From Conflict MN

From Contra Info

Just as rush hour began on the 25th of July, a banner was dropped over a highway in Minneapolis, MN that was painted with the words “LOVE ANTIFA HATE COPS”.

This action was taken in solidarity with the 2nd annual international day of solidarity with antifascist prisoners.

As the Republican National Convention concludes in Cleveland, the anti-fascist task has never seemed so dire. While so many across the United States search desperately for an electoral solution to present itself, it is clear that one can’t vote against fascism, it must be fought and defeated.

Neither fascism nor democracy.


It's Going Down
It’s Going Down is a network of friends and comrades across so-called North America who have come together to produce a revolutionary anarchist, anti-fascist, and autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial media platform. We seek to provide news and analysis of when it goes down: riots, strikes, sabotage, occupations, expropriations, rebellion, revolt, and insurrection. Whether together or alone – we support liberatory revolt.