July 10th: Day of Solidarity With Injured Antifa in Sacramento

combatantsOn June 26th, over 500 anti-fascists ran Nazis the fuck out of Sacramento, preventing a rally and show of force at the state capitol by the Traditional Workers Party, the Golden State Skinheads and other assorted fascists (from Blood and Honor and Red Ice Creations).

Nine anti-fascists were seriously injured in the chaos of the day and needed to be hospitalized. According to the fundraising website, all nine have been released from the hospital as of yesterday, July 4th, although their recovery process is not yet finished:

So it has been an exciting couple of days. All Antifa folks are out of the hospital and recovering. Many have a long road to being fully healed. We want to give a shout out to our medics who saved people’s lives on the 26th, without you all at least 2 people would have died.

Many of the folks who were injured spent a significant amount of time in the hospital and many had to undergo surgery. The bills for their treatment at the hospital and continued medical care are going to be very expensive.

A day of solidarity has been called by west coast comrades for July 10th to show support for the injured Antifas, but also to help continue the work they were willing to risk their lives for.

This is a call for a day of solidarity with all those who put their lives and bodies on the line to confront white supremacists in the streets of Sacramento on the 26th. Solidarity means many things, and can articulate itself in many ways. Demos, attacks, letter writings, benefits for medical fee, banner drops and more are welcome on this day. Just make sure to securely take photos or write reportbacks and post them itsgoingdown.org, anarchistnews.org or your local anarchist news source.

It’s Going Down has compiled a list of things you can do to help, as well as posters and images you can distribute in person or on social media:

Donate to the Medical Fund:
If you can, please donate to the bail and medical fund. Anything helps and you can also share the link on social media. Go there at: https://rally.org/June26th

Throw a Benefit:
Several groups are already planning benefit events in several locations. Host an event, discussion, or party to raise funds. ‘Welcome to Leith’ is now on NetFlix if you are looking for an excellent film to show. We also recommend getting in contact with a local anti-fascist speaker or holding a discussion about how these struggles are linked to what is happening in your area.

Drop a Banner or Hold a Rally:
Drop a banner in a public place, take a picture, and send in report to itsgoingdown.org. Hold a rally or demonstration, hand out flyers and talk with people about how what happened in Sacramento was a victory against fascism and white supremacy and why we should support the people that were injured fighting. These acts of solidarity with help build people’s spirits and show that our struggles are connected.

Send a Card of Support:
Want to send a message to anti-fascists who are dealing with injuries? You can send messages of support to:
Sacramento Prisoner Support
PO Box 163126
Sacramento, CA 95816

Take Action Against Fascism In Your Area:
Organize, confront, and combat fascism and white nationalism in your area. Let us build from this mobilization and sweep the fascists off the streets. ¡No pasarán!

Print out and Put Up Solidarity Posters:
Download posters here and place them around where you live, work, or go to school. Take pictures and send them to itsgoingdown.org.

If you are in NYC, come out to the Solidarity Dance Party on Saturday July 9th at the Silent Barn!




Posted in Uncategorized

Call for the 2nd Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, July 25, 2016

In the year since the first July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners in 2015, there has been a disturbing increase of Far Right activity worldwide. Every day brings news of some new wave of reaction—in the name of nationalism and security—which demonizes refugees and immigrants, stokes hatred for Muslims, and attacks LGBTQ and other oppressed groups fighting for their liberation and their very lives.

We see Nigel Farage and UKIP in the UK, the Burmese magazine The Irrawaddy, the Front National in France, and Donald Trump in the U.S. all making the same racist claims about refugees using almost identical Far Right language. In response, anti-fascists from Poland, Thailand, Malaysia, England, Australia, Brazil, Burma, Greece, France, Sweden, the United States, and all points in between, have the same response to this bigoted garbage:


Antifascists are on the front lines in the fight against these fascist and other Far Right nationalist nightmares. In the U.S. we have already seen a large increase in antifa arrests at increasingly confrontational demonstrations against KKK and similar rallies. Internationally, there has also been an increase in street confrontations, and unfortunately this means more repression by the State. We will not allow our comrades—surrounded by steel cages and concrete walls—to be forgotten.

