Tag Archives: PKK

US condemns Turkey for its bombing of Coalition partners fighting ISIS

After NATO member Turkey bombed anti-terrorist ground forces in Syria and Iraq on 25 April, the US Department of State released a statement of condemnation. This was a public dressing down. But so far, it appears to have had little impact. To read more … Continue reading

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Theresa May’s friend just did ISIS a huge favour by bombing their opponents

In the early hours of 25 April 2017, Turkish jet fighters reportedly bombed the headquarters of the front-line troops fighting Daesh (Isis/Isil). This came only weeks after the latest arms deal secured by British Prime Minister Theresa May with Turkey’s … Continue reading

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Turkey’s war on its Kurdish population sees hundreds killed, says UN report

The images above are not from World War 2. They show Kurdish-populated cities in Turkey, destroyed by NATO’s second biggest army. A military that Britain continues to arm. And now a report from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner … Continue reading

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US/UK allies attack anti-Daesh forces in Iraq, revealing a pattern of betrayal [VIDEOS]

  Remember the massacre of Yazidis in Iraq in 2014? Well, they’re under attack again. Yazidi self-defence militias and their affiliates, who have organised to defend themselves from Daesh (Isis/Isil), have been resisting the new assault since 3 March. But this time, … Continue reading

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Yazidis and Syrian Kurds and their allies under attack by Turkey and its proxies

The last 36 hours have seen major developments in the Middle East in defiance of directives issued by British and US-led Coalition forces. Turkish militias are attacking anti-Daesh (Isis/Isil) units near the Syrian city of Manbij. And at the same … Continue reading

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Theresa May prefers refugees are out of sight, out of mind: try explaining that to the Yazidis

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron described Britain as “mean” for the attitude it displays to refugees. There are many Britons who would welcome refugees, and Farron was no doubt referring to a certain type of British citizen (either conservative or chauvinist) rather … Continue reading

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Cizre massacre of 60 Kurds ascribed to ‘war alliance’ including ‘deep state’ Ergenekon

Turkish state forces are implementing an all-out media blackout across the town of Cizre in the wake of yesterday’s offensive by Turkish forces on two buildings where wounded people had taken shelter and were trapped as a result of artillery … Continue reading

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