
The brown plague - Daniel Guérin

Daniel Guérin (1904–1988) was the author of over forty books on a range of subjects including anarchism, decolonization, European and American workers’ movements, and the French Revolution. A pioneering gay activist, he was involved in both the postwar homophile movement and the struggles for liberation that followed in France after the upheavals of May 1968. Robert Schwartzwald is Associate Professor of French at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Fascism and Big Business - Daniel Guérin

Examines the development of fascism in Germany and Italy and its relationship with the ruling capitalist families there.

Kala Tara: paper of the Asian Youth Movement Bradford

Group logo

Partial online archive of Kala Tara, the newspaper of the Bradford branch of the Asian Youth Movement in the 1970s and 80s.

Newham 8 Defence Campaign - Bulletin 1

Newham 8 Defence Campaign poster

A bulletin for the Newham 8 campaign giving the history and circumstances of the arrest of the men. Supporters are urged to raise awareness for the campaign writing letters, passing model resolutions, attending meetings, demonstrations and eventually the court picket at Snaresbrook. A national demonstration against racism on the 24th September is also publicised.

Movements Against Fasicsm: Mark Bray and Shane Burley on Fascism and Resistance in America

Mark Bray (Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook) and Shane Burley (Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It) talk about the growth of the far-right, the rise of Trump, and antifascism in the United states.

Several hurt in clashes with police as anti-fascists protest far-right AfD in Germany

Protests against the party conference of AfD (Alternative für Deutschland – Alternative for Germany) in Hannover met violent police repression. During its party conference, AfD elected new leaders, two hardliners whose victory indicates a further drift to the extreme right of the party.

Self Defence is No Offence - The Bradford 12

Bradford 12

Newsletter produced by Leeds Other Paper and the Bradford 12 campaign shortly after they won their court battle, having been arrested for creating molotov cocktails for community self-defense against the National Front.

Sharrow Action Bulletin - May 1989

March in Sheffield

Sharrow Action Committee Against Racism/Fascism's May 1989 bulletin, detailing racist attacks in Sheffield and community response, criticising the role of the police and council.

Kala Tara - Paper of the Asian Youth Movement Bradford - Issue 1

Here to Stay, Here to Fight

The Asian Youth Movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s involved thousands of young people in radical politics, focused resistance to the National Front, the police, and deportations. This is issue 1 of Bradford Asian Youth Movement's paper, Kala Tara.

Against anti-fascism: Amadeo Bordiga’s last interview

The text of the interview was originally published in Storia Contemporanea no. 3, September 1973. Bordiga also spoke to journalists Sergio Zavoli and Edek Osser for a filmed interview, excerpts of which were included in a documentary on the rise of Fascism. Translated by Giovanni Tiso.