The July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as the Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. In 2015, we expanded our solidarity efforts to include all antifascist prisoners across the globe. There were a variety of actions around the world: groups held benefit concerts, movie nights, talks, raffles, banner drops, letter-writings, and literature distribution on the street and at a punk festival. Others did photo-ops and videos, and issued statements of solidarity.

We call on anti-fascists worldwide to act in solidarity with antifascist prisoners! Consider having an event or dedicating an action to them. They are in there for us, and we are out here for them!

No Pasaran!
Until All Are Free!


TRANSLATIONS OF THE CALL AVAILABLE IN SPANISH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, FRENCH, BAHASA INDONESIA, GREEK, FINNISH, JAPANESE,  TAGALOG, SWEDISH, and DUTCH (Español, русский, français, Deutsche, Bahasa Indonesia, ελληνικά, suomalainen, 日本語, Tagalog, Svenska,
and Nederlands)

Below is a list of global antifascist prisoners. Please contact us: if you know an antifa prisoner who is missing form the list (include their details, and what languages they can read); if you can help translate the call; or if you are planning an event that, so that we can help publicize it: nycantifascistaction@gmail.com.

Note that there is a separate call for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist and Antifascist Prisoners, from July 1-10, 2016. It doesn’t matter if you want to participate in one or both calls, as long as you show your solidarity!

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««««««Global List of Antifascist Prisoners»»»»»»
(list will be updated shortly; check back soon!)
Continue reading

Posted in Call To Action, Events, July25, Territories | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

New Clément Méric Film on 3rd Anniversary of His Murder by Fascists

On June 5, 2013, antifascist activist Clément Méric was murdered in Paris by skinheads associated with a Third Positionist fascist group. (For background on this, see here.)

The media collective Left Report and the North-East Antifascists Berlin have produced a new, 30 minute documentary called Une vie de lutte (The Fight Goes On), which is subtitled in English. It documents the antifacist struggle in recent years in France, the death of Méric, and how the political landscape has swung to the right with the electoral successes of the far right Front National.

You can find further information about the movie on: http://uneviedelutte.blogsport.eu

Additionally, the filmmakers have also asked for help funding a new project:

“We’re currently planning to produce another antifascist movie about the political events in France, e.g. about the new powerful social movement Nuit Debout, which fights against neoliberal labor market reforms and questions the whole capitalist and political system in between, the continuing rise of the Front National and the swing to the right in the parliament and society, the militarization of the public sphere after the Paris attacks from January and November 2015 and the precarious situation of the migrants and refugees.”

They are calling for donations, and have only raised about half their goal. A donation link is available here: www.leetchi.com/c/projekt-von-left-report.

There is also a short donation appeal video (subtitled in English):

Posted in France, Paris | Tagged , , , , ,

Oi Fest and the Santos Party House of Lies

The sudden closing of Santos Party House immediately after it hosted the second day of the pro-Nazi, “Rock Against Communism” 2016 Oi Fest has been the focus of a media onslaught. Santos manager Sean Kane told DNAinfo that, in principle he was fine with having pro-Nazi bands play there, although in this case he was unaware of their affiliations: “I do tons of parties here…. I don’t sit here and do a background check on people. I don’t know what these peoples’ religious beliefs are or what their affiliations are…as long as they don’t display aggression towards people in my venue I’m not going to have an issue here.”

In fact, Kane didn’t need to do a background check, because friends of ours warned Santos about booking the Oi Fest on Sunday, May 19 – twelve days ago. (Santos was warned because it had hosted the Oi Fest’s first day in 2015.)

So what was the response from Santos’s event coordinator Jackalyn Tipchaieuh on May 24? “There is nothing wrong with the events at our venue on May 28th or May 29th.”

It seems that Brooklyn Vegan, Gothamist, Gawker, DNAinfo, Billboard, NME, Vice’s Noisey, and BrooklynPaper – as well an our antifa friends at One People’s Project and Anti-Fascist News – all disagree.

Last, the role of venue finder Curtis Nystrom in booking the Oi Fest both in 2015 and 2016  – and moving it to Santos on the second day – also needs to be explained.

Santos_email.1 Santos_email,asa

Posted in Culture, Music, New York City, United States | Tagged , , , ,

2nd day of pro-Nazi Oi fest at Santos – Shut It Down!

The second day of the pro-Nazi, “Rock Against Communism” Oi Fest will be held at Santos Party House — where it was also held last year.


