
The Mau Mau uprising, 1952-1956

Mau Mau fighters, 1954

A short overview of the Mau Mau rebellion against the British Empire in Kenya, which was brutally suppressed by the colonial administration.

Uber drivers in Kenya on indefinite strike

Drivers on strike

Drivers for Uber, Taxify, Little and Mondo-Ride have been on indefinite strike since 11th September over working conditions and high commission rates.

Interview: 100 days of the Kenya nurses strike

Nurses on strike in Kenya

Nurses in Kenya have been on strike for more than 100 days. The government has declared the strike illegal and started sacking nurses. Nurses have continued their action despite this, with an almost total shutdown of public hospitals across Kenya and demonstrations weekly. Mike Harman interviewed Nahashon, one of the nurses on strike, for

1947: Mombasa General Strike

Mombasa, 1947

In 1947 the city of Mombasa was paralysed by a general strike by its black African workforce in an attempt to end pay disparities, especially along colour lines.

Detained: A Writer's Prison Diary by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Detained: A Writer's Prison Diary

Ngugi wa Thiong'o was detained in Kamĩtĩ Maximum Security Prison in Nairobi from 31 December 1977 to 12 December 1978. This diary was written in prison.

Kenyan police murder four squatters during eviction

Four people have been killed and ten others seriously injured when police opened fire on squatters protesting about being evicted from the 1200 acre Twiga Estate farm in Kenya, which they have lived on since 1952.

Kenyan Government fires 25,000 striking nurses

The Kenyan Government has sacked 25,000 striking nurses who refused to return to work after their trade union called off the official strike.

Kenyan nurses reject the union & bosses deal and continue striking

Kenyan nurses have been on strike for the last four days over pay. Yesterday, their trade union reached a deal with the bosses and called the strike off. Nurses are angry at the lack of consultation, and at the content of the deal. They have responded by ignoring the official call to end the strike, and have again walked out.

The food-aid racket

A former international development worker outlines how the industry has nothing to do with meeting human needs.

Kenyan lecturers defy court ban on strike

Union members stand strong despite legal threats

Thousands of University lecturers continued their strike on Wednesday, despite a court order to return to work.