Why Is SoundCloud Supporting White Nationalist Podcasts?

In a recent episode of Fash the Nation, the most popular podcast on the Right Stuff Alt Right podcast network, hosts Jazz Hands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram joked with glee that their podcast had hit #1 on SoundCloud.  Though this may be shocking, it is actually only the top spot among conservative political podcasts, though this is still a frightening development.  Podcasting has been a central tool of Alt Right white nationalism, with early adopters like Richard Spencer of Radix Journal really making it a key point of outreach.  The model was further popularized by The Right Stuff, who took an “Opie and Anthony” styled talk show format with Alt Right themes, complete with their own Chan type jargon and aggressive use of racial slurs and incendiary rhetoric.

In recent months the content has been made obvious on many platforms, with the Radix Journal podcast and Red Ice Radio being dropped from iTunes and the Daily Shoah being let loose from SoundCloud.  This shuddering, however, seems to be short lived as the growing Right Stuff podcast network, of which the Daily Shoah is the flagship, has made SoundCloud a key broadcasting and outreach platform.

The Daily Shoah itself has found a way to get back onto SoundCloud by going under their radar, being aware that their name is likely what brought attention on them in the first place.  There are multiple streams and accounts at play for the various Right Stuff podcasts, including shows like the Weekly Narrative and the Darwin Digest.  The Daily Shoah is now included in their complete stream, just called TRS Radio, and streamed with the name “TDS” and then the episode number.  This is essentially a way to trick SoundCloud into allowing them to broadcast even though they have been banned.


Following the Right Stuff’s example, other fascist organizations are using SoundCloud to start their podcast outreach.  Nathan Damigo and Identity Europa are now broadcasting under the name On the Front, while there are also accounts for white supremacist troll Weev, the Radix Journal, the New Alternative Right, Red Ice Radio, Radio ThreeFourtheen, and many others.

SoundCloud has already shown that they are not going to tolerate openly racist podcasting on their platform, so it begs the question as to why it is continuing.  The primary reason is that the issue itself just has not been raised.  What this means is that anti-racists internationally need to contact them and let them know exactly what is going on here and what podcasts are broadcasting a message of hate.

Below we are including the contact information to report these podcasts to SoundCloud, as well as a list of open white nationalist Alt Right podcasts that are using SoundCloud to extend their reach of violence.  Write and call in and let them know that you do not support these voices of racial nationalism and reactionary force on SoundCloud!

Alt Right Podcasts

  • Fash the Nation
  • Radio ThreeFourteen
  • Radix Journal Podcast
  • Red Ice Radio
  • The Weekly Narrative
  • Radio Free Skyrim
  • TRS Radio
  • The New Alternative Right
  • WhiteHotTakes
  • The WaifView
  • One the Front
  • The Nation of One
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Rick Tyler for Congress
  • Kulturkampf
  • The Dingoes
  • NPI America
  • NewEuropeRadio
  • The Fatherland
  • Musonius Rufus
  • Nationalist Public Radio
  • RightOn Radio
  • Stefan Molyneaux


Contact SoundCloud to report the podcasts at: http://policyandsafety.help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/2155752-reporting-content

Here you can report the above podcasts for hate speech, which all of them openly violate.  TRS Radio especially violates this as they are broadcasting a podcast that was already banned explicitly.






11 thoughts on “Why Is SoundCloud Supporting White Nationalist Podcasts?”

    1. Why? Hillary never should have said the phrase alt right. Before then they were just trolls online, and that’s all they are still. But bringing them up at all has every redneck where I live looking up all their websites, and Alex Jones has more subscribers.
      I don’t see how making martyrs, which will have them pretending they’re victims, it’s a great idea.
      I looked at their shows, only about 10,000 listeners. There are youtubers getting millions of regular subscribers and all they do is show how to put on make up.


    1. First of all, the assumption you are making is that fascist is the same thing as authoritarianism, which it is not. Fascism is a politic of inequality and racial nationalism, among other things, where political authoritarianism was a feature in some cases. Fascism is actually much broader than that specific point.

      Second, we are actually rabidly pro-free speech and would argue against state intervention into speech, which is exactly what free speech means. It doesn’t mean, however, that they have to be offered a platform or that they are free from community pressure. This is the community coming together and showing that they do not want this speech in platforms they use.


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