[Update: the next day, Santos announced they closed their doors for good. Manager Sean Kane has refused to apologize for booking the show.]

We recommend writing a review on Facebook of the venue, calling them out for repeatedly hosting fascist bands. Santos is co-owned by Andrew WK, so feel free to contact him, too!

ANDREW WK on Twitter:

Chip Su: 212-584-5492, booking@santospartyhouse.com
Bryan: bryan@santospartyhouse.com.
Jackalyn Tipchaieuh: live@santospartyhouse.com (out of the office but send her an email anyway!)
also: info@santospartyhouse.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SantosPartyHaus
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/santospartyhouse
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/santospartyhaus

Videos from Saturday’s sets show the bands wearing Nazi skinhead t-shirts and playing Nazi skinhead songs, while the fans are sieg heiling. In the past, racist and antisemitic political groups have also tabled the Oi Fest and related RAC shows.

Make it clear that we will launch a citywide boycott of Santos if the Oi Fest is held there!

Posted in Call To Action, Music, New York City | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Shut Down the pro-Nazi, RAC “Oi Fest” tonight at the Black Bear!

UPDATE: After outcry against them, Black Bear cancelled the second day of the festival. More on that later.

Another pro-Nazi, Rock Against Communism “Oi Fest” is being held this weekend in New York City. The first show is today, Saturday May 28, at the Black Bear, located on 70 N. 6th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This is the second time this year that the Black Bear has hosted a fascist-linked show.

Call, tweet, Facebook, Instagram, and leave Yelp reviews for the Black Bear and tell them to cancel the show tonight, and what you think of them booking pro-Nazi bands.

Phone: (917) 538-8399

“Rock Against Communism” (RAC) was a name invented by Nazi skinheads in the 1980s to make themselves sound less like, well, Nazis. Today the new RAC scene has become multi-racial, but the bands play the old Nazi songs, sieg heil at shows, play Blood and Honor concerts, welcome patched-in Nazi skinhead gang members at their shows, and have racist political groups table at their concerts.

For background on the RAC Oi Fest, see here, here, and here.

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

600 Thousand Euros from the European Parliament to Roberto Fiore’s neo-Nazis

Roberto Fiore

Roberto Fiore

600 Thousand Euros from the European Parliament to Roberto Fiore’s neo-Nazis

The pan-European party, whose president is the leader of the Italian far-right party Forza nuova (The New Power) and whose members are Holocaust deniers and white supremacists, is on the list of those that will be generously supported by Brussels.

by Letizia Pascale
(Translated from Italian by Berni Consuelo Cannuscio and Daniel Armenti)

[Note: Fiore was a key figure in spreading the Italian “Third Position” doctrine to Britain in the 1980s, first influencing the National Front, and then the American Front, White Aryan Resistance, and ultimately National Anarchism.]

Brussels – In 2016, the European Parliament will provide almost 600 thousand euros in funding to a pan-European party of fascists, neo-Nazis, and Holocaust deniers founded by Roberto Fiore as well as the foundation affiliated with it. This information comes from official documents relating to the contributions that the European Parliament allocates each year to political parties and foundations that operate at the European level. According to documents dated January 2016, € 197,625 will go to the German foundation Europa Terra Nostra, which is linked to the European party Alliance for Peace and Freedom (AFP). That party will receive € 400 thousand in funding that is usually allocated to European parties. In total, the party will therefore receive almost € 600 thousand. The decision was made by the Bureau, which is the highest administrative decision-making body in the Parliament, composed of President Martin Schulz, 14 vice presidents (including Italians Antonio Tajani and David Sassoli) and five commissioners. However, Sassoli backed off after Eunews released the information and, after voting in favor of the budget, he has since re-analyzed the issue and is now calling for an audit of the procedures that led to these decisions.

If the the name of the party “Alleanza per la pace e la democrazia” (Alliance for Peace and Democracy) leaves space for ambiguity, the figures leading it give no room for doubt. The president of the group is Roberto Fiore, well known in Italy as the founder of Forza Nuova, sentenced in 1985 by the Italian magistrate to nine years in prison for participation in an armed group in association with the NAR (Nuclei armati rivoluzionari – Armed Revolutionary Nuclei). The secretary general of the party is the Swede Stefan Jacobsson, leader of the now-defunct Swedish Neo-Nazi party and a long-time militant of the white supremacist movement. Other members of the AFP include the Belgian Hervé Van Laethem, condemned more than once by Belgian courts for racism and a proud supporter of freedom of expression for Holocaust denial; exponents of the Greek neo-Nazi party, Alba Dorata (Golden Dawn), three members of which have seats in the European Parliament; and members of the National Democratic Party of Germany, also neo-Nazi—five governors of German states have recently decided to petition the German Constitutional Court to outlaw it.

