Four NoTAV activists acquitted of terrorism charge

The four NoTAV activists arrested on 9th December 2013 have been acquitted of the charge of terrorism. They were, however, convicted for attacking the TAV construction site, for damaging a compressor and for carrying “weapons of war” (in fact, Molotov cocktails and fireworks).

Renzi’s EU election victory fuels wave of evictions and arrests

A wave of evictions and arrests of militants from radical and housing rights movements began just a few days after the notable victory of Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party in the European elections.

Appeal from the families of the four No-TAV demonstrators arrested for terrorism

An extremely moving and heartfelt appeal from the families of four No Tav protesters, charged with terrorism and held in maximum security detention for allegedly damaging equipment on construction sites for the high speed rail link.

Clashes in Rome over high speed rail link

Hundreds of protesters opposed to the construction of a high speed rail link have clashed with police during a visit to Rome by the French President, Francios Hollande.

Media diverts attention from No-TAV struggle

At a time when France is losing interest in the idea of the TAV project between Lyons and Turin, Italy has now started to go all out.

Police operation against No TAV: charges of terrorism and subversion

In the Susa Valley and Turin, tens of homes and even restaurants owned by No TAV activists from the group Comitato di Lotta Popolare have been searched in an extraordinary anti-terrorism and subversion police operation.

The view from here: NoTAV eyewitness account

Another march took place in the heart of the Susa valley on Saturday March 23, 2013, organised by the NoTAV people together with local authorities and other local bodies, which have been part of this struggle since the beginning.

On the state of movements in Italy: let’s open the debate

Italians demonstrate during November 14 European strike

Some American and European comrades have asked me, Why didn’t you have an Occupy movement in Italy? Why is the NO TAV movement the only expression of social struggle? The NO TAV, despite their strong success, despite their original expression of post-modernity class war, lack the characteristics of the Occupy movements: an extension of social change, the power to remove old hierarchies, and, above all, a shared and “common” political dynamic open to radical political upheavals.

French government rediscusses Torino-Lyon project

French newspaper "Le Figaro" reveals the French government is re-examining the Torino-Lyon high-speed train line.

Sins of Maddalena


Sometime words aren’t enough, that’s why we translated this short documentary. We regard it as a good glance into the Notav struggle. It shows who they are, where they live, the aims and reasons of their opposition.