Anti-Racist Action

Militant tactics in anti-fascist organizing: interview transcript

A transcript of an interview on radio station KPFA with longtime anti-fascist activist Kieran.

Building Working-Class Defense Organizations: An Interview with the Twin Cities GDC

First of May Anarchist Alliance interviewed Erik D., Secretary of Twin Cities IWW-General Defense Committee (GDC) Local 14. The GDC which has grown to approximately 100 members in Minnesota has become an important pole of struggle for pro-working-class revolutionaries on a number of different fronts, most significantly the year-long struggle against police killings and brutality.

New anarchist federation and anti-fascist network form and a look to past efforts - A. Iwasa

An article by A. Iwasa about some anarchist efforts at organization and publishing in the United States during the 1990s.

Claim No Easy Victories: An Anarchist Analysis of ARA and its Contributions to the Building of a Radical Anti-Racist Movement

An analysis of Anti-Racist Action by a member of the Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives (FRAC).