To these individuals, the European Parliament will provide a total of approximately € 600 thousand—a surprising decision, given that the regulations on the matter of EU funding for European parties stipulate that any party that receiving funding must respect the principles of “liberty, democracy, respect of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the state of law.” These safeguards have also been reinforced by the regulations approved by Brussels in 2014 that specifically address the criteria for funding political parties and foundations. Among other things, these new rules, which will come into force by January 2017, include as a prerequisite “respect for European values” as ratified by Article 2 of the Agreements—values that are quite different from those that motivate Roberto Fiore and company. According to its press service, “The European Parliament verifies that the party or the foundation which receives funding respects European values.” It confirms that, “there is nothing which is against Europe, liberty, or democracy” on the AFP’s website. And that seems to be all there is to it: the statement tersely indicated that, “We cannot be required to evaluate the statements of individual members of a party”.

Nonetheless, it is possible for the deputies to block this decision. A quarter of them, representing at least three parliamentary groups, can ask that funding undergo an applicability check to verify whether the party or foundation that receives it still respects the founding principles of the European Union on the subjects of democracy, respect of human rights, and fundamental freedoms.

Posted in Italy

Thurs, Apr 14 – Trump on LI, Vigil for Marcelo Lucero

A framed image of Marcelo Lucero at a 2009 vigil in Patchogue a year after his murder.

A framed image of Marcelo Lucero at a 2009 vigil in Patchogue a year after his murder.

Eight years ago Marcelo Lucero, an Ecuadorean immigrant, was brutally murdered by seven teenagers on Railroad Avenue in Patchogue, Long Island. The case drew national headlines at the time not because it was an isolated incident but because it seemed like the peak after a build up of anti-immigrant sentiment during the Steve Levy’s term as County Executive.

Just last week, the Suffolk County Republicans invited Donald Trump to speak at their fundraiser this Thursday, April 14, at the Emporium in Patchogue — on the same block that Marcelo Lucero was stabbed to death. The family has requested that the event be canceled out of respect for Marcelo. Joselo Lucero (Marcelo’s brother), who became an activist after the death of his brother, said that the anti-immigrant rhetoric of politicians like Steve Levy led to his bother’s death. For Trump — an icon who has inspired hate crimes and bold racism from the country’s right wing — to speak at the same location as his brother’s death is a slap in the face.

“This is personal,” Joselo Lucero said. “You know, this is not a reality show where you can say something and you can get away with that…. Every dollar he’s going to collect on Thursday is going to have blood. If he uses this money for his campaign, he’s going to have blood in his hands.”

As expected, Long Island Republican’s have no empathy or respect for the Lucero family, or Long Island’s immigrant community at large. Suffolk Republican Chairman John Jay LaValle has confirmed that the fundraiser will go on, denied any correlation between anti-immigrant sentiment and having Trump as a speaker, and instead blamed immigrants for “opening old wounds.”

The family and supporters will hold a vigil on Thursday starting at 4pm, which is the time of day that Marcelo Lucero was attacked, until 6pm, when Trump is scheduled to leave the fundraiser via helicopter for his NYC appearance.

Vigil for Marcelo Lucero
Thursday, April 14, 2016

4PM to 6PM
95 Railroad Avenue, Patchogue, NY (Corner of Railroad Avenue and Sephton Street

Also, call the Emporium (631) 627-8787 and let them know your thoughts on hosting a racist on the same block an immigrant was murdered.

Posted in Call To Action, New York state | Tagged , , ,

Women and Queer convergence called against Trump in Manhattan



On Thursday, April 14th Donald Trump, will attend Manhattan’s GOP gala. Jon Kasich and Ted Cruz, who was not well received in the Bronx, will also be in attendance.  One counter protest group has 4,500 interested, and there’s at least one call for a more militant, Women and Queer-fronted contingent.

