
Free Emin Şakir!

Emin Şakir, an anti-racist activist and member of the Revolutionary Socialist Workers Party (DSİP) in Turkey, has been arrested after a…

Catalonia and the National Question

By John Molyneux There have been those like the present writer, and People Before Profit , who have given full support…

Behind the Ryanair cancellations

By Brid Smith, People Before Profit TD. Evan Cullen, President of the Irish Airline Pilots Association (IALPA) was to address the…


The North

Stop Benefit Cuts – Oppose Universal Credit

Stop Benefit Cuts – Oppose Universal Credit

By Shaun Harkin  Universal Credit replaces different benefits but will mean a reduction in what many people can receive. People moving onto Universal Credit are being left without…

People Power can win Equality

People Power can win Equality

Pic: Michelle O’Neill and Arlene Foster By Shaun Harkin In the absence of a functioning Stormont Executive, James Brokenshire, the Tory Northern Ireland Secretary of State, legislated for…

Stop the Health Cuts, End Austerity

Stop the Health Cuts, End Austerity

pic: Royal Victoria Hospital ; Belfast Health Trust set to make £26.3 million  savings out of £70 million cuts in the North No functioning Executive means unelected civil servants…

No Rotten deals with the DUP

No Rotten deals with the DUP

The recent DUP decision to vote with Corbyn’s Labour opposition in the House of Commons against the Tories to end the pay cap for NHS workers and to…

Did You Know?

Getting it in Proportion

Numbers in billions are hard to get your head round. Socialist Worker makes some comparisons:  €1.6 billion –…

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Housing and homelessness – the bitter truth

The reason is very simple. It is that the Fine Gael Government is ideologically committed to a market based, capitalist solution to the crisis…

What is happening in Venezuela ?

What is happening in Venezuela ?

  The Maduro Government in Venezuela is facing a developing right wing coup. Socialists are completely opposed to these reactionaries, but the bitter truth…






Left Unity