
Japan’s working poor

By Kurt Brown, 18 January 2018

There has been a huge increase in the proportion of the workforce engaged in poorly paid, part-time work.

False alarm of incoming missile in Japan

By Peter Symonds, 17 January 2018

The false alert, coming days after a similar incident in Hawaii, highlights the advanced preparations by the US and its allies for war with North Korea.

Stricken Iranian tanker sinks, causing major oil spill in East China Sea

By Robert Campion, 17 January 2018

After the ship exploded, all its crew members were presumed dead and concerns were raised about the worst petroleum condensate discharge in history.

Trump emphasises hostile stance on North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 15 January 2018

The latest fracas underscores the erratic character of the Trump administration’s stance toward North Korea.

Malaysian opposition chooses autocratic Mahathir as top candidate

By John Roberts, 15 January 2018

The “reformasi” opposition’s endorsement of Mahathir as its prime ministerial candidate underscores its utterly opportunist politics.

Indian unions betray Tamil Nadu bus strike

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 13 January 2018

The unions ordered workers back to work without any of their demands being met and despite the fact that they had defied a court order to end the strike for a week.

India: Workers defend WSWS supporters against attack by union leaders

By our correspondents, 13 January 2018

The willingness of workers to defend the WSWS team is a reflection of growing sympathy for a socialist and internationalist perspective and hostility towards the unions.

Sri Lankan nurses strike over fingerprint attendance system; Australian power workers vote for industrial action

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 January 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Two Koreas hold talks amid continuing acute tensions

By Peter Symonds, 10 January 2018

The meeting produced an agreement for North Korea to participate in the Winter Olympics, but did nothing to end the dangerous standoff over Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons.

Fuel tanker collision in East China Sea

By Robert Campion, 10 January 2018

The vessel could leak large quantities of oil into the East China Sea and threaten widespread pollution of coastal waters.

India: Bus strike cripples Tamil Nadu transport services

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 10 January 2018

While the trade unions offer to compromise, the strikers have defied court orders, media propaganda and government threats to hire outside drivers and conductors.

Striking Tamil Nadu bus workers speak out

By Sasi Kumar and Moses Rajkumar, 10 January 2018

WSWS reporters spoke with several striking bus workers in Chennai who are engaged in the bitter struggle with the Tamil Nadu state government for higher wages.

Local government election in Sri Lanka: Support SEP campaign against austerity and war! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 9 January 2018

The SEP is campaigning for the international socialist program needed by workers, youth and the poor, who are increasingly coming into struggle against the government’s attacks on their democratic rights and living standards.

US President Trump backs meeting between two Koreas

By Peter Symonds, 8 January 2018

Trump suggested the possibility of talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, even though he had threatened North Korea with nuclear annihilation just days earlier.

Bangladeshi teachers end “fast-unto-death”

By Nancy Hanover, 8 January 2018

“It is better to die here than return home with empty hands,” said one of thousands of Bangladeshi teachers fighting for a government-paid salary.

US suspends security aid to Pakistan as part of Afghan War push

By Jordan Shilton, 6 January 2018

The deepening of US-Pakistan tensions is bound up not just with the Afghan War, but also the growing polarization of the region between the Indo-US and Sino-Pakistani military-strategic alliances.

Talks between North and South Korea to proceed

By Peter Symonds, 6 January 2018

The meeting will take place under conditions of extreme tension as a result of the Trump administration’s campaign of “maximum pressure” to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal.

Thousands of private health care doctors strike in India

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

6 January 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Chinese president orders troops to be “ready to fight”

By Mike Head, 5 January 2018

Like the US and other governments around the world, the Chinese regime is resorting to nationalism and militarism.

North and South Korea propose to hold talks

By Peter Symonds, 3 January 2018

The proposal came amid high tensions on the Korean Peninsula after bellicose US threats and crippling sanctions against North Korea.

Tensions between South Korea and Japan reemerge over “comfort women”

By Ben McGrath, 3 January 2018

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea and its predecessors have long used anti-Japanese sentiment to distract the public from their anti-working class policies.

