
Monthly Donation to OrcaLab

OrcaLab needs stable funding from people who value our efforts. In addition to our whale research on Hanson Island, we are providing live access to the wonderful sights and sounds of orcas and Nature by developing “OrcaLive” (

Regular donations provide us with the most reliable support. With stable funding OrcaLab will thrive in the future and continue the live video/audio webcast welcomed by people in over 70 countries during 2000-2006.

We will greatly appreciate it if you are willing to help us, even just a little.

The choices in the drop down menu above are as low as $5 per month. We are a Canadian charity, and will issue tax receipts to Canadian donors.

Please note that you will need to set up an account with PayPal, if you don’t already have one. You will need a credit card. The process is very simple, and will take just a short time.

To begin, choose the amount you wish to contribute; then click on the “Subscribe” button. Alternatively, if you would like to make a one time donation, please see below:

One-Time Donation to OrcaLab

Thank you very much!