About GGGI

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies.

Our Vision:

A resilient world of strong, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

Our Mission:

A global transition toward a model of green growth. While this will be differentiated at the country level, at its core will be strategies that simultaneously achieve poverty reduction, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.

Our Strategy:

Working across the thematic priorities of sustainable energy, green cities, sustainable landscapes, and water & sanitation, GGGI aims to deliver impact through six strategic outcomes:

  1. GHG emission reduction
  2. Creation of green jobs
  3. Increased access to sustainable services, such as, clean affordable energy, sustainable public transport, improved sanitation, and sustainable waste management
  4. Improved air quality
  5. Adequate supply of ecosystem services
  6. Enhanced adaptation to climate change

Our six strategic outcomes will be achieved through our activities that:

  1. Strengthen national, sub-national, local green growth planning, financing, and institutional frameworks
  2. Increase green investment flows
  3. Improve multi-directional knowledge sharing and learning between South-South and South-North-South countries

GGGI’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020 sets the strategic framework for the organization to support partner countries transition toward a green growth model and serves as a statement of intent to GGGI stakeholders. To learn more, click on the link below.

Our Core Values:

GGGI’s five core values provide the guiding framework for the way we work. We will continually engage our people to uphold our values, in order to embed an organizational culture that is innovative, collaborative and focused on delivering results against our mission as “ONE GGGI”.

GGGI’s Core Values

Our Governing Bodies:

GGGI’s objectives and activities in support of developing countries and emerging economies are detailed in the Establishment Agreement ratified by Member countries in 2012. Membership to GGGI is open to any member state of the United Nations that subscribes to the organizations goals and objectives. Regional integration organizations are also eligible for GGGI membership. GGGI’s governance structure, as outlined in the Agreement, includes an Assembly, a Council, and the Institute.

The Assembly, composed of all GGGI members, meets every year and advises on the overall direction of GGGI and reviews the organization’s progress in meeting its stated objectives. The Assembly also elects Council members, appoints a Director-General, and reviews the organization’s progress in meeting its stated objectives. The Council serves as the executive organ of GGGI and thus approves the organization’s strategy, budget, admission of new members, and criteria for green growth planning and implementation programs. The Institute is headed by the Director-General, who represents GGGI externally and provides strategic leadership for the organization to carry out its objectives.

Key Reference Documents:

Agreement on the Establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute

Headquarters Agreement Between the Global Green Growth Institute and the Government of the Republic of Korea

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly

Rules of Procedure of the Council