India: Fourteen die in Mumbai fire

By Rohantha De Silva, 3 January 2018

The restaurant fire underscores the impact of India’s pro-market reforms, in which all safety concerns are subordinated to profit.

US president accuses China of illegal oil transfer to North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 30 December 2017

Trump’s tweet declaring Beijing was “caught RED HANDED” smacks of a contrived provocation aimed at ramping up tensions with China and North Korea.

US and India pressure Sri Lanka over port deal with China

By Saman Gunadasa, 30 December 2017

Mounting government debt has forced the Colombo government to turn to China for financial help.

Hyundai autoworkers rejected pay deal; Taiwan workers protest industrial laws

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

30 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Indian ICFI supporters call public meeting in Kolkata to mark Russian Revolution centenary

29 December 2017

The Kolkata meeting will discuss the political and theoretical struggles led by Lenin and Trotsky and their significance for today.

Typhoon ravages southern Philippines

By John Roberts, 28 December 2017

A significant factor in the deaths and injuries was the failure of the authorities to evacuate people from the most vulnerable areas.

Left Alliance wins Nepal’s elections

By W. A. Sunil, 27 December 2017

In response to the alliance’s victory, the US and India will intensify their interventions to combat China’s growing influence in the country.

UN imposes harsh new sanctions on North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 23 December 2017

The latest measures, drawn up by Washington, represent a last-ditch attempt to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal.

Japan’s cabinet approves draft budget that boosts the military

By Ben McGrath, 23 December 2017

Tokyo’s buildup of weaponry further aligns it with the US in preparation for war with North Korea and China.

Indian telecommunication workers strike, Australian coal terminal workers impose bans

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

23 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) stands for local government elections

By our correspondents, 23 December 2017

The SEP is the only party contesting the elections on an internationalist and socialist program against the looming threat of a world war, social counter-revolution and dictatorial rule.

Maldives and China sign free trade agreement

By Rohantha De Silva, 22 December 2017

Maldives has become a focal point of geo-political rivalry between the US and India on one side and China on the other.

US will “compel” North Korea to denuclearise

By Peter Symonds, 21 December 2017

Trump’s National Security Adviser McMaster said the president had ordered him to “to continue to refine a military option should we have to use it.”

South Korean and Chinese leaders meet over North Korea, economic ties

By Ben McGrath, 21 December 2017

The summit between the two presidents will do nothing to alleviate the growing danger of war in Northeast Asia.

SEP in Sri Lanka pays tribute to Keerthi Balasuriya

By our correspondent, 20 December 2017

Balasuriya’s untimely death in December 1987 “cut short an invaluable and devoted service to the cause of international socialism.”

US secretary of state issues new ultimatum to North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 16 December 2017

If North Korea does not give up its nuclear arsenal, the US is not only demanding an international economic blockade, but preparing to attack Pyongyang.

Indian Trotskyists hold meeting for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 16 December 2017

The Sriperumbudur public meeting was held despite the illegal attempt by Indian police to disrupt it.

Indian state government sacks 500 striking health workers, South Australian cash delivery guards locked out

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

16 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Trump administration scotches suggestion of talks with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 14 December 2017

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s offer of talks without pre-condition was quickly followed by a White House official declaring that “now is not the time.”

BJP and Congress Party stoke reaction in Gujarat state election

By Arun Kumar and Kranti Kumara, 14 December 2017

While the Congress Party is benefiting from popular anger over mass joblessness, it has mounted a foul campaign, competing with the BJP to prove its Hindu bonafides and making reactionary casteist appeals.

Sri Lankan unions betray railway workers’ strike

By W.A. Sunil, 14 December 2017

Rail unions axed the strike because it represented a direct challenge to the government’s austerity policies and threatened to draw in other sections of workers.

Gruesome murder case in Japan reflects social alienation and despair

By Gary Alvernia, 12 December 2017

The media has been quick to sensationalise every detail of the murders, while completely ignoring any broader examination of their social causes.

