Views and Comments No. 28 (May 1958)

The No. 28 (May 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

The IWA Secretariat enquired about practices of NGO Divé maky in Bratislava + interview

At the end of last week representatives of the IWA Secretariat visited Slovakia and met with members of Priama akcia union (IWA Slovakia). The major topics of their discussions were issues related to illegal employment, onerous contracts and unpaid wages in both neighbouring countries. Representatives of the IWA Secretariat were particularly interested in the development of the conflict of Priama akcia with NGO Divé maky, shared experiences from conflicts and gave impulses for next steps.

Vanguard (Vol. 3, No. 3, August-September 1936)

The August-September 1936 issue of Vanguard, an anarchist journal published out of New York, with articles by Emma Goldman and others.

Spain: Ongoing wave of repression against anarchists

Police raid in the early a.m. in Madrid on March 30 2015.

Twenty-seven people have been arrested by police during a new operation against anarchists in Spain. Starting at 6 a.m. on March 30 2015, police actions in Madrid, Barcelona, Palencia and Granada led to the arrest of 13 people whom police allege belonged to a “criminal organization with terrorist aims”. In the course of raids on six social centres and 11 homes, 14 more people were arrested on charges of resisting the authorities.

Bulgaria: Anarcho-syndicalists support protest of bar workers at the Golden Sands resort

ARS Varna March 8 2015

On March 8 2015 activists of the Varna section of the Autonomous Workers’ Union (ARS, the Bulgarian friend-affiliate of the International Workers’ Association), together with former workers of the night club of the “International” hotel, held a protest demonstration in front of the hotel, which is located in the Zolotyye peski [Golden Sands] resort.

São Paulo: ongoing demonstrations against transit fare hikes

São Paulo February 6 2015

Statement of the Brazilian Workers’ Confederation (COB, a section of the IWA-AIT) opposing the raising of public transit bus fares.

Belgrade: Protest against police repression

Belgrade February 1 2015

On February 1 2015 an appeal issued by the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI, a section of the IWA-AIT) resulted in a protest action at the municipal police headquarters in Belgrade. Previously municipal police had repeatedly attacked passengers of public transport.

Review: The forgotten International - Vadim Damier

A review of a Russian-language history of the worldwide anarcho-syndicalist movement between the two World Wars.

IWA struggles and victories in 2014

A brief account of some of the workplace conflicts, international actions and social struggles of IWA Sections.

The two anarchisms - legalism and illegalism in the libertarian movement in late nineteenth century Spain - Miguel Amorós

A review of the vicissitudes of Spanish anarchism between 1873 and 1897, with special emphasis on the anti-organizational, terrorist (“propaganda of the deed”), and individualist currents within the libertarian movement, and their disastrous consequences for the development of anarchism in Spain.