
Brutal police attacks on protesters in Buenos Aires

Police attacking protestors in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina – On Thursday police brutally attacked protesters who had gathered in front of the Congress to oppose a law being debated in the lower Chamber of Deputies, including severe cuts to pensions, retirement payments and even social aid (amongst others, the AUH a conditional cash payments to poor families with children).

The unemployed in the popular uprising of December, 2001: Report from Greater Buenos Aires

This moving account reveals some prominent facts behind the scenes of the December 2001 uprising in Argentina. Cacho's account reveals the political ideas and tactics of the unemployed, who throughout the 90s had managed to obtain public attention and increasing legitimacy in demanding government assistance by disrupting automobile traffic on highways across the entire territory. The piqueteros - the common label of various similar organizations - had coordinated their actions, not just among themselves, but also with the more traditional leftist movements, unions, and political parties.

Open Letter From a Writer to the Military Junta - Rodolfo Walsh

On the one year anniversary of the military Junta of Argentina coming to power underground Jounalist Rudolfo Walsh wrote an open letter denouncing the regime and listing its crimes.

Medina Onrubia de Botana, Salvadora Carmen, 1894-1972

Salvadora Carmen Medina Onrubia

A short biography of Argentinian feminist anarchist poet and writer Salvadora Carmen Medina Onrubia de Botana, written by Cristina Guzzo.

Qué hacer

Exposición de la historia del concepto de comunización, acompañada de una crítica de algunos sus usos más recientes y frívolos

1977-83: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Protest Disapearnces in Argentina

A history of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo. A group of Mothers whose children had been killed and disappeared by the Argentinian government.

"Occupying, Resisting, Producing" Argentine Workers Take Over Abandoned Factories - Andres Gaudin

A contemporary article on the then recent wave of factory occupations in Argentina follow the collapse of neo-liberal economy.

The human costs of militarization in Latin America - Arturo Jimenez

Portraits of missing persons, victims of Operation Condor

An article about the establishment of Operation Condor, an alliance between multiple right wing dictatorships in South America to target exiled dissidents.