Tag Archives: SDF

British jet fighters aiding Kurdish forces in Syria may impact on UK trial of ‘anti-terrorist fighter’

The British government is now deploying Tornado fighter jets to directly assist anti-terrorist ground forces in northern Syria. In the US, meanwhile, Donald Trump has signed an order to arm those same forces. And both of these developments could directly influence the … Continue reading

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The UK trial of this ‘anti-terrorist fighter’ could see even journalists criminalised

Bristolian Josh Walker faces terrorism charges, even though he has allegedly fought against terrorism. And his case could affect not only others like him, but also journalists and researchers. After his return from Syria, police told Walker that he faces charges under Section 58 … Continue reading

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US condemns Turkey for its bombing of Coalition partners fighting ISIS

After NATO member Turkey bombed anti-terrorist ground forces in Syria and Iraq on 25 April, the US Department of State released a statement of condemnation. This was a public dressing down. But so far, it appears to have had little impact. To read more … Continue reading

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Theresa May’s friend just did ISIS a huge favour by bombing their opponents

In the early hours of 25 April 2017, Turkish jet fighters reportedly bombed the headquarters of the front-line troops fighting Daesh (Isis/Isil). This came only weeks after the latest arms deal secured by British Prime Minister Theresa May with Turkey’s … Continue reading

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Yazidis and Syrian Kurds and their allies under attack by Turkey and its proxies

The last 36 hours have seen major developments in the Middle East in defiance of directives issued by British and US-led Coalition forces. Turkish militias are attacking anti-Daesh (Isis/Isil) units near the Syrian city of Manbij. And at the same … Continue reading

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As Trump dithers, Turkey issues ultimatum to anti-ISIS fighters in Syria

Kurdish-led militias fighting Daesh (Isis/Isil) in northern Syria have provided details this week of new attacks on villages which they had previously liberated from jihadi forces. But these attacks didn’t come from Daesh. They came from Turkey. And as Donald Trump dithers … Continue reading

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Turkey hits new low: demands US cease supporting anti-ISIS fighters and threatens Yazidis

Turkey has sunk to yet another low point. Government ministers have issued more statements attacking the US, this time threatening its NATO ally’s continued use of a key airbase if it keeps supporting forces leading the fight against Daesh (Isis/Isil) in Syria. … Continue reading

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