16 December 2017

Republicans release final bill to slash taxes for US corporations and the rich

By Barry Grey, 16 December 2017

The $1.5 trillion tax cut will dramatically expand the transfer of wealth and income in America from the bottom to the top.

Congressional Republicans reach deal to pass tax cuts before Christmas

The US Senate tax bill: The financial oligarchy on the rampage

US secretary of state issues new ultimatum to North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 16 December 2017

If North Korea does not give up its nuclear arsenal, the US is not only demanding an international economic blockade, but preparing to attack Pyongyang.

Trump administration scotches suggestion of talks with North Korea

Is the United States on the brink of nuclear war?

More on the war threat against North Korea »

“The rich people are not going to do anything for us”
University of Puerto Rico students speak on inequality and the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria

By Genevieve Leigh and Zac Corrigan, 16 December 2017

Nearly three months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, a WSWS reporting team spoke to students at the island’s only public university about the ongoing crisis and the way forward for workers and youth.

On-the-spot report
Over a million in Puerto Rico living without the necessities of modern life
“The island has been turned upside down since the storm”

More on Puerto Rico »

West Virginia governor orders National Guard to Huntington after drug-related killings

By Naomi Spencer, 16 December 2017

After three homicides in the span of as many hours Thursday night, the city at the heart of West Virginia’s heroin epidemic stands on the verge of military occupation.

Nevada and Nebraska move to use powerful opioid in state executions

Government report details human rights violations at US immigration detention centers

By Norisa Diaz, 16 December 2017

According to a Department of Homeland Security report, inhumane treatment, lack of health, food, and safety provisions are rampant at both government and for-profit detention centers.

Oakland, California board of education approves mid-year budget cuts despite growing opposition

By Jonathan Burleigh, 16 December 2017

Roughly 500 people attended the latest board meeting to protest the budget cuts, expressing the deep support for public education within Oakland’s working class.

Build a committee to oppose Oakland school cuts! For a socialist program to expand public education!

By the Socialist Equality Party (US), 16 December 2017

EU summit agrees talks will move forward, but Brexit crisis continues

By Chris Marsden, 16 December 2017

Guidelines issued for the UK on Brexit stipulate that it must adopt all new European Union laws created during the transition period, while being excluded from any decision-making role.

Militarism and crackdown on refugees dominate EU summit

Brexit crisis deepens after Tory revolt on eve of EU summit

German parliament extends foreign military missions with support of the far-right AfD

By Johannes Stern, 16 December 2017

Despite the ongoing government crisis, all the German bourgeois parties are driving forward the militarization of foreign policy.

German Left Party supports SPD foreign minister’s great power politics

Amazon conducts total surveillance of workers in new German plant

By Marianne Arens, 16 December 2017

“One speaks of robots becoming more and more like humans, at Amazon it’s the other way round: humans become robots.”

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
One day strike hits German and Italian Amazon distribution centres

French conservative leadership election signals move towards far right

By Anthony Torres, 16 December 2017

Laurent Wauquiez won The Republicans (LR) party presidency by attacking Muslims and gay marriage, prompting speculation that LR will seek neo-fascist alliances.

AFRICOM envisions two years of open-ended warfare in Somalia

By Eddie Haywood, 16 December 2017

The announcement marks a further escalation of Washington’s military offensive in Somalia which has been ramped up over the last year, including the deployment of 500 special forces personnel.

Rebels attack UN base in Congo, killing 20 soldiers

Australia high court ruling imposes greater restrictions on industrial action

By Terry Cook, 16 December 2017

The court decision is another means for banning industrial action and imposing heavy fines and penalties on workers seeking to defend their wages and conditions.

New in Norwegian

Washingtons hemmelige kriger

Bill Van Auken, 13 December 2017

Uviljen mot å avsløre omfanget av oversjøiske utplasseringer av tropper skyldes først og fremst ønsket om å skjule den stadig økende globale rekkevidden av amerikanske kriger og militarisme for den amerikanske befolkningen.

