Tag Archives: Brexit

When the Prime Minister has to flee the public, you know it’s time for her to go

The Grenfell Tower fire is likely to have caused more deaths than the 7/7 terrorist attack. And it is a tragedy that may well come to symbolise the years of Tory cutbacks and austerity measures. But it wasn’t just a lack of … Continue reading

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How maths, data-harvesting and ‘psyops’ were used to win Brexit

The days when informed voting simply meant watching the party political broadcasts or scrutinising party manifestos are long gone. These days there is a multi-million pound industry that specialises in managing voter behaviour. This is achieved through a combination of … Continue reading

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Tories underestimated complexity/costs of Brexit and provoking crash as only way out

Immediately after visiting Buckingham Palace to formally seek the dissolution of parliament, Theresa May took to a podium outside of 10 Downing Street. She appeared angry, and launched straight into a speech. But in doing so, she let slip how … Continue reading

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Theresa May’s biggest lie exposes the very core of Tory electoral deceit

British prime minister Theresa May is the subject of mockery for her stage-managed election gatherings. And she is being ridiculed for her repetitive use, during the initial stages of the 2017 general election campaign, of the unimaginative slogan ‘Strong and … Continue reading

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New investigation undermines the legitimacy of the entire Tory election strategy

A new investigation is looking into Leave.eu, one of the two pro-Brexit campaigns in the 2016 EU referendum. The outcome of this and another investigation into Leave.eu, as well as a separate investigation into Vote Leave, could prove damaging to … Continue reading

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Trump investigations expose further evidence that Brexit vote could have been rigged

The ongoing investigation into US President Donald Trump’s links with Russia has highlighted collateral evidence. And this suggests that the Brexit vote in Britain’s EU referendum could have been rigged. As the investigation into Trump’s links with Russia accelerates, a … Continue reading

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Multiple investigations into Brexit campaigns examine vote rigging allegations

Two pro-Brexit campaigns are facing investigations for irregularities in the lead-up to the EU Referendum vote. The Electoral Commission is looking into [paywall] possible undeclared spending by Vote Leave, the campaign backed by Tory MPs Boris Johnson and Michael Gove. And … Continue reading

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