
The state takes advantage of the lack of autonomous workers struggles to revise the terms of capitalist exploitation in France - leaflet by Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu

CGT activists protesting

A leaflet about the recent "Executive Orders" signed by French President Emmanuel Macron which aim to "modernise" the labour laws.

Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the IWW

A global history of the syndicalist union the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Brutal police attacks on protesters in Buenos Aires

Police attacking protestors in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina – On Thursday police brutally attacked protesters who had gathered in front of the Congress to oppose a law being debated in the lower Chamber of Deputies, including severe cuts to pensions, retirement payments and even social aid (amongst others, the AUH a conditional cash payments to poor families with children).

Universal Credit - Universal Torment: once more an attack on the conditions of the whole working class

The official line is that universal credit is being introduced to make things easier, simpler, gather a multitude of payments together to benefit people generally. As if fine-tuning bourgeois bureaucracy is a matter for anyone apart from itself and those it serves. The reality for those on the receiving-end is catastrophic to say the least.

Azadi (volume 1 issue 3, November 2017) - Indian Anarchist Federation

Azadi, meaning freedom and liberty, is a 4 page newsletter by Indian Anarchist Federation. Published and distributed primarily in city of Bhopal. It began in 2017.

Azadi (volume 1 issue 3, November 2017) - Indian Anarchist Federation

Azadi, meaning freedom and liberty, is a 4 page newsletter by Indian Anarchist Federation. Published and distributed primarily in city of Bhopal. It began in 2017.

Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation)

Resistance is the Anarchist Federations publication on social struggles and analysis of them. This issue covers Grenfell, Fascism, Trump, the Racist vans, Deliveroo, the struggle to reclaim Pride, Edinburgh Mothers against the benefit cap, Rent Strike, No to Prisons and Anti-Fracking.

In the Country of Dijsselbloem - Labor Relations in the Netherlands

Billions of savings on 'social wage'

Describtion of labour relations, state-induced attacks on 'social wage', 2017 elections and formation of a new governement in the Netherlands. From a council communist view, developed by Arbeidersstemmen (Workers' Voices).

Sisters Uncut Occupy London’s Holloway Prison

Image credit @sistersuncut, flares on the roof of Holloway Prison

Sisters Uncut, a UK-based feminist group, held a week-long occupation of north London’s Holloway Prison in late May in response to conservative austerity policies that have had a damaging effect on social services for victims of domestic violence.