UNDP Oslo Governance Centre

                               Burundi - Transitional Programme of Post-Conflict Reconstruction. Photo: Sarah Morgan/IFAD

The Oslo Governance Centre (OGC) is one of six UNDP Global Policy Centres, established in 2002 and working since May 2015 with a renewed mandate. OGC is part of the UNDP Governance and Peacebuilding Cluster in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS). It works closely with its New York based Headquarters and other relevant UN and UNDP units strengthening the overall analytical and learning ability in the area of Governance and Peacebuilding. The OGC draws on UNDP’s expertise in human development, democratic governance and conflict prevention to support policy development and applied research with an overarching focus on democratic governance and peacebuilding in crisis, conflict and transitional contexts. The Centre greatly values its partnership with its host, Norway, and has been set up with shared resources and under shared governance arrangements.

What we do


OGC, in line with the new UNDP Strategic Plan (2014 – 2017) and Agenda 2030, has anchored its governance and peacebuilding work towards supporting the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16).

The process also reaffirmed Norway’s continuing support to UNDP’s governance and peacebuilding mandate and strengthening their mutual commitment to work together.


The main areas of our work:

Turkey border

Governance challenges in countries in transition:

Research on the governance challenges in countries in transition to inform policy options that put inclusive and effective governance at the heart of development programming and policies. Understanding how to open up the space for broader engagement in shaping more inclusive, just and peaceful societies. MORE>



Ethiopia extractive industry

Governance of extractive industries:

Research how extractive industries affect conflict in a context of crisis and transition, and how policies enabling good governance of the industry can strengthen resilience and sustainable development. MORE>


Governance of inclusion and the empowerment of women

OGC’s globally focused research and policy development efforts focus on  exploring how UNDP programmes can more effectively engage diverse identity groups, in this case women, in the pursuit of conflict-mitigating social-cohesion.

Expert meeting pic

Supporting SDG 16 implementation / Measuring governance for development

Supporting inclusive mechanisms and frameworks for monitoring, reporting and accountability for Goal 16 at the global and national levels. MORE>

pve report cover

Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE):

Through research OGC focusses on exploring the  drivers of violent extremism – political, social and economic and use insights to strengthen UNDP’s approach to PVE programming specifically in terms of the role of women and gender dimension of PVE. MORE>


North Kivu, DRC

Social cohesion research:

OGC’s globally focused research and policy development efforts focus on exploring how UNDP programmes can more effectively engage diverse identity groups, in this case women, in the pursuit of conflict-mitigating social-cohesion. Working with research and other expert organisations the OGC focuses in capturing “lessons from the ground” to inform UNDP policy development and programming.

Contact Us:

United Nations Development Programme
UNDP Oslo Governance Centre
Kongens Gate 12,
0153 Oslo, Norway


For more information please Email to: oslo.governance.centre@undp.org

Tel: +47 22 12 16 00

Twitter: @UNDPOGC

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