From Stay WoQ’s Facebook page:

We are calling a Women and Queers (WoQ) convergenance to
#CrushTrump and #StayWoQ

Say no to Trump, to Clinton and to racism, sexism and homophobia in our movement!

Thursday April 14th, 5:00pm
Rally on the steps of the NYPL
455 5th Ave


The 2016 Republican Primary has become a platform for extreme bigotry and hatred. Since he entered the race, Donald Trump has used this platform to advocate violent misogyny, racism, homophobia, and ableism. He has verbally attacked women and supported patriarchal austerity such as defunding planned parenthood. He has supported state violence against black people and encouraged his supporters to assault black protesters at his events. He has called for a ban on Muslims entering the US and the deportation of all undocumented immigrants. Trump and his supporters live in fear of losing the social benefits they expect from whiteness, masculinity or ‘entrepreneurship,’ AKA getting over by exploiting others. To them, these things made America “great,” while women, queers and people of color are ruining it. If we want to survive, Trump and his supporters must be fought. And the fight is already beginning.

On March 19th, after mass protests took place in Chicago, St Louis, and Kansas City, the anti-Trump movement came to New York. Hundreds of communists, socialists, and liberals came together against a common enemy. Yet despite violent misogyny being a staple of the Trump campaign, many liberal men involved protest seemed more interested in parroting his misogyny than fighting it. Slogans like “Trump sits down to pee” and “Trump is a c****” were common, and women protesters were sexually harassed by men.

But our counterattack on Trump can’t be reduced into a campaign for Hillary. Clinton actively bullied rape victims to keep them quiet, who expanded wars that have caused the death and displacement of millions, who endorsed welfare reform that demonized women of color and pushed most working class women and the majority of children in the USA into poverty. We will never back a candidate who supported coups that have lead to murders of activists like Berta Caceras, and whose feminism is about empowering rich white women while undocumented women are deported and locked away in detention camps. Clinton fronts like a feminist fighting for “working mothers,” but the reality is that most women and queer people still work the least glamorous jobs for lower wages than men, or for no wages at all. Even liberal queer organizations, like HRC, tell us that Hillary called Nancy Reagan a “low-key advocate” who “started a national conversation about HIV/AIDS” when in reality Nancy Reagan ignored and mocked tens of thousands of queer people dying of what was then known as “the gay plague.”

Women and queer people, especially people of color, are the most affected by the social and economic crisis that created the Trump candidacy, and we have the most to lose if Trump gains power. We can’t afford to be ignored by the Democrats, or harassed by sexist and heteronormative activists. We refuse to run and hide from bigots and misogynists, and we dont get fooled by liberals. Instead, we fight back. We stay woke.


This space will respect a diversity of tactics. We will not aid the police by physically preventing protesters from taking actions they deem necessary, collaborating with politicians or police, publicly denouncing protesters for engaging in self-defense or property damage. We will avoid posting potentially incriminating photos or video.

Be sure to also check out It’s Going Down’s essays about organizing against Trump and his supporters.

Posted in Call To Action, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , ,

Protest Trump on Long Island & NYC – April 6th & 14th

9599_1691109527774780_7089893108126193482_nLONG ISLAND:
Weds, April 6, 4:30 PM
Bethpage, NY

Thursday, April 14, 5:30 PM
New York State Republican Gala
Grand Hyatt Hotel,

109 East 42nd Street (at
Grand Central Terminal)

We have listened for long enough. Now it is time to come together on Long Island against hate. It is time to stand on the shoulders of those who built our communities, and come together as Long Islanders and say, “Mr. Trump – you do not speak for us; you do not represent us and we will not let your bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, racism and hatred go unanswered anymore.”

Since June, we have listened to Donald Trump attack women, Mexicans, Muslims, the disabled, and anyone who didnt support Making America Hate Again. We have listened to Mr. Trump encourage his supporters to “knock the hell” out of protestors offering to pay their legal fees and suggest that he’d like to “punch (a protestor) in the face.” We have listened to him disparage his fellow republican candidates, denigrate the democratic candidates, belittle the press and deprecate all who disagree with him.

On this day we will come together, and say no to his thirst for hatred and violence.

for more, see —
Long Island:
New York City: https://www.facebook.com/events/1195942747097385/

Posted in Call To Action, Events, New York City, New York state | Tagged ,