Sri Lankan railway workers defy government ban on strike

By W.A. Sunil, 12 December 2017

The government’s intervention against the stoppage is part of a broader crackdown on social and political opposition.

Mass eviction of rural migrant workers from Chinese capital

By Robert Campion, 11 December 2017

With some given as little as 15 minutes notice, migrant workers are being expelled from Beijing in droves and their homes demolished behind them.

Is the United States on the brink of nuclear war?

By Andre Damon, 11 December 2017

In the 13 days since North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching large portions of North America, the US has further escalated its war threats.

Further signs of looming US war with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 9 December 2017

Out of the blue, Trump officials have suggested that US athletes might not compete in the Winter Olympics in South Korea due to security concerns.

Thai junta uses arms find to justify political repression

By our reporter, 9 December 2017

Without a shred of evidence, the Thai military has immediately linked the arms cache to its political opponents.

Health workers strike in India, Cambodian garment workers walkout over wages

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

9 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Canada to co-host meeting with US to prepare for war with North Korea

By Roger Jordan, 2 December 2017

References to a negotiated settlement are for public consumption alone, with the Trudeau government well aware that a conflict on the Korean peninsula is deeply unpopular.

Hyundai auto workers end strike, Sri Lankan bankworkers begin national protests

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

2 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Free the Maruti Suzuki autoworkers

Indian ICFI supporters to hold a public meeting in Sriperumbudur

27 November 2017

The meeting will discuss the internationalist foundations of the struggle to release the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers. The speeches will be given in Tamil and English and streamed live via Facebook on December 10 at 10am.

Sri Lanka: IMF-dictated budget deepens austerity and privatisation

By Saman Gunadasa, 25 November 2017

Colombo’s socially regressive budget, which will heavily impact on the working masses, is to repay debt and interest to global finance capital.

Indian Stalinists split over whether to openly ally with big-business Congress Party

By Wasantha Rupasingha, 24 November 2017

The rival CPM factions have no fundamental or principled differences, but merely disagree over which rightwing course the party should pursue.

US sanctions against North Korea target China

By Peter Symonds, 23 November 2017

Washington is determined to exploit the confrontation with Pyongyang to undermine China economically and strategically.

Sri Lankan students and workers oppose Google censorship of the WSWS

By our correspondents, 22 November 2017

“It’s very important to organise the working class on an international basis.”

Trump designates North Korea as state sponsor of terrorism

By Peter Symonds, 21 November 2017

Trump’s decision is another step towards a catastrophic war that would not only kill millions on the Korean Peninsula but could potentially draw in major powers such as China and Russia.

Sri Lanka: Racialist attack on Muslims in Gintota

By Ratnasiri Malalagama and Nandana Nanneththi, 21 November 2017

Extreme-right Sinhala-Buddhist groups are operating under the patronage of the Sri Lankan government.

Sri Lankan government bans Lanka e-News web site

By Vijith Samarasinghe, 20 November 2017

The ban on LeN is a direct attack on basic democratic rights and a warning to all sections of the media that the Sri Lankan ruling elite cannot tolerate any criticism.

US-backed Saudi war and blockade puts millions of lives at risk in Yemen

By Niles Niemuth, 18 November 2017

Nearly the entire population of Yemen, 20 million out of 28 million, are in need of some form of humanitarian assistance.

Successful public meeting in Colombo marks the Russian Revolution centenary

By our correspondents, 18 November 2017

About 150 workers, students, youth, professionals and housewives attended the event and around 300 watched it live via the Internet.

Trump’s Asia visit: Growing US economic isolation to fuel military push

By Nick Beams, 13 November 2017

Trump’s tour has underscored the mounting problems US imperialism confronts globally.

French president travels to Saudi Arabia amid danger of war with Iran

By Francis Dubois, 11 November 2017

In a surprise visit to Riyadh, Emmanuel Macron argued against a regional escalation of the Middle East wars flowing from the NATO countries’ imperialist interventions.

