21 December 2017

Over token Democratic opposition
US Congress passes tax windfall for corporations and the rich

By Barry Grey, 21 December 2017

The Democrats support tax cuts for corporations and did nothing to seriously oppose this naked piece of class legislation.

The United States of Inequality

Following passage of Senate tax bill, US ruling class takes aim at Social Security and Medicare

Alabama announces freeze on children’s health program

By Shelley Connor, 21 December 2017

On Monday, Alabama became the first state to announce an enrollment freeze for its Children’s Health Insurance Program, as well as plans to end the program altogether by February 1.

US will “compel” North Korea to denuclearise

By Peter Symonds, 21 December 2017

Trump’s National Security Adviser McMaster said the president had ordered him to “to continue to refine a military option should we have to use it.”

Is the United States on the brink of nuclear war?

South Korean and Chinese leaders meet over North Korea, economic ties

By Ben McGrath, 21 December 2017

The summit between the two presidents will do nothing to alleviate the growing danger of war in Northeast Asia.

South Africa’s ANC taps multi-millionaire ex-union chief Cyril Ramaphosa as leader

By Eddie Haywood, 21 December 2017

Since coming to power in 1994, the ANC has represented a corrupt layer of the black elite, ruling at the expense of the masses of workers.

US Congress targets Green Party candidate Jill Stein over allegations of collusion with Russia

By Trévon Austin, 21 December 2017

The targeting of Stein demonstrates that the anti-Russia witch-hunt is aimed ultimately at domestic political opposition.

Political warfare escalates over Mueller investigation into Trump-Russia claims

Polls shows mass opposition to net neutrality repeal

By Kevin Reed, 21 December 2017

In the week since the FCC vote to end net neutrality, the nature of the attack on the public and the democratic right to a free and open internet is becoming clearer.

US law enforcement cracks down on opioid users, lets drug companies off the hook

By Brian Dixon, 21 December 2017

The response of the ruling class to the opioid epidemic has been to pursue overdose victims’ friends, while ignoring the pharmaceutical companies largely responsible for the crisis.

German Social Democratic Party follows the path of far-right Alternative for Germany

By Ulrich Rippert, 21 December 2017

Ex-SPD leader and acting Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel is calling for his party to adopt the right-wing nationalist policies of Alternative for Germany.

Australian cabinet reshuffle highlights underlying political turmoil

By Mike Head, 21 December 2017

Three new super-ministries point to an agenda of war preparations, social spending cuts and attacks on working conditions.

UK report singles out schools with “high levels of disadvantage” for attack

By Tania Kent, 21 December 2017

Schools nationally will see a funding cut of 1.5 to 3 percent this year.

Report finds steady increase in UK child and pensioner poverty

By Margot Miller, 21 December 2017

According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 1,252,000 people—including 312,000 children—were destitute at some point in 2015.

Haitian audit report on PetroCaribe corruption deepens crisis of Moïse goverment

By John Marion, 21 December 2017

Funds from the PetroCaribe agreement, intended for public works projects, were instead used to line the pockets of politically connected corporations.

Southern California wildfires continue into third week

By Dan Conway, 21 December 2017

Firefighters in Southern California continue to battle the Thomas Fire, now the second largest in state history, northwest of Los Angeles more than 16 days after it began.

Former Massey CEO Don Blankenship announces run for US Senate

By Clement Daly, 21 December 2017

The former Massey Coal CEO, convicted and jailed in connection with the 2010 Upper Big Branch mine disaster, has announced his bid for Democrat Joe Manchin’s Senate seat.

New in Italian

L’”Ondata Nera” di attacchi neofascisti

Marianne Arens e Peter Schwarz, 21 dicembre 2017

Circa 10.000 manifestanti hanno protestato sabato 9 dicembre a Como contro l’”ondata nera” di attacchi neofascisti in parti del Paese.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
4–10 декабря: Восточный фронт затихает

21 декабря 2017 г.

Советская Россия и центральные державы заключают соглашение о 10-дневном перемирии, позже продленном до 28 дней. «С войной, вызванной столкновением хищников из-за добычи, мы начали решительную борьбу», — заявляет Ленин в своей речи 5 декабря.

New in Turkish

Aşırı sağcı parti Avusturya hükümetine girdi

Peter Schwarz, 21 Aralık 2017

Aşırı sağcı Özgürlük Partisi’nin (FPÖ) Pazartesi günü Avusturya hükümetine girmesi, Avrupa’nın tamamı için siyasi bir dönüm noktasına işaret etmektedir.

Trump, “Önce Amerika” ulusal güvenlik stratejisini açıkladı

Bill Van Auken, 21 Aralık 2017

Ulusal Güvenlik Stratejisi belgesi, ABD’nin devasa savaş makinesini tehlikeli bir şekilde eksik finanse edilmiş ve yetersiz personele sahipmiş gibi sunuyor.

New in Spanish

Partido de extrema derecha ingresa al gobierno de Austria

Por Peter Schwarz, 21 diciembre 2017

Políticos con vínculos estrechos con la escena neonazi y círculos de la ultraderecha detentan el poder ahora en Austria.