New in Portuguese

No Centenário da Revolução de Outubro

David North, 16 de dezembro de 2017

A Revolução de Outubro está entre os eventos mais grandiosos e progressistas da história mundial.

O custo colossal das guerras intermináveis de Washington

Bill Van Auken, 16 de dezembro de 2017

De acordo com o último relatório “Custos de Guerra” da Universidade Brown, o Pentágono desperdiçou quase 6 trilhões de dólares nos últimos 16 anos de invasões, ocupações e intervenções militares dos EUA.

Trump na Ásia: o mundo à véspera de uma guerra

James Cogan, 16 de dezembro de 2017

Trump personifica a decadência do imperialismo americano e dos cálculos de seus estrategistas, para os quais os EUA podem compensar seu declínio através de ações militares.

UAW - Escândalo de corrupção corporativa se espalha para a Ford e a GM

James Cogan, 16 de dezembro de 2017

Os trabalhadores precisam de comitês por locais de trabalho e bairros para fazer avançar seus interesses em oposição às empresas gigantescas que ditam as políticas do governo e controlam os sindicatos.

New in Turkish

Washington’ın gizli savaşları

Bill Van Auken, 16 Aralık 2017

Kongre’deki hem Demokratlar hem Cumhuriyetçiler, hayati önem taşıyan savaşlar açma konusunda “başkomutan”ın elinde fiilen diktatörlük yetkilerinin toplanmasına seve seve razı olmuştur.

New in Spanish

El fin la neutralidad de la red y la defensa de un Internet libre

Por Andre Damon, 16 diciembre 2017

La decisión el jueves del Gobierno estadounidense de poner fin a la neutralidad de la red tiene como fin imponer un régimen estatal y corporativo que controle a qué pueden y no pueden acceder las personas en línea.

El uno por ciento más rico del mundo captura el doble del ingreso de la mitad más pobre

Por Niles Niemuth, 16 diciembre 2017

El primer Reporte de la Desigualdad Mundial publicado por el economista Thomas Piketty y sus colegas documenta el aumento en la desigualdad global de los ingresos y la riqueza desde 1980.

Pentágono dice que hubo una confrontación con aviones de guerra rusos sobre Siria

Por Bill Van Auken, 16 diciembre 2017

El más reciente reporte de un enfrentamiento entre aeronaves estadounidenses y rusas se hizo en la espera de que Washington anuncie su plan de guerra post Estado Islámico en Siria.

Prominentes empresarios peruanos arrestados en escándalo de soborno de Odebrecht

Por Cesar Uco, 16 diciembre 2017

The Odebrecht scandal has played an increasing role in deepening Peru’s economic and political crises.

“Ola Negra” de ataques neofascistas en Italia

Por Marianne Arens y Peter Schwarz, 16 diciembre 2017

El 9 de diciembre, alrededor de diez mil manifestantes se concentraron en la ciudad de Como en el norte de Italia en repudio de la “ola negra” de ataques neofascistas por todo el país.

Reportero de la ONU informa de pobreza extrema “no vista en el primer mundo” en Alabama

Por Shelley Connor, 16 diciembre 2017

Residentes de la región Cinturón Negro de Alabama están sufriendo en condiciones sociales que se encuentran más a menudo en el África subsahariana y el sudeste de Asia.

La Ley de Seguridad Interior: La clase dirigente se prepara para levantamientos masivos

Por Alex González, 16 diciembre 2017

La Ley de Seguridad Interior está siendo avanzada para reprimir protestas y sentar las bases para una posible intervención militar durante las elecciones presidenciales del próximo año.

New in French

La fin de la neutralité du Net et la lutte pour la défense de l’Internet libre

André Damon, 16 décembre 2017

La décision de jeudi du gouvernement américain de mettre fin à la neutralité d’Internet vise à inaugurer une ère où les entreprises et le gouvernement décident de ce à quoi les gens peuvent et ne peuvent pas accéder en ligne.