India strengthens its relations with Bangladesh

By Rohantha De Silva, 11 November 2017

India is pursuing its geo-political interests, while also acting on behalf of Washington.

“Time is quickly running out”

Trump threatens China over North Korea and trade

By James Cogan, 10 November 2017

Three aircraft carrier battlegroups are positioned off the coast of the Korean Peninsula and will rehearse for war this weekend.

Over 100 killed after typhoon batters Vietnam

By Kayla Costa, 10 November 2017

Typhoon Damrey, the biggest storm to have hit Vietnam in two decades, led to widespread suffering and the destruction of infrastructure.

In wake of US threats against North Korea, China heaps honors on Trump

By James Cogan, 9 November 2017

The strategic orientation of the Chinese regime is to avoid an open clash with Washington for as long as possible.

In Seoul, Trump delivers war ultimatum to North Korea

By James Cogan, 8 November 2017

The casualties and horrors of a second Korean War, in 2017, could make those of nearly 70 years ago pale in comparison.

Indian power plant explosion kills at least 35 workers

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 8 November 2017

The blast was a product of sub-standard safety conditions that are endemic in Indian factories and power plants.

Trump encourages Japanese militarism against North Korea and China

By James Cogan, 7 November 2017

Trump displayed complete indifference to anti-war sentiment in Japan, as he strutted alongside right-wing nationalist prime minister Shinzo Abe.

Trump in Asia: On the eve of war

By James Cogan, 6 November 2017

Trump personifies the decay of American imperialism and the calculation of its strategists that it can arrest its decline by military means.

India’s 1-percent grabs nearly a quarter of all income

By Saman Gunadasa and Kranti Kumara, 6 November 2017

The poorest 50 percent of Indians must make do with an income share of just 15 percent, eking out their existence on an average annual income of just US $705.

European Union intervenes in Maldives

By Rohantha De Silva, 6 November 2017

The EU visit had nothing to do with defending “human rights” but to ensure the domination of western powers over the strategically located Indian Ocean archipelago.

Trump begins 12-day visit to Asia to build war coalition against North Korea

By James Cogan, 4 November 2017

The visit symbolically began with a visit by the president to the Pearl Habor naval base, where war between the US and Japan for dominance over Asia began in December 1941.

Tillerson touts US-India partnership on South Asian tour

By Deepal Jayasekera, 2 November 2017

The US secretary of state made clear that New Delhi is central to Washington’s aggressive strategy against China.

President Xi presides over brittle Chinese regime

By Peter Symonds, 1 November 2017

Xi has emerged as a Bonapartist figure, who, confronted with huge challenges at home and abroad, serves to maintain party unity and ward off an internal crisis.

Indonesia: At least 47 dead in Jakarta factory fire

By John Roberts, 1 November 2017

The deadly blaze at a fireworks plant in Tangerang was the product of sweat shop conditions imposed by the company and Indonesian authorities.

Burmese government continues persecution of Rohingya minority

By Kayla Costa, 31 October 2017

The US is backing the Burmese regime, as it commits “killings, torture, rape and arson” against the Rohingya ethnic minority.

Nepali Stalinist parties form a new alliance

By W.A.Sunil, 31 October 2017

The alliance is a political trap for working people under conditions of growing popular opposition to the government and the political establishment as a whole.

US masses ships and aircraft outside North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 30 October 2017

The Trump administration is threatening a war not just with conventional weapons, but with nuclear bombs—directed against North Korea and any other power that joins the conflict.

US, India push anti-China campaign at Sri Lankan maritime conference

By Naveen Devage and K. Ratnayake, 30 October 2017

Senior military figures from Washington and New Delhi warned against any threat to the US-dominated “rules-based order” in the Indo-Pacific.

Cambodian government expels opposition party from parliament

By John Roberts, 30 October 2017

The measures will effectively wipe out the results of two elections and give the Cambodian People’s Party unchallengeable control of every level of government.