El huracán María desnudó las condiciones de vida de la clase obrera en Caguas, Puerto Rico:
“Los árboles ya no esconden la pobreza”

Por Genevieve Leigh y Zac Corrigan, 21 diciembre 2017

“Cuando nos despertamos al día siguiente, mi familia y yo vimos el panorama. Notamos todas estas pequeñas casas en el cerro de enfrente que nunca habíamos notado. Así es en todo Puerto Rico. Los árboles ya no esconden la pobreza”.

El caso de Lafarge expone la financiación de la elite gobernante francesa a los terroristas del Estado Islámico

Por Francis Dubois y Alex Lantier, 21 diciembre 2017

De 2011 a 2015, una destacada compañía multimillonaria de la bolsa francesa CAC-40 financió una milicia terrorista que llevó a cabo ataques en Europa y en Francia.

New in French

Le parti d’extrême droite entre au gouvernement autrichien

Peter Schwarz, 20 décembre 2017

Les politiciens ayant des liens étroits avec le milieu néo-nazi et l’extrême droite sont maintenant aux manettes du gouvernement en Autriche

Trump dévoile la stratégie de sécurité nationale de « l’Amérique d’abord »

Bill Van Auken, 20 décembre 2017

Derrière le discours de style de campagne galvaudé prononcé par Trump Monday, l’appareil militaire et de renseignement américain se prépare à la guerre mondiale.

Nos journalistes à Porto Rico
Plus d'un million de personnes vivent sans les nécessités de la vie moderne
«L'île est sans dessous dessous depuis la tempête»

Geneviève Leigh et Zac Corrigan, 20 décembre 2017

Près de trois mois après l'arrivée de l'ouragan Maria sur l'île de Porto Rico, une équipe de journalistes du World Socialist Web Site a parlé à des résidents de San Sebastian sur la différence marquée entre les reportages officiels sur la reconstruction dans l'île et les conditions réelles qui existent.

Il faut s'opposer à Trudeau et Trump, à l'alliance Canada-États-Unis et à la guerre impérialiste!
Pour une contre-offensive de la classe ouvrière basée sur l'internationalisme socialiste

Parti de l'égalité socialiste (Canada), 20 décembre 2017

Pour repousser l’assaut de la classe dirigeante sur les conditions de vie et les droits démocratiques, et combattre le tournant de l'impérialisme canadien vers la guerre, la classe ouvrière doit adopter une nouvelle perspective politique et bâtir de nouvelles organisations de lutte.

À l’occasion du 30e anniversaire de la mort du camarade Keerthi Balasuriya

David North, 20 décembre 2017

La mort de Keerthi le 18 décembre 1987 fut une perte irremplaçable pour le Comité international de la Quatrième Internationale et sa section sri-lankaise.

New in German

Trumps Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie: Die Rückkehr der militärischen Konflikte zwischen den Großmächten

Bill Van Auken, 21. Dezember 2017

Die neue Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie der USA und Trumps Rede am vergangenen Montag müssen als Warnung verstanden werden: Der US-Imperialismus hat einen Weg eingeschlagen, der direkt in einen atomaren Dritten Weltkrieg zu führen droht.

Hamburg: Polizei stellt G20-Demonstranten an den öffentlichen Pranger

Peter Schwarz, 21. Dezember 2017

Fünf Monate nach den Protesten gegen den G20-Gipfel in Hamburg haben Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft in einer rechtswidrigen Aktion die Fotos und Videos von hunderten Demonstrationsteilnehmern ins Netz gestellt.

Brasilien: VW hat militante Arbeiter an Militärdiktatur ausgeliefert

Ludwig Weller, 21. Dezember 2017

Ein Untersuchungsbericht der brasilianische Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft gelangt zum Schluss, dass VW die brasilianische Militärdiktatur finanziell unterstützt und ihr freiwillig Arbeiter ausgeliefert hat.

US-Steuerreform: Massive Sozialangriffe auf Studenten

Patrick Martin, 21. Dezember 2017

Die Steuerreform, die Ende November im Repräsentantenhaus verabschiedet wurde, hat katastrophale Folgen für das Leben von Studenten und Absolventen, während sie den Superreichen einen Goldregen beschert.

IYSSE: „Tsar to Lenin“ in Bonn, Frankfurt und Bochum

unseren Korrespondenten, 21. Dezember 2017

Die IYSSE hat den Film „Tsar to Lenin“ in drei weiteren Universitätsstädten gezeigt. Bei allen Veranstaltungen löste das einmalige Filmdokument lebhafte Diskussionen aus.

Other Languages


Crisis election in Catalonia
No to dictatorship and national separatism! For the Unity of Catalan and Spanish workers!

21 December 2017

With today’s election, Madrid aims to provide a “democratic” veneer to the drive for police-state regimes and the rehabilitation of far-right forces across Europe.

