Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Western Australia


In August, thousands of people took to the streets to protest the unjust verdict handed down to the killer of indigenous teenager Elijah Doughty. …


Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) workers who work on Australia’s giant gas, oil and mining projects commonly refer to the four weeks on, one week off, roster …


Support has risen around Australia for the racist right-wing party One Nation. One Nation pose as an anti-establishment party, and they attract a protest …


The Barnett led Liberal Party were pummelled at the recent Western Australian state election, suffering a massive 16% swing against them. The results of …


In mid-December, coroner Ros Fogliani handed down her findings of the inquest into the death in custody of the 22-year-old Yamatji woman Ms Dhu. …


In late August a 14-year-old indigenous boy called Elijah Doughty was killed when the motorbike he was riding was struck from behind by a …


A mosque and Islamic college in the south eastern suburbs of Perth were targeted in a religiously motivated attack in late June. A car …


The Barnett government in Western Australia delivered its budget last month. A deficit of $3.9 billion is forecast by the end of the year. …


By Mick Suter Outside the inquest into the death of the young aboriginal women Ms Dhu, Aunty Carol Roe told The Socialist “My granddaughter …


May Day saw significant mobilisations around Indigenous rights in many Australian cities. The International Day of Action Against the Forced Closures of Aboriginal Communities …


Over 700 protesters, mainly from the Aboriginal communities, marched on the West Australian Parliament in late March to protest against the planned closure of …


March 19 saw protests in dozens of cities and towns across Australia. People came out to oppose the Western Australian Liberal Government’s plans to …


Late last year the Barnett Liberal government in Western Australia said that up to 150 out of 274 remote Aboriginal communities might need to …


Julieka Dhu, a young aboriginal woman, was arrested on August 2 in South Headland for owing unpaid fines of about $1,000. In police custody …


The Western Australian Liberal government’s controversial shark cull program has been scrapped amidst mass opposition. The state’s Environmental Protection Authority has advised against extending …


The Western Australian state government are planning to privatise 60% of Disability Service Commission (DSC) Group Homes and early childhood intervention services. If allowed …


Iron ore dominates the Western Australian mining landscape in the Pilbara region. With the recent decline in iron ore prices the profit margins of …


Back in October 2008, 117 construction workers at Woodside Petroleum’s LNG expansion project in the Pilbara took strike action. In September 2013 the Federal …