated Dr Seuss adaptation Horton Hears A Who, following his previous Seuss-inspired success with How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Steve Carell, best known for The 40 Year Old Virgin and the US version of The Office, will co-star.


News: Joel Schumacher

February 23, 2007

Director Schumacher, still best known for his disasterous Batman and Robin, has tried his hand at deep and meaningful with this week’s Jim Carrey-starring psychological thriller The Number 23. He’s got another thriller up next, the occult Nazi mystery revenge piece Town Creek, set in small town America, and starring Prison Break‘s Dominic Purcell and Desperate Housewives‘ Jesse Metcalfe. Then it’s Centricity, starring The Matrix trilogy’s Monica Bellucci, the plot of which remains somewhat mysterious at the moment, before he takes on another psychological piece with The Crowded Room, based on the true story of a psychophrenic robber and rapist with no fewer than twenty-four different personalities. Twenty-three might be more appropriate, given his current movie, but you can’t have everything…


News: Clint Eastwood

February 23, 2007

Nominated for Oscars for Best Director and Best Picture for this week’s Letters From Iwo Jima (it’s also up for best screenplay and best sound editing, with the American half of Eastwood’s Iwo Jima double bill, Flags of Our Fathers, up for sound editing and sound mixing), it’s Eastwood’s fourth time being nominated for Best Director – all of them coming after he hit the age of 60. Not bad going for an old timer.

Next up for 76-year-old Eastwood is, erm… a well-deserved rest, by the look of things. Having just done two highly-praised films back-to-back, he’ll be taking a bit of time off to work on his golf. He has, however, lent his distinctive voice to the computer game version of his cult 1971 film Dirty Harry, set to be released for the Xbox360 and PS3 sometime later this year, and he has supposedly bought the film rights to the authorised biography of Man on the Moon Neil Armstrong, which could be a nice follow-up to 200’s Space Cowboys.


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