New York City Antifa


Antifascist research and action in the five boroughs.

New York City
Liittynyt maaliskuu 2014


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  1. Kiinnitetty twiitti
    29. lokakuuta

    Last 3major white nationalist events 8/12 Cville: murder 10/19 Gainesville: attempted murder 10/28 Shelbyville: interracial couple assaulted

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  2. 8 tuntia sitten

    Our October coverage ends w/ the fash getting run the fuck out of Murfreesboro, TN after an earlier rally in Shelbyville was overwhelmed by antifascists. Not content w/ the lunch provided, TWP went on to assault an interracial couple at a local diner.

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  3. 8 tuntia sitten
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  4. 9 tuntia sitten

    Dick Spencer and the same 12 fash who follow him around did not have a good time in Florida. Of course, wherever Dick goes, murder follows. 3 fascist scumbags were arrested for shooting at protesters.

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  5. 9 tuntia sitten

    The fash returned to the hellmouth that is Lee Park in Charlottesville for a 10-minute photo op before running away. Antifascists immediately mobilized because fuck fascism.

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  6. 9 tuntia sitten

    Late edition of the highlights October! Pictured here: a motley assortment of the comeuppance dealt to various bigots throughout the month.

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  7. uudelleentwiittasi

    alleged rapist / backseat jerkoff artist mike cernovich is being owned harder than anyone I have ever seen in his AMA

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  8. uudelleentwiittasi
    15 tuntia sitten

    People with have built a new plugin that allows you to more easily report neo-Nazi and white supremacist videos on which has become a major platform for the far-Right.

  9. 18 tuntia sitten

    Thought Weird Mike would have “won” by a landslide. 🤷‍♀️ They’re all losers in the end anyways.

  10. uudelleentwiittasi
    22. joulukuuta
  11. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    From ’s verdict report: "A juror smoking a cigarette outside told the medics that he believed they should have been applauded rather than prosecuted for their role in the protest march.”

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  12. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    Crowd cheers as Confederate statues are removed from Memphis parks

  13. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta
  14. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    Let us take this chance to remind y'all that we can't count on the courts, cops, or state to keep us safe. We gotta do the work of community defense ourselves. Else we witness farces such as this.

  15. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    PRESS RELEASE - DC Jury Acquits Six Inauguration Day Defendants on All Counts, Rejecting Government’s attempt to Criminalize Dissent -- Supporters call for dismissal of charges against 188 remaining Inauguration Day defendants awaiting trial

  16. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    Congratulations to the first round of defendants. As a movement we supported and stood by each other. Today is a victory but many more still face trumped up charges. The fight continues, but for now, blast some 2Pac out the window and smoke if ya got em!

  17. 21. joulukuuta

    Not Guilty trending over Mamma Mia 2... guess “The Winner Takes it All.”

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  18. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    In clergy said we saved lives, while in Congress the FBI says we threaten them. 2017 has been a turbulent year, but together, we're building a movement that can weather the storm.

  19. uudelleentwiittasi
    21. joulukuuta

    We interviewed Steve, one of the jurors from the : "While there was a great deal of careful discussion among the jurors, it ultimately at no point was ... did it seem even possible that a guilty verdict would come down."

  20. 21. joulukuuta

    “Somehow, beat them charge like Rocky. Not guilty, y’all got to feel me”

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  21. 21. joulukuuta

    While we should all absolutely celebrate this victory, we also must absolutely continue to support the rest of the 180+ defendants who are still facing charges in the coming year.

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