IWW statements on language school organising in Dublin

Workers in Dublin's English language schools have been getting organised!

Anarchist social organization

A piece discussing debates over the role of political ideas within social movements, and the debate within anarchism over political organization applied to the current context of North American anarchism.

Support Clydeside IWW member in court for Glasgow Pride protest!

Following the arrests of five protesters at this year's Glasgow Pride, one of the arrested, a member of the Clydeside IWW branch, is facing trial on the 7th of December. Clydeside IWW have organised a solidarity protest and published a call for solidarity, reproduced here.

The Wobblies: a radical world history - Peter Cole

Peter Cole recalls the history of the Industrial Workers of the World. As capitalism continues to enact violence on workers worldwide, and politics takes a toxic turn, Cole asks: what use can the Wobblies be today?

Do solidarity unions need to ‘go public’?

Stardust Banner

Marianne Garneau and MK Lees reexamine the value of the "Going Public" step in solidarity union organizing drives.

In November we remember: the centennial of the 1912 Little Falls textile strike – Brendan Maslauskas Dunn

Little Falls textile strikers in front of the strike headquarters (Slovak Hall)

An overview of the Little Falls textile strike of 1912. First published as follows in November 2012 in the Industrial Worker (issue 1750, vol. 109, no. 9).

Wobblies and Cossacks: The 1913 great strike

1913 general strike

A short history of the 1913 New Zealand general strike by Ciaran Doolin.

Rebellion: Made up of Dreams and Dynamite

Rebellion #1.07 cover

Socialist periodical published by Covington Hall, a proponent of "industrial democracy", in New Orleans from 1916-1917.

The Woman Rebel

Woman rebel cover

A "monthly paper of militant thought" published by Margaret Sanger in 1914 which dealt with issues of women's rights, birth control, and militant labor. It published a total of 8 issues.

Left communism in Australia: J.A. Dawson and the "Southern Advocate for Workers' Councils" - Steve Wright

Steve Wright on Jim Dawson and the 'Southern Advocate for Workers' Councils'. First published in 'Thesis Eleven' #1 (1980), pp. 43-77.