Great Lives - Louise Michel

Great Lives - Louise Michel

An audio biography and discussion of the life of Louise Michel.

This from a radio program that runs on the BBC called Great Lives, essentially a series of audio biographies on people chosen by the guests. This episode on the life of Louise Michel was chosen by Paul Mason, this was in 2013 before he reminded us all that he is firmly a social democrat. He the host and the other guest Professor Carolyn Eichner author of Surmounting the Barricades Women and the Paris Commune.

Its very comprehensive and covers her life from childhood to working as a teacher, to the Commune and her time in exile and her return to France.

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Dec 17 2017 01:03


  • To drag their rags in blood and mire, Preordained and evil race? You, to whom all men are pray Have made them what they are today

    Louise MIchel

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