La victoire de Wauquiez rapproche Les Républicains d’une alliance avec l’extrême droite

Anthony Torres, 16 décembre 2017

Wauquiez a revendiqué une «droite décomplexée» s’attaquant aux musulmans et aux immigrés et s’appuyant sur l'hostilité au mariage homosexuel.

Italie : la « Vague noire » d’attaques néo-fascistes

Marianne Arens et Peter Schwarz, 16 décembre 2017

Près de 10 000 manifestants ont protesté samedi dernier à Côme, dans le nord de l’Italie, contre la « Vague noire », la montée des attaques néo-fascistes dans tout le pays.

New in German

Das Ende der Netzneutralität und der Kampf zur Verteidigung des freien Internets

Andre Damon, 16. Dezember 2017

Mit der Entscheidung der US-Regierung zur Abschaffung der Netzneutralität beginnt ein neues Zeitalter im Internet. Künftig werden die Konzerne und die Regierung entscheiden, wozu die Bevölkerung Zugang haben wird und wozu nicht.

„World Inequality Report“: Einkommen des reichsten Prozents wächst doppelt so rasch wie das der unteren Hälfte

Niles Niemuth, 16. Dezember 2017

Der „Bericht zur weltweiten Ungleichheit“ von Thomas Piketty und Kollegen dokumentiert den Anstieg der globalen Einkommens- und Reichtums-Ungleichheit seit 1980.

SPD-Führung sondiert offiziell mit der Union

Johannes Stern, 16. Dezember 2017

Parteipräsidium und -vorstand der SPD haben einstimmig beschlossen, im Januar offizielle Sondierungen mit CDU und CSU über die Bildung einer neuen Bundesregierung aufnehmen.

Die Insolvenz von Niki

Peter Schwarz, 16. Dezember 2017

Lufthansa hat das Kaufangebot für die Air-Berlin-Tochter Niki am Mittwoch zurückgezogen. Dadurch verlieren 1000 Beschäftigte ihren Arbeitsplatz.

Vor 30 Jahren: Arbeitskampf in Duisburg-Rheinhausen

Dietmar Henning, 16. Dezember 2017

Der Arbeitskampf um das Krupp-Stahlwerk, der bislang längste in der Nachkriegsgeschichte Deutschlands, enthält wichtige Lehren für Arbeiter in aller Welt.

New in Russian

Патрисия Жуковски (1947-2017)

Фред Мазелис, 15 декабря 2017 г.

Пэт Жуковски была активным членом Рабочей Лиге США в первые годы ее существования, а также женой Марти Жуковски, преданного сторонника Партии Социалистического Равенства.

Российские следователи рассматривают антисемитскую теорию заговора в деле об убийстве царской семьи

Клара Вайс, 15 декабря 2017 г.

Начатое в 2015 году расследование по факту убийства царской семьи в 1918 году советским правительством рассматривает вопрос о том, является ли достоверной фашистская и антисемитская теория заговора, согласно которой казнь была «ритуальным убийством».

Other Languages


Opposition mounts to sexual harassment witch-hunt

16 December 2017

With the initial shock of the campaign beginning to wane, opposition is emerging from some of those targeted, including PBS personality Tavis Smiley.

Earlier Perspectives »

Support the World Socialist Web Site New Year Fund!

We are calling on all our readers to make a large donation to develop and expand the work of the WSWS in the new year.


Jens Stoltenberg and Angelina Jolie call for NATO intervention to promote “gender equality”

By Julie Hyland, 16 December 2017

In a modern day-twist to the “white man’s burden”, NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg and actress Angelina Jolie advocate the fight for “cultural change” and “gender equality” through the barrel of a gun.