Earlier Perspectives »


Bitcoin speculation continues to surge

By Nick Beams, 21 December 2017

The appetites of financial speculators continue to be whetted by reports of huge gains made by hedge funds that specialise in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Trump’s National Security Strategy: The return of “great power” military conflict

By Bill Van Auken, 20 December 2017

Far-right party enters Austrian government

By Peter Schwarz, 19 December 2017

US workplace fatalities rose 7 percent in 2016

By Jerry White, 20 December 2017

The death toll behind corporate America’s record profits

Actor Matt Damon comes under attack for his criticisms of the sexual misconduct campaign

By David Walsh, 20 December 2017

MSF survey provides clear evidence of the Burmese military’s mass murder

Washington and Honduras seek to crush opposition to fraudulent re-election

Arts Review

Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird and Todd Haynes’ Wonderstruck: “Small” films at a time of big crisis

By Carlos Delgado, 21 December 2017

The two films are sometimes charming, occasionally amusing and generally benign. But something is missing.

One hundred years since the birth of Romanian pianist and composer Dinu Lipatti

By Clara Weiss, 20 December 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi—The further business of the Disney franchise

By Matthew MacEgan, 19 December 2017

The Falsification of David King’s work—Red Star Over Russia: A Revolution in Visual Culture 1905-55 at the Tate Modern in London

By Paul Mitchell, 19 December 2017

Dover Quartet recital offers unusual program, including works by “forgotten composers” Viktor Ullmann and Szymon Laks

Socialist Equality Party

SEP in Sri Lanka pays tribute to Keerthi Balasuriya

By our correspondent, 20 December 2017

On the 30th anniversary of the death of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya

By David North, 19 December 2017

Keerthi’s death on December 18, 1987 was an irreplaceable loss to the International Committee of the Fourth International and its Sri Lankan section.

Australian and New Zealand Trotskyists hold powerful Russian Revolution centenary meetings

SEP meeting attendees speak about the Russian Revolution

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico governor orders review of official hurricane death toll

By Niles Niemuth, 19 December 2017

On-the-spot report
Over a million in Puerto Rico living without the necessities of modern life
“The island has been turned upside down since the storm”

“The poverty is no longer hidden by the trees”
Hurricane Maria exposes the conditions of life for the working class in Caguas, Puerto Rico

“The rich people are not going to do anything for us”
University of Puerto Rico students speak on inequality and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria

More on Puerto Rico »

Mehring Books

WSWS publishes Urdu translation of Trotsky’s Lessons of October

Preface to the Urdu edition of Lessons of October

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
December 18-24: Peace negotiations begin at Brest-Litovsk

18 December 2017

Trotsky later writes, “The circumstances of history willed that the delegates of the most revolutionary regime ever known to humanity should sit at the same diplomatic table with the representatives of the most reactionary caste among all the ruling classes.”

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Families and survivors hold six-month commemoration of Grenfell Tower fire

By Paul Mitchell, 18 December 2017

Oppose media witch-hunt against “the left” over Grenfell fire

By Robert Stevens, 18 December 2017

Six months since the Grenfell Tower fire

Film Review
“Grenfell changed everything”—Failed by the State: The Struggle in the Shadow of Grenfell

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Auto workers struggles

Autopsy report refutes claims young Ford worker was on drugs at time of factory shooting

By Jerry White, 15 December 2017

“Ford and big companies don’t care if you live or not”
Ford workers speak out on Kentucky Truck worker’s death

Amid escalating corruption scandal, top UAW operatives step down

By Shannon Jones, 15 December 2017

More on auto worker struggles »

Book Review

Ron Chernow’s Grant: An able and compelling new biography

By Andre Damon, 15 December 2017

Chernow capably weaves together an account of the life of the Civil War general, president and memoirist.


The roots of intelligence: What the study of whales and dolphins can reveal about the basis of human intelligence

By Philip Guelpa, 12 December 2017


Patricia Noonan Jukovsky (1947-2017)

By Fred Mazelis, 11 December 2017

Pat Jukovsky was an active member of the US Workers League in its early years, and the wife of Marty Jukovsky, a devoted supporter of the Socialist Equality Party.

Featured Video

Watch: Davino Watson, American Citizen, imprisoned by ICE for 3.5 years

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon conducts total surveillance of workers in new German plant

By Marianne Arens, 16 December 2017

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
One day strike hits German and Italian Amazon distribution centres

Amazon workers ask “$100 billion man” Jeff Bezos: where’s my cut?

By our reporters, 9 December 2017

“We’re human beings, not slaves and animals”
UK newspaper exposé details Amazon’s super-exploitation of workforce

Temp work past the age of retirement
Amazon’s CamperForce program exploits elderly workers

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Australia: Socialist Equality Party holds successful meetings on Russian Revolution

By our correspondents, 7 December 2017

Workers and youth discuss the Russian Revolution at SEP meetings

By our reporters, 7 December 2017

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017


IYSSE mounts campaign against university police censorship at University of California, Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 2 December 2017

International Youth and Students for Social Equality launches new website

6 November 2017

The IYSSE’s newly designed website includes an updated Statement of Principles for its US section. We urge all youth and students to join the IYSSE and take up the fight for socialism.