Blood & Sun is almost done with their 2016 tour.

There are still a few dates to cancel.

We’re asking you to do your part.

If you want to know why it’s important to cancel the rest of Blood & Sun’s tour, and to demand that clubs create policies to refuse to book fascist acts, please read this press release on Luke Tromiczak and Blood & Sun, released earlier today.

Actions you can take

If you live in these areas below (Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit), especially, reach out to these clubs and ask them if they are aware of Blood & Sun’s affiliations. They may not be, so begin polite and respectful, please. Direct them to this post if that would be helpful. If you live in these areas, make sure the clubs know that these events are likely to be shut down by antifa if the clubs don’t do it themselves. That’s the kind of newspaper headline no business owner wants:

“Protesters kick Nazis out of [Name of Club].”

Ticket sales don’t typically go up from there.

If you don’t live in the area, go ahead and call the clubs and ask the same questions. Make it clear that it is unacceptable to book shows with fascists, no matter how much or how little the club is making off of the show.

We are also happy to announce that some clubs have made it clear that they will not now, nor will they ever, host future events by Blood & Sun. Some, however, still need your encouragement, or action.

These are venues that have already canceled upcoming gigs with Blood & Sun:

  • The Cactus Club in Milwaukee, WI, has made it clear that they were unaware of the nature of Blood & Sun’s act, that they have canceled the show, and that they will not book them in the future. This is an excellent start. We ask them to consider making it public and a matter of booking policy that fascist bands may not be booked in their venues.
  • The Beat Kitchen just removed Blood & Sun from the bill. A different National Socialist Black Metal Band called Et Nihil is still on the bill.Give them a call and thank them for removing Blood & Sun, and ask them to remove Et Nihil and to enact a policy against booking fascists, including all NSBM bands.
  • We are now receiving word that the booking agent at The Marble Bar in Detroit, Michigan, has removed Blood & Sun from the bill. Call them and thank them for removing Blood & Sun, and ask them to enact a policy against booking fascists, including all NSBM bands. That event is scheduled for December 18.

Go ahead and call them or email them to thank them for this initial stand, and encourage them to make it a general policy regarding fascist acts. Certainly many of each club’s clientele will feel safer at their venues if they don’t suspect nearby customers of being actual Nazis.

These are venues that have NOT canceled upcoming gigs with Blood & Sun.

He is playing with “King Dude.” Give them a call and ask them if they knew about the act’s fascism, and if they have a policy against booking fascist bands. Ask them if they plan on making one.

  • Oh. We’re all out, having moved all of them into the canceled column. Please call the ones below.

These are the venues that hosted Luke Tromiczak and Blood & Sun previously.

Give them a call and ask them if they knew about the act’s fascism, and if they have a policy against booking fascist bands. Ask them if they plan on making one.

The following dates he played with “King Dude”:

3 thoughts on “Steps you can take to cancel Nazi Blood & Sun Shows

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