
Facebook's mad men

 Pablo Delcan/The New York Times

With its access to two billion users, Facebook’s advertising algorithm can make or break companies. It can even drive you crazy – as the founders of one successful start-up discovered.

Learning to write code for a robotic Lego cat

The app walks you through a few pre-set robot designs, but you can make and code whatever you like.

Blending the familiar fun of plastic, colourful bricks with a surprisingly complicated robot-building kit and code-writing primer, Lego Boost is part educational tool and part amazingly geeky high-tech toy.

UK inventor James Dyson to launch electric car by 2020

Billionaire inventor James Dyson said he finally had the opportunity to bring all his company's technologies together ...

James Dyson, the billionaire inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner and bladeless fan, is building an electric car that will launch by 2020, the latest firm to challenge traditional carmakers in a burgeoning market.