European Trade Union Institute, ETUI.



Agnieszka Piasna 12/2017

This new Working Paper offers a detailed look at the quality of jobs held by European workers, and shows what aspects of work improved or deteriorated over the last decade.


Edited by Bart Vanhercke, Sebastiano Sabato and Denis Bouget  12/2017

The 18th edition of Social policy in the European Union: state of play reports on recent European Union (EU) and national social policymaking, with contributions from leading scholars pointing at attempts to move out of the multiple crises hitting the European Union since 2008.


Zane Rasnača (ETUI) and Sotiria Theodoropoulou (ETUI) 11/2017

This policy brief looks at the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) and assesses its capacity to strengthen the social dimension of the E(M)U.


Stan De Spiegelaere (ETUI) and Agnieszka Piasna (ETUI)  11/2017

This guide maps the discussion on working time reduction by examining the recent trends, the different reasons for implementing such a reduction, and the ways in which it can be organised. Illustrated with numerous real-life examples and insights from research, this guide is a valuable resource for anybody wishing to know more about the working time reduction debate.


Carola Fischbach-Pyttel 11/2017

The European Federation of Public Service Unions will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2018. It is better known as ‘EPSU’ (the ‘European Public Services Union’), a change of name made in November 2015 that represents both the organisation’s mission statement and a key future ambition. This book retraces the development of EPSU, beginning with its early days as the European Public Services Committee (EPSC).


Philippe Pochet 11/2017

Although there is little argument about the fact that climate change and the digitalisation of the economy are the two main trends that will matter most over the coming decades, to date they have predominantly been considered separately rather than together.


Contributors : Béla Galgóczi, Aline Hoffmann, Maria Jepsen, Torsten Müller, Martin Myant, Agnies... 11/2017

This timely new publication revisits the Social Scoreboard published by the European Commission (EC) on the 26th of April 2017.


Edited by Béla Galgóczi (ETUI) and Jan Drahokoupil (ETUI) 10/2017

This book focuses on the economic factors which have impacted on the low-wage economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), over the past twenty years. In this period CEE economies were mostly driven by low-wage based foreign direct investment (FDI).


Zane Rasnača 10/2017

This working paper explores whether or not the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), an initiative that has been called ‘the last chance for social Europe’, will succeed in filling in the gaps when it comes to making social policy at the EU level. More specifically, it assesses the EPSR’s potential impact on the policy-making process at the EU level.


Edited by Jan Drahokoupil 08/2017

Chinese investment in Europe

China’s global outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has increased substantially over the last decade, with Europe as a key destination. The upsurge in Chinese outward FDI indicates a rebalancing of global political-economic relations, with China and its companies acquiring new roles and gaining economic power. Bringing together research on the rise of Chinese multinational companies and their activities in Europe, this book focuse...


Two narratives, one future

18 December 2017

In a recent Foresight Brief, ETUI General Director Philippe Pochet attempts to draw together the narratives of two major trends which will determine what the future will look like in the coming decades: climate change and the digitalisation of the economy. They have both been subject to separate analyses, but so far there does not seem to have been any unified approach to reconciling these two ‘alternative futures’.


Collective Bargaining November 2017

8 December 2017

Find below the highlights of the November issue of the Collective Bargaining newsletter with the most important developments at European and member state level over the past month:


A combined approach needed at EU level to address the problem of contingent work

8 December 2017

The growth of atypical work across the European Union is the research subject of many studies, but only a few analyse the issue of the decline of the standard employment relationship from the point of view of core and contingent work. This core/contingent perspective was the guiding theme of the 2014 edition of the Pontignano International Labour Law Seminar and later became the subject of the book "Core and Contingent Work", presented at an ETUI lunch debate on 1 December.


Using the EMU to make the most out of the Social Pillar

5 December 2017

The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), proclaimed on 17 November in Gothenburg, was put forward by the EU institutions with the objective of rebalancing the economic and social dimensions of the EU. However, the EPSR is a soft law instrument and might not be sufficiently strong to ensure actual implementation of its principles.


New issue of Transfer: internationalisation and trade union power

4 December 2017

Most of the articles featured in the 2017 ‘open issue’ of Transfer, the European Review of Labour and Research, analyse the challenges that workers are facing in different European countries due to the internationalisation of work practices and regulations, as well as the ways in which trade unions mobilise local and international resources to address these challenges.


Belgian political parties favour co-determination of employees in company boards

1 December 2017

Two weeks ago, the Flemish Green party of Belgium (Groen) approved a text calling for, among other things, employee representatives in company boards. The approval is mostly symbolic as the Green party has no detailed plan of how this form of co-determination should be organized. The congress text mentions the need for employee representatives to sit in company boards in order to foster the democracy and participation in organizations and as a means to support constructive relations between employers and employees on strategic company issues.


The European Pillar of Social Rights: a fresh chance to rebalance the social and economic dimensions of European integration?

23 November 2017

On 8 November, the ETUI hosted a monthly forum to present the recent and timely work done by the institute’s own researchers on the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). It is the second event in a series of activities by the ETUI that reflect on the nature of the EPSR, particularly in terms of its content and impact on labour and social rights.


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Publication of the month

  • The why and how of working time reduction

    This guide maps the discussion on working time reduction by examining the recent trends, the different reasons for implementing such a reduction, and the ways in which it can be organised. Illustrated with numerous real-life examples and insights from research, this guide is a valuable resource for anybody wishing to know more about the working time reduction debate. Read more


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About ETUI

The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation. The ETUI places its expertise – acquired in particular in the context of its links with universities, academic and expert networks – in the service of workers’ interests at European level and of the strengthening of the social dimension of the European Union. Read more
