Tag Archives: Russia

GCHQ admits to bugging Trump associates, as White House neo-cons consolidate their power

Sources close to Britain’s spy agency GCHQ have admitted that it did monitor the communications of close associates of Donald Trump, apparently confirming what The Canary previously asserted in March 2017. And as investigations continue into Team Trump’s alleged links with Russia, … Continue reading

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Immunity from prosecution is rejected for Trump insider, but it’s not all about Russia

Retired US lieutenant general and former national security adviser Michael Flynn recently offered to testify about alleged links between Russia and US President Donald Trump. But the Senate Intelligence Committee rejected his request for immunity. As former attorney Seth Abramson has said, however: Flynn’s … Continue reading

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As Trump investigations go into hyperdrive, a star witness is called: ‘James Bond’

Former MI6 spook Christopher Steele may have been shaken after he was exposed as the author of the ‘dossier’ on President Trump’s alleged links with Russia. But he is seemingly not stirred. For he is now considering a request to … Continue reading

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Trump investigations expose further evidence that Brexit vote could have been rigged

The ongoing investigation into US President Donald Trump’s links with Russia has highlighted collateral evidence. And this suggests that the Brexit vote in Britain’s EU referendum could have been rigged. As the investigation into Trump’s links with Russia accelerates, a … Continue reading

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As Turkish land/air offensive escalates, Kurdish militias (YPG/J) reject Biden-Erdogan ultimatum

  Turkish armed forces have just crossed into Syria with US air support. But this was not an operation focused on pushing Daesh (Isis/Isil) out of the border city of Jarabulus, as some sources have insisted. Amid suggestions of ethnic cleansing against Kurdish … Continue reading

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Turkey, Iran & Russia agree to neutralise Kurds as Assad’s warplanes attack YPG/J

  Turkey has just reached an ‘understanding’ with Iran and with Russia over the fate of Syria. And this has coincided with a relentless Syrian bombardment of the most effective ground forces in the fight against Daesh (Isis/Isil). Since 16 August, the Syrian air force has … Continue reading

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