Spanish resistance

New Trends Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 1945)

The Vol. 1, No. 1 (September 1945) issue of New Trends, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from September 1945 until August 1946.

A grassroot CNT militant remembers: The oral memoirs of Luis Parés Adán

CNT militants in Barcelona (they are on the back of a truck, next to a field gun

Luis Parés Adán's account of the Spanish revolution, defeat and the post-war resistance from the perective of a grassroots militant in the anarchist union CNT.

Sabate: guerrilla extraordinary - Antonio Tellez

Sabate cover illustration by Clifford Harper

Fantastic and detailed biography of legendary anti-Franco guerrilla, Francisco Sabate Llopart. Written by Antonio Tellez and translated by Stuart Christie, this book recounts the life, actions and death of the longest-surviving underground resistance fighter.

Why We Fight II: Anarchism vs. Fascism

With recent tragic event bringing the threat of fascist ideas and organizations into front view, we look back on anarchism as a direct challenge to these ideas.

Review: La Nueve: 24 August 1944. The Spanish Republicans who liberated Paris - Evelyn Mesquida

Review from the Kate Sharpley Library of a book devoted to the involvement of one group of Spanish exiles in the second world war.

Unknown heroes: biographies of anarchist resistance fighters - Miguel Garcia

A set of short biographies of anarchists who fought in the guerrilla resistance against General Franco's military dictatorship in the wake of the Spanish Civil War.

The anarchist resistance to Franco: biographical notes - Antonio Tellez

Sabate in the Pyrenees, false colour

A great collection of short biographies and photographs of people who fought in the underground resistance to General Franco's military dictatorship.

“Castro turned his back on anti-Francoists”: interview with Octavio Alberola - Aitor Azurki

An interview with ‘Interior Defence’ (D.I.) organiser Octavio Alberola in Basque journal Argia by Aitor Azurki, translated by Paul Sharkey, where he talks about how the Cuban communist leaders turned their backs on the Spanish resistance and maintained good relations with right-wing dictator General Franco.

The plot to assassinate Franco from the air, 1948 - Antonio Tellez

The incredible story of the ultimately unsuccessful attempt by Spanish anarchists to assassinate military dictator General Franco from the air in 1948.

Martín Bellido, Antonio, 1938-2014

Antonio Martín Bellido at l'Escorial de Madrid (July 1963)

A short obituary and biography of anarchist and anti-Franco urban guerrilla Antonio Martin Bellido, who sadly died at 5.00 am yesterday, 17 August , by his friend and comrade Stuart Christie.