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Answers to my Mormon Friends

Book cover



©2001 by Thomas F. Heinze
Reproduced by permission

Which was Joseph Smith...

        A Prophet of God? Or a Fraud?

Since the eternal destiny of Mormons rests upon the life and teachings of this one man, it is critical that the facts be presented so the question can be correctly answered.

This book provides those facts, examining Joseph Smith's personal life, the doctrines he created, plus much more. Which was Joseph Smith? You will know after you read the facts.

Table of Contents
  • Chapter 1 - The Mormon Scriptures
         Who Are The Mormons
         The Mormon's Scriptures
         Where Did the Book of Mormon Come From?
         Correcting the Most Correct Book
         History, Archeology, and the Book or Mormon
  • Chapter 2 - Mormon Salvation
         Celestial Glory
         Terrestrial Glory
         Telestial Glory
         Reflecting on Salvation
         Does The Book of Mormon Speak of Temple Marriage?
         How Many Wives?
  • Chapter 3 - The Book of Mormon and Church Doctrine
         Many Gods
         Baptism for the Dead
  • Chapter 4 - Joseph Smith
         Smith's Background
         Smith as a Translator
         Smith's Later Years
         The Proof of a Prophet
         The Next Step
         Good Works

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