
The unemployed in the popular uprising of December, 2001: Report from Greater Buenos Aires

This moving account reveals some prominent facts behind the scenes of the December 2001 uprising in Argentina. Cacho's account reveals the political ideas and tactics of the unemployed, who throughout the 90s had managed to obtain public attention and increasing legitimacy in demanding government assistance by disrupting automobile traffic on highways across the entire territory. The piqueteros - the common label of various similar organizations - had coordinated their actions, not just among themselves, but also with the more traditional leftist movements, unions, and political parties.

The battle of Athens: When WWII veterans took up arms against a corrupt local government in Tennessee

Aftermath of the riot

In 1946 a non-partisan political option made of WWII veterans applied to the local elections in McMinn County, Tennessee. When they realized that the elections were being rigged, they took up arms and decided to defend their rights without relying on the State.

The Mau Mau uprising, 1952-1956

Mau Mau fighters, 1954

A short overview of the Mau Mau rebellion against the British Empire in Kenya, which was brutally suppressed by the colonial administration.

1883- The Timok Rebellion

A history of the uprising of Peasant communes in Eastern Serbia after the King tried to seize their weapons.

Germany, September Crisis 1848

Brief sketching of the developing revolution within the German states, particularly Frankfurt and Berlin.

March Revolution - Rolf Weber

Rolf Weber briefly sketches out the events of the March revolution, the opening period of revolt in 1848 that affected most German speaking states including the capital of the Hapsburg Empire Vienna.

The 14 October 1973 Thai uprising

Street battle during the uprising

A short overview of the successful uprising in Thailand following a wave of wildcat strikes which toppled the military dictatorship and forced the introduction of democratic elections.

Instructions for an armed uprising - Louis August Blanqui

A manual for armed insurrection, written by Louis-August Blanqui in 1868.

Dormant Seeds of 1848- John Hewetson

John Hewetson's analysis of the important lessons of the uprisings that threatened the rulers of Europe in 1848.

From A Hundred Years of Revolution: 1848 And After, edited by George Woodcock (Porcupine Press, London, 1948)

1848 The Year of Revolutions- George Woodcock

George Woodcock charts the events of the revolutionary wave that swept Europe in 1848. Assessing their political characters, their accomplishments and defeats.