Tillerson delivers stern warning to Pakistan

By Sampath Perera, 28 October 2017

In a visit of just four hours, Tillerson spelled out Washington’s demand Pakistan join the US in dramatically escalating Afghan war violence or brace itself for reprisals.

The Sri Lankan garbage disaster: A crime of capitalism

By Vilani Peiris—convenor of the Committee of the Independent Workers Inquiry, 28 October 2017

The Meethotamulla disaster was the result of criminal negligence by successive Colombo governments and finds its parallels in similar catastrophes around the world.

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE calls public meetings to mark the centenary of the Russian Revolution

27 October 2017

The Colombo meeting will discuss the political and theoretical lessons of the October Revolution for workers, students and young people being propelled into social and political struggles today.

Australian troops sent to the Philippines despite end of Marawi siege

By Mike Head, 27 October 2017

Another far-reaching military commitment has been made without any parliamentary debate, let alone any approval by the Australian population.

Trump: US “totally prepared” for war with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 26 October 2017

The US military preparations take place amid bitter infighting in Washington fuelled, in part, by fears an American attack on North Korea could be imminent.

Xi Jinping consolidates grip over Chinese Communist Party apparatus

By Peter Symonds, 25 October 2017

The elevation of Xi to supreme leader is a sign of crisis of the CCP regime, which is beset with irresolvable internal and external problems.

Documents show US participation in 1965-66 massacres in Indonesia

By Mike Head, 25 October 2017

Up to one million workers, peasants and supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party were murdered, in one of the greatest imperialist crimes of the 20th century.

China faces growing debt problems, says central bank governor

By Nick Beams, 24 October 2017

The use of the term “Minsky moment” could be an indication of how serious the bank chief regards the situation.

Tillerson calls for “dramatic deepening” of Indo-US alliance

By Deepal Jayasekera, 24 October 2017

An enhanced Indo-US alliance, Tillerson told the Center for Strategic and International Studies, is vital to counter a rising China that refuses to heel to the US-led world order.

Sri Lanka: Phony moves toward democratic constitutional change

By K. Ratnayake, 24 October 2017

For all its claims to be establishing a democratic constitution, the government is taking repressive measures against workers and preparing dictatorial rule.

Ruling LDP maintains two-thirds majority in Japanese election

By Ben McGrath, 23 October 2017

While the media is declaring Abe’s victory a mandate for his policies, the low turnout points to widespread alienation from the political establishment.

Japan’s Stalinists seek to head off anti-war movement ahead of election

By Ben McGrath, 21 October 2017

By blaming Pyongyang for the current crisis, the JCP is effectively lining up behind Japan’s ruling elite and the US in their confrontation with North Korea and China.

Chinese leader calls for “strong nation” and “strong military”

By Peter Symonds, 21 October 2017

Confrontation is inevitable as US imperialism regards China as the chief challenge to its global hegemony, and Chinese capitalism strains against the restrictions of the current world order.

“Google is censoring websites to block dissident views critical of the US establishment”

India: Students and workers in Kolkata oppose Google censorship

By Ritwik Mitter and Arun Kumar, 19 October 2017

ICFI/WSWS supporters spoke to students about Google censorship, the Indian government’s attacks on democratic rights and the US war drive against China.

US admiral must “imagine the unimagined:” All-out war with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 18 October 2017

The comment from Admiral Harry Harris, who is centrally responsible for preparing US forces for conflict with North Korea, is the latest threat against Pyongyang.

Chinese Communist Party congress meets amid gathering crises

By Peter Symonds, 17 October 2017

Xi is being elevated to the status of supreme leader as the regime confronts a slowing economy, rising social tensions and the growing US threat of trade war and war.

US open to diplomacy with North Korea “until the first bomb drops”

By Peter Symonds, 16 October 2017

Far from offering any reassurance of a peaceful solution, Tillerson’s remarks underscore the advanced state of US preparations for a war with North Korea.

China’s billionaires rapidly expand their fortunes

By Mike Head, 16 October 2017

President Xi’s five-year reign, due to be extended next week, has accelerated a vast accumulation of corporate wealth.