Community Noticeboard

ACT well prepared for UN Treaty ratification
Release date: 22 December 2017
Shane Rattenbury, MLA

New portal helping Canberrans be smart and safe shoppers
Release date: 22 December 2017
Shane Rattenbury, MLA

Top baby names of 2017 revealed
Release date: 22 December 2017
Gordon Ramsay, MLA

Government delivers election commitment for more frontline ambulance resources
Release date: 21 December 2017
Mick Gentleman, MLA

ACT energy efficiency program makes low income households a priority
Release date: 21 December 2017
Shane Rattenbury, MLA

Christmas toy safety inspections: keeping Canberra kids safe
Release date: 21 December 2017
Shane Rattenbury, MLA

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Kite making in the school holidays

Create and decorate your own kite to fly at one of Canberra's most scenic locations these school holidays
Workshops on Tuesdays 9, 16, 23 and 30 January 2018, at 9am, 10am and 11am - workshops run for 1 hour.

Christmas Belles Dinner at the National Arboretum Canberra

The Christmas Belles Dinner will be held on Thursday 7 Dec, 6.30 to 10pm.  The summer harvest of cherries and berries heralds the arrival of Christmas and the time for good cheer, celebrated in a festive outdoor event!

Films at the National Film and Sound Archive
Year round

The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) presents an extensive screening program and a range of special events throughout the year.

Ranger Guided Activities at Tidbinbilla
Year round

Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve offers an extensive program of guided walks and activities and special school holiday activities throughout the year. Don't miss your chance to see Australian wildlife in this beautiful natural environment.

Embroiderers' Guild ACT - 2017 Annual Exhibition
15 - 17 September 2017

Come and see the extensive and diverse display of current pieces of traditional and modern work handcrafted by Guild members. Doors are open from 10am to 4pm each day. Entry fees: $10 - adults, $8 - concession, children under 12 years free.

Asbestos Safety and Eradication Summit
26 - 28 November 2017

The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency’s most important event to date will take place at Old Parliament House and will focus on the direction for Australia’s next National Strategic Plan to eradicate asbestos-related diseases. It will bring together local and international experts in asbestos management, health, advocacy and governance to lead the discussion.

Early bird prices are available until 20 October, so register now to be a part of the interactive workshops, gain up to date knowledge on asbestos awareness and management, and network with government officials, industry experts and peak body leaders during exciting social events.

More Events»

Visit the new Fix My Street website

A new and improved ‘Fix My Street’ website now offers more information on what’s going on in your local area.

Next stage of Red Hill renewal project about to begin

The next stage of the revitalisation of the former Red Hill public housing precinct is on track, with demolition work set to begin in early August.

The first stage of the work will involve the removal of hazardous material using specialist contractors before proceeding to structural demolition. Demolition works are expected to be completed by March 2018.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

In the 2017-18 Budget, the ACT Government committed $23.5 million over four years to combat domestic and family violence in the ACT. The Office of the Coordinator-General for Family Safety is progressing the Safer Families package by working across government and the community.

CYPQAI Committee - Communiqué July 2017
Community Services Directorate

At its fourth meeting on Tuesday 4 July 2017, the Child and Youth Protection Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee (CYPQAI) maintained its focus on contributing to the quality of child protection policy and practice in the ACT.

Do not pick or eat any wild mushrooms
ACT Health Directorate

ACT Chief Health Officer Dr Paul Kelly is reminding the community not to pick or eat any wild mushrooms found growing in and around the ACT.

Death Cap mushrooms are a deadly, poisonous fungus. In Canberra, the Death Cap mushroom often grow near established oak trees in warm, wet weather typically observed in late summer and autumn. With the recent cool and wet weather, Death Cap mushrooms have been found around Canberra.

Light rail construction updates
Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate

Construction of stage one of the Light Rail Network is now underway, with work progressing on the 12 kilometre City to Gungahlin corridor. The ACT Government has also endorsed a City to Woden corridor as the preferred next stage in the development of the network. Stay up to date with construction activities along the corridor via the weekly newsletter.

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Your Say

Share ideas and have your say on a range of government projects and initiatives across Canberra via the Your Say website.

Changes to legislation removed the requirement to publish public notices in newspapers. Public notices can now be published on an ACT Government website. For more information about Red Tape Reduction please visit the Access Canberra website.

Public notice Release date
ACT Tree Register 23 Dec 2017
Application for Registration of a Salesperson 22 Dec 2017
Application for Registration of a Salesperson 21 Dec 2017
Double Demerits - Christmas Holiday Period 21 Dec 2017
Environment Protection (Contaminated Sites) Environment Protection Policy 2017 (No 1) 21 Dec 2017
Application for Liquor Licence 20 Dec 2017
Application for Real Estate Agent Licence 19 Dec 2017
Application for Registration of a Salesperson 18 Dec 2017
Application for Registration of a Salesperson 18 Dec 2017
Application for Employment Agent Licence 18 Dec 2017
More public notices»

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