MRA Roosh V Wants To Legalize Rape To Teach Women A Lesson

His little rapist pipedream will never come to actual fruition, but it highlights the pure contempt with which MRAs view women.
Publish date:
February 19, 2015
rape, rape culture, sexual assault, pickup artists, pua, MRA

Remember Roosh V? Maybe you don't, but he's like HPV in that he's here for life, he causes recurrent painful warts, and he increases society's risk of cancer. He might describe himself as a men's rights activist, but he's also a pickup artist, and like most PUAs and MRAs, his approach to women is hateful, misogynistic, and generally awful, as evidenced by his latest suggestion for the betterment of society: Legalizing rape on private property.

Not public property, mind. Just private property. Because that way, women will learn to protect their virtue like "she protects her purse and smartphone," and yes, that is a direct quote. He also specifically advocates for the "violent taking" of women, a term that makes me shudder for its misogynistic overtones and the implication that rape must always be explicitly violent to count as rape.

He's part of a growing movement that's calling itself the Redpill Right, after Neo's decision to take the red pill, enter the rabbit hole, and find out what's really happening around him. They believe that society is rife with Marxist indoctrination and that social justice movements are just massive, multilayered conspiracies, and they're everywhere.

If you're a woman with any degree of prominence, they're probably in your Twitter mentions and email inbox. If you're a website that covers social justice, they're in your sitelogs and at least some of your hacking attempts originate from their IPs. And their self-published books -- like Roosh's -- abound, providing tips on everything from "banging" women of various nationalities to getting rich on Bitcoins.

This noted misogynist even attracted the attention of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which pointed to him in 2012 as one among a number of examples of people and websites promoting hatred against women. In the introduction, SPLC staffers wrote that: "The so-called 'manosphere' is peopled with hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general."

In short, Roosh V is a real charmer, and his proposal for legalizing rape fits in pretty neatly with Redpill Right beliefs that women falsely report rape and lie about the circumstances of sexual assault.

In his diatribe against rape reporters, he claims that: "I saw women who, once feeling awkward, sad, or guilty for a sexual encounter they didn’t fully remember, call upon an authority figure to resolve the problem by locking up her previous night’s lover in prison or ejecting him from school."

He plays upon the familiar and dismissive "date rape" meme, suggesting that women who report sexual assault in situations where they were incapacitated by drugs or alcohol are just feeling "regretful." As opposed to, say, violated by the fact that they were not able to consent to sexual activity.

Like his other Redpillers, he believes that society has taught "women not to care about being raped, not to protect themselves from easily preventable acts, and not to take responsibility for their actions."

Of course, rape isn't at all traumatic and an experience women would fervently rather avoid. Plus, as we all know, reporting rape is extremely easy and it comes with no social consequences -- it's as simple as strolling into a police department and filling out a quick form. And women are the ones responsible for preventing it, because if they didn't want to be raped, maybe they should try harder -- rapists shouldn't be forced to stop and reconsider whether someone is really capable of informed and enthusiastic consent.

His argument trots out the usual, right down to the comparing women's bodies to articles of personal property that should be secured like so much baggage, but he takes it a step further.

You see, if rape was legal, then men could "take" women, and then women would learn a lesson about better protecting themselves -- because the takeaway experience from rape is definitely that you should have done a better job when it came to preventing it.

Oh, wait, that's what slut shaming and rape culture want you to think the takeaway from rape is all about. The takeaway from rape should be that you were violated, that it is not your fault, that the person who raped you was responsible, and that you are entitled to whatever level of social and legal support you need and want. Even promoting the idea that raping women to teach them a lesson is a good plan is hateful, and it perpetuates rape culture, further shaming women who have experienced rape and sexual assault.

His little rapist pipedream will never come to actual fruition, but it highlights the pure contempt with which MRAs view women.

It goes without saying, I hope, that this is a heinous idea and that Roosh V is a terrible person, which is something we knew already. But it also highlights another thing: We need to talk openly not just about how many MRAs like Roosh promote rape and violence against women, but how many of them may be rapists themselves.

This isn't just a hypothetical discussion about the consequences of MRA rhetoric, but about the very real revelations buried in the way they talk about women. He, and others like him, firmly and genuinely believe that women should be sexually available to them at all times.

A woman is not an iPhone -- and, incidentally, Roosh, the "taking" of iPhones on private property isn't legal, yet most people take reasonable precautions all on their own to protect themselves from theft. An iPhone is a piece of inanimate movable property, not a human being.

Roosh's numerous texts on how to "have sex with" women of various nationalities have been condemned roundly by women in their native nations, some of whom note that the language used is suggestive of rape.

He and other MRAs promote the use of deception and other underhanded tactics to force women to sleep with them -- which is rape -- and to degrade the women they sexually assault so they're too ashamed to report it. The proposal that men rape women to teach them something is perhaps only a logical extension of how they think about women.

If you have experienced rape or sexual assault and you need someone to talk to, contact RAINN or your local rape crisis center. You are not alone.