The end of net neutrality and the fight to defend the free internet

By Andre Damon, 15 December 2017

World’s richest one percent capture twice as much income growth as the bottom half

By Niles Niemuth, 15 December 2017

PBS cancels “Tavis Smiley” show as sex witch-hunt expands

By Barry Grey, 15 December 2017

Why has Time magazine endorsed the #MeToo “revolution”?

America’s latest “Scarlet Letter” moment

Lessons of the Alabama election

By Patrick Martin, 14 December 2017

Alabama Senate result shows collapse of support for Trump

Six months since the Grenfell Tower fire

By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 14 December 2017

Film Review
“Grenfell changed everything”—Failed by the State: The Struggle in the Shadow of Grenfell

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Mehring Books

WSWS publishes Urdu translation of Trotsky’s Lessons of October

Preface to the Urdu edition of Lessons of October

Socialist Equality Party

Indian Trotskyists hold meeting for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 16 December 2017

The Sriperumbudur public meeting was held despite the illegal attempt by Indian police to disrupt it.

Meeting in Sydney on December 17
100 years on: The significance of the 1917 Russian Revolution for today

Oppose Trudeau and Trump, the Canada-US alliance, and imperialist war!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 4 December 2017

Workers Struggles

Indian state government sacks 500 striking health workers, South Australian cash delivery guards locked out
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

16 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Auto workers struggles

Autopsy report refutes claims young Ford worker was on drugs at time of factory shooting

By Jerry White, 15 December 2017

“Ford and big companies don’t care if you live or not”
Ford workers speak out on Kentucky Truck worker’s death

Amid escalating corruption scandal, top UAW operatives step down

By Shannon Jones, 15 December 2017

More on auto worker struggles »

Book Review

Ron Chernow’s Grant: An able and compelling new biography

By Andre Damon, 15 December 2017

Chernow capably weaves together an account of the life of the Civil War general, president and memoirist.

Arts Review

Mudbound and life in post-World War II Mississippi: Dreaming “in brown”
… and a word on James Franco’s The Disaster Artist

By Joanne Laurier, 15 December 2017

Cancellation of exhibition about Jewish art collector in Germany raises issue of Nazi-confiscated art

By Sibylle Fuchs, 13 December 2017

Art historian Linda Nochlin (1931-2017)

By Clare Hurley and David Walsh, 12 December 2017

Dmitri Hvorostovsky (1962-2017), one of opera’s greatest baritones

The Man Who Invented Christmas: Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol


The roots of intelligence: What the study of whales and dolphins can reveal about the basis of human intelligence

By Philip Guelpa, 12 December 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
December 11-17: White forces capture Rostov

11 December 2017

As forces commanded by the counterrevolutionary General Kaledin occupy Rostov, a major industrial center in southern Russia, conflict continues to rage in the Bolshevik leadership over the question of the Constituent Assembly.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


Patricia Noonan Jukovsky (1947-2017)

By Fred Mazelis, 11 December 2017

Pat Jukovsky was an active member of the US Workers League in its early years, and the wife of Marty Jukovsky, a devoted supporter of the Socialist Equality Party.

Featured Video

Watch: Davino Watson, American Citizen, imprisoned by ICE for 3.5 years

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon workers ask “$100 billion man” Jeff Bezos: where’s my cut?

By our reporters, 9 December 2017

“We’re human beings, not slaves and animals”
UK newspaper exposé details Amazon’s super-exploitation of workforce

Temp work past the age of retirement
Amazon’s CamperForce program exploits elderly workers

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Australia: Socialist Equality Party holds successful meetings on Russian Revolution

By our correspondents, 7 December 2017

Workers and youth discuss the Russian Revolution at SEP meetings

By our reporters, 7 December 2017

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017


IYSSE mounts campaign against university police censorship at University of California, Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 2 December 2017

International Youth and Students for Social Equality launches new website

6 November 2017

The IYSSE’s newly designed website includes an updated Statement of Principles for its US section. We urge all youth and students to join the IYSSE and take up the fight for socialism.