Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Middle East


The arrest of 16 year-old Ahed Tamimi and her 21 year old cousin Nur Tamimi following a confrontation with an Israeli soldier has caught …


Donald Trump’s cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase on 6 April, during a round of “beautiful chocolate cake” with China’s Xi Jinping, marks …


US President Donald Trump’s decision to launch missile attacks against the Shayrat air base, in Syria, ratcheted up the long running conflict in Syria …


Next month will mark the second anniversary of US-led “Operation Inherent Resolve” against ISIS/Daesh in Iraq and Syria. US President Barack Obama recently boasted …


We republish this editorial from the newspaper of our sister party in England & Wales. Fight for a party that stands against war and …


“The rule of the right-wing is in danger. Arab voters are heading to the polling stations en masse. Left-wing NGOs are bringing them in …


In mid September Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced that 600 military personnel would be deployed to Iraq to fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly …


Mass action needed to stop bloodshed Whole families burnt alive. Parents with children. Shajaiya neighbourhood in Gaza is complete rubble. Over 1,100 Palestinians’ lives …


Netanyahu’s Israeli government has launched a horrific onslaught of hundreds of air strikes on the densely populated Gaza strip. Over 100 Gazans have been …


Escalating sectarian conflict threatens to draw in surrounding countries At the time of Bush and Blair’s catastrophic and criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003, …


The butcher of Sabra and Shatila has died. Ariel Sharon, once known as the “Father of Israeli settlements”, died after eight years in a …


What should be the attitude of the socialist left? By Goncalo Romeiro, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Portugal) Despite the retreat of the threat of …


Editorial comment from the Socialist Party (England & Wales) Via social media, smart phones and traditional news channels a flood of bloody images, footage …


Urgent need for independent working class socialist organisations The capturing of the strategically important city of Qusair by pro-government forces, including Hezbollah and Iraqi …


Following an appeal from advocates of an academic boycott on Israel, physicist Stephen Hawking recently turned down an invitation to speak at a conference …


The Israeli government has declared that its shocking and brutal assault on the Gaza strip, ‘Operation Pillar of Defence’, will be a “widespread campaign” …


The recent surge in so-called “green on blue” attacks has again brought into question Australia’s involvement in the Afghanistan war and occupation. In particular …


Protests sparked by an anti-Islam movie trailer made in the US have spilled over into more than 20 countries across the world. Areas affected …